The Can

The A l m i g h t y can be BEATEN?!

“AISH!!” cried Key as he kicked an empty soda can that was lying on the school grounds randomly.

The can flew out of the school gates and smacked a near passerby on the head.

“Ow!” yelped the unlucky victim.

Key kept walking around silently cursing in his head, oblivious to what had just happened.

“Hey, you!” called a voice from the gates.

Key looked up and saw a boy who looked about fourteen years old.

“What?!” growled Key angrily.

“Did YOU kick this can?” asked the boy as he held up a soda can.

“Yeah, so?”

“You’re supposed to apologize! Do you have any manners?! And you look older than me too!”

“Shut up before I beat your sorry !” yelled Key then walked away, leaving the boy yelling at him behind.

Key sighed as he lay down on the ground with his hands behind his head.

His anger had cooled down now.

‘I can’t believe she actually beat me!!... What to do now... What to do...’ He thought as he drifted off to sleep.


The school bell rang, indicating that the day was over.

Minyoung packed up and left the school building, heading to her house.

“Noona! Noona!” shouted a voice from behind.

Minyoung turned around to see a boy running up to her.

“Yah, Jeon Jiwhan. What’s up with all this running?” She asked as the boy neared her and stopped, huffing and puffing, to catch his breath.

“I wanted to walk home with you!” grinned Jihwan.

Minyoung chuckled at her little brother’s cuteness and ruffled his hair. She suddenly stopped and froze when she felt a bump on his head.

“Did you bump your head?”

“Hmm? Oh, that? This stupid crazy guy kicked a can and it hit me on the head!” scowled Jihwan.

“Omona, really?”

“Yeah! And he wouldn’t apologize either! Oh! Oh! He goes to your school, Noona! I know because he was inside of your school gates! Stupid jerk!”

Minyoung eyed Jihwan suspiciously, “You didn’t happen to be skipping, were you?”

“Uh, heh-heh, no?” answered Jihwan timidly.

“Yah! What did I tell you about skipping! You got hit by a can as a punishment!”

“Ah, Noona! I’m sorry! I won’t do it again!”

Minyoung grinned, “Good. So, no skipping from now on. Understood?”

Jihwan sadly nodded his head.


“Where the hell is Key?!” Onew was getting worried.

School was already over but Key was still nowhere to be seen!

He hadn’t come back after the cake incident.

The boys looked around everywhere in the building when Taemin suddenly came, shouting, “Hyung! Hyung! I found him! I found him!”

Everybody rushed after Taemin and saw Key lying on the ground with his eyes closed in the back of the school yard.

Onew scoffed, “So he was HERE the whole time?”

“I guess so,” shrugged Taemin.

Minho went to Key and gently shook him, “Key hyung. Wake up.”

However, Key wouldn’t wake up.

“Is he not waking up?” asked Taemin as Minho nodded.

Taemin went towards Key and shook him violently, “Hyung-ah! Wake up!”

Key still wouldn’t budge.

“Is Key okay? Did he faint or something? Do we have to take him to the hospital?” said Onew.

“Omo! The ALMIGHTY has to go to the hospital?! The Almighty NEVER goes to the hospital! His reputation will be ruined!” cried Jonghyun.

Right when he said that, Key woke up immediately.

“I knew that would work.” smirked Jonghyun.

Minho rolled his eyes, “Let’s go, guys.”

Onew and Taemin helped Key up and the five boys finally walked off their school campus.



I wonder if you guys know the new character x3 kekekeke~

Wowies~!! :DD

I got comments!! Yippee~!! lol xD

Thanx 4 all the wonderful comments <3 !

WC (Wonderful Commenters):





P o s t e d : 10. 12. 16

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Chapter 20: It's nice hope u update somemore
calendaroflove #2
i like it!
Hohoho Minyoung already falling for Key or what? >XD kekeke
yayy! i finally caught up. hehhe
LOL . I have a feeling MinYoung will lose in this competition of love ;) LOL.
vikKiBeoMin #6
yeeehaaa~ just tell what u feel with each other!aiigooo~so cute!<br />
<br />
update soon!
finally, he took jonghyuns advice!!<br />
lol....soo cute/adorable/undefinable!!<br />
lol...update soon please
Nichichan #8
you better not be giving up!! >3< both you and key!!
ugh exams<br />
T-T<br />
i hate all the work that Bosc is giving us despite the exams<br />
stupid him<br />
ooooooh LeFante<br />
we should go X33<br />
uh oh what if Key takes her there O.o<br />
that would be bad for his "smoothness" haha<br />
can't wait to read more<br />
off to..."study" haha<br />