Chapter 9

Dream Being In Full Bloom


It was late afternoon when you finally arrived in Beijing. You stretched and took your luggage before finding a cab to get to your hotel.

As you arrived you paid the driver and went into the hotel where you got the key to your room.

Like the room you had in Shanghai this was also very simple yet elegant. The walls where a light gray-ish and the furniture were of a bit darker wood but it still didn’t make the room dark. This room also had a master bed situated in one end of the room.

You placed your luggage in the corner before you decided to take a quick shower and change clothes before going out to find someplace to get something to eat.


After you had eaten some dinner you walked a little around before you returned to the hotel to turn in for the night.

As you turned of the light and the room became dark you laid in the bed staring at the ceiling. Why couldn’t you get Wei Chen out of your head? You had already decided not to contact him so why?

You sighed and your side finding your iPod and turned it on listening to a few songs before you could feel your eyelids getting heavier and you put your iPod away and closed your eyes finally falling asleep.


The next morning as you woke up and got dressed and ready you thought about where to go first? There was a lot to see in this big city. You flipped through some of the tourist magazines lying in the room before you finally decided on something: the Forbidden City.

You went down and got breakfast before asking one of the staff from the hotel about the way.

As you arrived it was by the southern end: the Meridian Gate. It was incredible large and had two protruding wings.

You looked amazed at it and snapped a few photos of it before making your way through the large gate and towards the Gate of Supreme Harmony.

You found all this history very interesting and though the buildings were old they were still excellent done with lots of small details.

After the Gate of Supreme Harmony, the next building was the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

The Hall had been used for affairs of state during the Ming dynasty but that had changed during the Qing dynasty and where only used for ceremonial purposes.

It was a very large building with lots of gold and dragons.

Afterwards you went back towards the Gate of Supreme Harmony, but instead turned right through a gate and over to the Hall of Military Eminence.

As you finished there you walked back through the gate and over to the other side to see the Hall of Literary Glory and the Southern Three Places before going back to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Going beside the Hall and through a Gate to the old Inner Court you found the Palace of Heavenly Purity. The Hall had first been used as the residence of the Emperor but later served as the Emperors audience hall.

Before ending your tour around the Forbidden City you went to see the Imperial Garden, the Hall of Mental Cultivation and the Palace of Tranquil Longevity.

You then moved towards the Gate of Devine Might, which was smaller than the Meridian Gate, and ended up in Jingshan Park.

Feeling tired and hungry from all that walking you found somewhere to buy some food and went back into the park to sit and relax for a bit before going back to the hotel turning in early. 


A/N: I'm very very sorry for the very long time I haven't updated... >.< I've been a little busy with finishing my school and other things here in life. Also I was a bit stuck in this chapter so I apologizes if it is too boring and I also had to cut it a bit short XD haha I will update as fast as I can but it might first be after this weekend as my parents are having their silver wedding anniversary so I'll be a bit busy >.< 

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Jessiejiu #1
Ohhh!! zui xihuan de geshou, Wei Chen.......hey! why wont you post it on wattpad?...for more reads :D
Chapter 20: Oh my......finally you have complete your fics!
You did it great Amaliya!
Everything just nice and simple.
Congrats~ :)
Chapter 12: Hey, i just saw your update!!!!!!!
Good and i like this chapter! So sweet of him~
Ummm, just a deep kiss isn't really enough for an M rate... but I'm so glad you finally updated!!!
Finally both of them wanted to show their love, i think is fine for this chapter. Glad that both of them are one step close to each other now. :)
Aww...both of them has started to develop their feelings......
Haha I will try update tomorrow after my exam :)
Update!!!! :)
The graphics are pretty cool... the shade of pink is nice.