A Rival?

The A l m i g h t y can be BEATEN?!


"Today's the day we meet our new music teacher!" sang Taemin as he walked into the classroom.

"Why are you so excited?" chuckled Onew.

"Because you-know-who might have some competition," winked Taemin and giggled.

Key glared over at him.

"You-know-who?" asked Simone, confused.

Jonghyun swatted the issue away, "It's nothing important."

"By the way, where's Minyoung noona and Yebin noona?" spoke up Minho.

Everybody shrugged in response.

'If they're together, Yebin better not say anything!' thought Key angrily.


When Minyoung had entered the school building, the principal had asked her if she could bring a pile of files to her homeroom teacher.

She agreed and was walking down the hall holding the tall pile when the wind blew in and knocked some of the papers to the ground.

Minyoung blew her bangs in agitation.

She was about to set the pile down to pick up the fallen papers when a hand appeared, holding all the fallen papers.

Minyoung looked up and was surprised.

"Here you go," chuckled the person and placed the papers back onto the pile.

"Thank you," bowed Minyoung slightly.

"No problem." The stranger smiled, revealing his angelic feature and walked away.

Minyoung continued down the hall and entered her  classroom.

"Whoa, Minyoung! That's a lot of stuff you're carrying! Here, let me help you." Jonghyun immediately sprang up out of his seat and went over to take the load out of Minyoung's hands.

"Thanks," breathed Minyoung and smiled in relief.

Key's face reddened the moment he saw Minyoung's face.

Just then, Yebin rushed into the room as the bell rang.

"You're just in time, Yebin," grinned Onew.

Yebin tiredly sat down in her chair.

"Why were you almost late?" asked Simone.

"I had to do some research on the new teacher," smirked Yebin.

"Oh yeah!" Taemin grinned and high-fived Yebin.

Minho shook his head.


The music room was fill with excited whispers as the special A class waited for the new music teacher to arrive.

The door finally opened and a tall, gorgeous-looking man in his mid-twenties entered the room.

The girls swooned at his charming smile while some guys gave him the jealous look.

"Hi, everyone. My name is Kim Jaejoong and I'll be your music teacher for this year. I graduated from Juliard and have been on the stage more than two hundred times. If you have any questions, feel free to ask," he introduced himself with a grin.

The class applauded and soon, they got down to work.

There were mini keyboards in front of each student and Mr. Kim began to go around, checking each students' ability to play them.

When he reached Minyoung, his eyes twinkled with recognition.

"I'm glad to see you in my class, Miss Jeon." He gave her a wink before walking away.

Minyoung blushed and looked down at the keyboard.

Jonghyun had watched this scene and quickly looked over at Key.

Key seemed about ready to explode.

'Either he's really mad that there's a new rival and he won't win his title back easily, or he's extremely jealous... Or possibly both,' thought Jonghyun.

Mr. Kim reached Key and looked down at his clipboard.

"I see that you're the best in this school in terms of playing the piano," he continued to scan Key's achievements, "Pretty impressive."

Key just gave him a cold stare.

Mr. Kim noticed this and cleared his throat, "Um, would you like to show me what you've got?"

"Gladly," answered Key and stood up from his seat.

The class watched with anticipation as he walked over to the grand piano in the front of the room and sat down.

Key stretched his fingers out before looking straight at Minyoung.

He began to play the familiar melody Minyoung had heard when she saw him in this exact room a week before.

The beautiful music was accompanied by Key's sweet vocals.

The whole time, Key's eyes never left Minyoung.

Minyoung could feel her face turning redder and redder as Key's gaze drew on.

Finally, the piece ended and the whole class applauded Key's outstanding performance.

Mr. Kim nodded his head thoughtfully before jotting something down on his clipboard.

"Wow, Key hyung! I never knew you could perform so well! Even better than when you're alone!" grinned Taemin.

"Yeah," agreed Onew, "When were you so awesome?"

Key smirked as he sat back down in his seat, "You guys haven't seen anything yet."

Jonghyun chuckled, "I think I did a pretty good job of writing the lyrics."

"I'll give you that," smiled Key.

'I hope Minyoung noticed my sincer–I mean, effort.'

He glanced over at Minyoung, only for his smile to disappear.

Yebin was pointing at the teacher while whispering in Minyoung's ear, and Minyoung was smiling, glancing over at Mr. Kim.

Key clenched his fists.


Sorry for the late update!! A lot happened over the last month... haha;;

Hope you enjoy this chappie!! :D









P o s t e d : 11. 03. 13

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Chapter 20: It's nice hope u update somemore
calendaroflove #2
i like it!
Hohoho Minyoung already falling for Key or what? >XD kekeke
yayy! i finally caught up. hehhe
LOL . I have a feeling MinYoung will lose in this competition of love ;) LOL.
vikKiBeoMin #6
yeeehaaa~ just tell what u feel with each other!aiigooo~so cute!<br />
<br />
update soon!
finally, he took jonghyuns advice!!<br />
lol....soo cute/adorable/undefinable!!<br />
lol...update soon please
Nichichan #8
you better not be giving up!! >3< both you and key!!
ugh exams<br />
T-T<br />
i hate all the work that Bosc is giving us despite the exams<br />
stupid him<br />
ooooooh LeFante<br />
we should go X33<br />
uh oh what if Key takes her there O.o<br />
that would be bad for his "smoothness" haha<br />
can't wait to read more<br />
off to..."study" haha<br />