Archery Time

The A l m i g h t y can be BEATEN?!

It was physical fitness time as all the students were filed outside in rows, each doing archery.

Key strung the arrow onto the bow and lifted it up in the perfect position.

He slowly pulled the string back with ease and grace then let go, sending the arrow flying perfectly and hit the bull’s eye.


Other classmates clapped and cheered, engulfed in Key’s perfectness.

“That was awesome, oppa!” squealed some girls.

“You go, bro! The Almighty! Yeah!” cheered some guys.

Key smiled with satisfaction and shot all his arrows on bull’s eye, not even missing once.

The crowd cheered some more when it suddenly got all quiet.

Key looked over to where everybody was staring at in curiosity.

Minyoung had strung her bow and shot all her arrows on bull’s eye effortlessly - but each arrow went IN to each other!

Key glared at her as she picked up her bow and headed somewhere else.

Jonghyun whistled, “That girl is amazing.”

Onew nodded his head in agreement as he watched Minyoung pack up then leave the field.

Minho, who was just silently watching the whole time, finally said something, “...She might beat Key hyung and become our school’s new number one.”

“Agreed!” chirped Taemin.

Key gave the boys a death glare and went to pack up and leave also.


It was only lunchtime but everybody at school were already talking about the new five-star girl student.

“I heard that she might be able to beat Key sunbaenim(senior/senpai)!” said a girl.

“Oh no! She might crush our handsome sunbaenim’s pride!” exclaimed her friend dramatically.

“Do you think she’s hot?” a guy asked another guy.

“Heck, yeah! Did you not see her?! She is fine~!” answered the other guy enthusiastically.

Key’s ears kept twitching, hearing all these conversations.

Everything was agitating him today.


Everything that had to do with that stupid new girl!

Minbi or Minchung or whatever her name was!

She might be able to take his place as number one. Grr her!

No, the Almighty will NEVER be beaten!

He won’t stand this nonsense!

If she wants to overrule him, then bring it on!

Key smirked and confidently walked on.


Minyoung was blankly staring at the school yard, sitting on the ground when she felt another presence sit next to her.

She turned her head and saw Onew staring at the school yard, too.

He looked at her and smiled, “Hey, Minyoung.”

Minyoung just turned her gaze back to the yard.

“What’s so interesting about our school yard?” asked Onew.

“...It makes you think.” answered Minyoung.

Onew slowly nodded his head, “Ah, I see... You know, everybody’s talking about you at school. They think you might be able to beat the unbeatable Key.”

There was silence.

“What do you think about that?” He continued.

Minyoung shrugged, “I’m not interested in becoming the new number one at this school.”

With that said, she stood up, dusted her uniform, and walked back into the school building.

Onew chuckled and stood up also, making his way towards a group of guys chatting near the entrance of school.

“What did she say, hyung?” asked Taemin when Onew reached them.

“She said she’s not interested in becoming the new number one at our school,” answered Onew.

“Well, Key won’t believe any of that,” scoffed Jonghyun.

“Yeah... He’s so stubborn,” added Minho and shook his head.

“What’s gonna happen now?” asked Taemin.

The three other boys shrugged and the group headed back into the school building.


So here's a chappie update! ;]

Minyoung's talent is being exposed~ kkkk

P o s t e d : 10. 12. 12

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Chapter 20: It's nice hope u update somemore
calendaroflove #2
i like it!
Hohoho Minyoung already falling for Key or what? >XD kekeke
yayy! i finally caught up. hehhe
LOL . I have a feeling MinYoung will lose in this competition of love ;) LOL.
vikKiBeoMin #6
yeeehaaa~ just tell what u feel with each other!aiigooo~so cute!<br />
<br />
update soon!
finally, he took jonghyuns advice!!<br />
lol....soo cute/adorable/undefinable!!<br />
lol...update soon please
Nichichan #8
you better not be giving up!! >3< both you and key!!
ugh exams<br />
T-T<br />
i hate all the work that Bosc is giving us despite the exams<br />
stupid him<br />
ooooooh LeFante<br />
we should go X33<br />
uh oh what if Key takes her there O.o<br />
that would be bad for his "smoothness" haha<br />
can't wait to read more<br />
off to..."study" haha<br />