
The Vanity Code

To say that having her sleeping under the same roof with me was incredible would be an understatement.

And also, I learned something about Kim Jisoo--even she has her breaking point.

I had always wondered how she managed to keep calm. Her cool and collected attitude displayed an aura of control and I don't remember ever seeing her losing it like that. She must be really stressed....

Speaking of stress, I don't know what came over me last night when I gave her my prized apples. But I was kind of desperate--those purple marks marring her face were no joke.

The last thing I wanted was some kind of office abuse rumours to add to my long list of accusations.

More importantly, there was the Ball and her modelling gigs to think of. Of course she had forgotten the Ball--she hasn't changed much, no matter if she says otherwise. The old Jisoo also had a habit of forgetting important social events, because she wasn't really interested in mingling.

So much unlike me... I snatched up such opportunities to make contacts, for future purposes.

She took the apple and ate it, although I could tell it was killing her. Well, the taste isn't for everybody. I like to think you'd have to acquire a taste for it.

To my annoyance, she wasn't in the house when I woke up and went to check on her. Instead, I found a missed call and a text on my phone.

Thanks for letting me stay over. I'll meet you tonight :-)

Just like that, short and....dry.

That woman.

She just twirls me round her thumb tighter and tighter every day huh?

I have a feeling tonight will be significant. I should make the first move.

Last night, I was aware of her uneven breathing and how she jumped on contact when our hands brushed. It pleased me that I still have this effect on her, just as much as she affects me.

It means I'm not the only one with a weakness here. It evens the playing field.

Yes, I have come to think of her as my weakness. There's no shame in that.

The sooner you admit something troubles you, the sooner you can calmly come up with a plan to neutralise the said weakness until they won't tear at your rationality anymore.

And then you achieve peace.

A state of tranquility.

My mistake was not admitting that sooner. I lost precious time arguing with myself.

Then one day I was talking to you, face to face like this, and it hit me.

Maybe I have been waiting for her after all. These past years, maybe I had been anticipating her to show up. The rose's thorn digging into my side.

Maybe I had been dreading her coming but now that she is finally here, I am ready. I have come this far and I will not fall to her.

I am the fairest of them all, and I will make sure Kim Jisoo understands exactly what that entails.



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