Chapter 1

My Unscripted Life

Jungkook stares at the circulating fan on the ceiling, with no thoughts, except for the cool air that made the afternoon bearable. It was Sunday, he woke up late and had no plans for the day except to clean his room, which he has done after his mother reminded him countless times before leaving for work. Even though it took an hour to start cleaning, he was able to finish, and now he had nothing to do except lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Something, he does often on the weekends when he has no swim practice or plans and does not feel like playing a video game. He found it relaxing because most of the time, he would just drift off to sleep and wake up in time for dinner.


Jungkook sighs, as the silence and cool air made his eyelid droop with sleep. He hears footsteps and glances at the door that swings open, as his sister, Jennie peers into the room.

“What do you want?”

“Hey, can you do me a favor?” she asks.

“No,” he replies, he knows her favors, she probably wants him to go to the store and buy something for her.

“Come on, you’re not doing anything, I’ll owe you.”

“That’s what you said last week,” he replies, closing his eyes, “I’m sleeping.”

“Jungkook, come on, my friend is coming over in a few minutes,” she says, pleading. Jungkook opens his eyes, turning to her.

“Who?” he asks.

“Can you do me a favor or not?”

“No,” he replies, “I’m not your personal valet, go yourself.”

“Argh! you’re so annoying,” roars Jennie, glaring at him. She slams the door shut, cursing at him. It is a regular routine for Jennie to ask for favors that she usually has no intention of keeping. She is two years older than him, and yet most of the time, people think he is older, maybe it has to do with his height or just maturity level. Either way, Jennie and he had never gotten along, mostly because she has the habit of breaking her promises and going back on her words. Jungkook scoffs, exhaling loudly, he couldn’t help but wonder which one of her friends were coming over. Probably just her annoying cheerleading friends or maybe it was her childhood friend, Jimin.


Not sure how long he has been sleeping, Jungkook opens his eyes, yawning. Body aching from lack of movement, he stretches out his arms, getting off the bed. He strolls to the bathroom, turning on the faucet and splashing cold water on his face. His stomach growls, he glances at his watch, it was already two o’clock in the afternoon.


As he gets down the stairs, heading to the kitchen, he hears distant chatters from the living room. He opens the fridge, taking out a microwavable wrap chicken sandwich, leftover from yesterday’s lunch. He puts the sandwich in a plastic bowl and places inside, reheating it for five minutes.

He decides to go see who is in the living room, probably Jennie and her friends as his older brother, Namjoon was also at work. He takes a bite of his sandwich that was a bit overheated, slightly burning his tongue, he winces, airing it out. He takes a peek inside the living room, coming to a sudden halt, his huge doe eyes widen surprised to see Jimin. Jungkook freezes, not sure of what to say or do, if it was his sister’s annoying cheerleader friends, he would’ve teased them but when it comes to Jimin, he always finds himself loss at words. As his heartbeat increases, he wanted to curl up in a ball and run away but would probably end up looking like a freak.

“Do you want something? Asks Jennie.

“Huh?” says Jungkook, eyes wandering to everything and to nothing, avoiding making eye contact with Jimin. He chuckles, nervously, staring at the sandwich in his hand, “What did you want earlier?”

“What?” asks Jennie, puzzled.

“Did you already go buy whatever you wanted?” he asks.

“Why do you care? You already refused.”

Jungkook glances over at Jimin whose eyes were darting from his books to them, Jungkook smiles, quickly averting his gaze back to his sister, 

“Whatever,” he says, turning around and walking away.


He quickly goes up the stairs, opening the door.

“You’re such an idiot, Jungkook, I can’t believe he saw me so messy,” he says, embarrassed.


Jimin and Jennie have been friends since they were in elementary school, he never really spoke to him aside from casual greetings. Jimin lived four houses down from them, at first, he was not sure why, he was so shy around him, as Jimin has always been an outgoing and kind person since they were little. It wasn’t until they started middle school that Jungkook realized that he had a crush on him, which made turned him into a raging mess, avoiding him altogether, except for days like this. How can he avoid him when he is his sister’s best friend? Having a crush on Jimin is like shopping for Nikes at a Jordan store, impossible and frankly stupid. Someone like Jimin, was out of his league, aside from being out of this world beautiful, he was also a senior. He would never look at like him like that.




Jungkook stares at the red hand on the clock, time going by slow as Mr. James, the chemistry went on and went on with the lesson, that half of the students were toning out. Some zoning out, others chatting with their friends despite the teacher shushing them and some on their phones, secretly texting. Jungkook was among to always space out, toning in every second or so after his fascination with the clock dies out. Chemistry and lunch are the only periods, he did not have his friends, as they had the first lunch break and he has the second lunch.


Only a few minutes remained until the lunch bell dismisses them, Jungkook looks around, his gaze meeting the girl sitting next to him. She adjusts her glasses, smiling at him, he gives her an awkward quick smile before turning back to the front as Mr. James, wraps up the lesson before the bell rings.

And without a moment sooner, the bell rings, and all the students quickly shoved their books in their backpacks, like animals who were finally released from captivity. Jungkook puts his notebook in his backpack, grabbing his snapback and making his way of the class. He wasn’t in a hurry to get to the cafeteria, he was in a rush to get to the library to use the computer, as he never eats at school anyway. He would spend his lunch break in the library, playing Overwatch, his favorite first-person shooter video game and the only game he would go out of his way to play.


Jungkook pushes open the door, walking in, he makes eye contact with the librarian, Mrs. Rose who was familiar with him even though they never spoke aside from greetings. Jungkook makes his way to the back where the computer station was, there were not many people there, just six or seven. He quietly makes his way to the last computer, the usual computer he uses, it was close to the back wall, where the studying section and away from the librarian’s prying eyes. He takes off his backpack, placing it over the chair as he settles down, turning on the computer. The computer loads and goes to a blue screen with the login page, he types in his student ID and password.



Not sure how long he has been playing, Jungkook glances at the time, annoyed that only a few minutes remained until lunch break was over. He sighs, logging out and turning off the computer. He moves the keyboard, noticing a sliver of yellow sticking out from the side underneath the keyboard.

“Hmm?” he says quietly, lifting up the keyboard to see a sticky note underneath the side of the keyboard. He takes it off, staring at it, looking around, puzzled as to why someone would sticky note on the keyboard. He turns the note, realizing something was written on it. He quickly skims its, noticing the music notes.

I countdown to the clock, saw you awake

Don't walk away, or would you wait for me? ♫


“They must be bored,” he mumbles underneath his breath, shaking his head in disbelieve as he slightly lifts the keyboard to put it back. 

He stops halfway, staring at the words, they sounded familiar, he reads it again, for about couple of minutes. He chuckles, remembering, of course, they are the lyrics to his favorite song, Honey by Kehlani. He looks around, checking if someone was looking at him, he quickly reaches into his backpack, pulling out a black pen, deciding to humor whoever the note belonged to. He writes down the two continuing lines from the song, which he knows by heart and doodles the music note on it. He decides to add a small message and places the sticky note back where it was.

He shakes his head, feeling idiotic for engaging, he grabs his backpack as the bell alerting students the end of lunch starts ringing.

  I go out to the bar, hangin' with the stars
Don't even have a car, but you would wait for me. ♫

Ps: You have good taste in music. 😊

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I'm sorry for not being able to update. I have decided from now on, I will properly update every Wednesday. So don't give up on me okay. lol. thank you for reading.


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Sorry, I haven't updated because I kind of forgot my password but I found it now lol...
Kim_Suki #2
Chapter 16: Hopefully this secret won’t cause problems between the siblings. I hope Jiminie is the one secretly writing JK.
Chapter 15: Oh dearrrr it’s ok JK don’t regretti the spaghetti
Kim_Suki #4
Chapter 15: That was hot. Sorry Kookie got in trouble, but he at least had fun.
Chapter 13: Go go JUNGKOOK (ง'̀-'́)ง
Kim_Suki #6
Chapter 13: Yeah!!
Chapter 12: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhuhuhuhuhu yassss
Chapter 12: Ahhhh I need another chapter!! This is so interesting >.<
I hope after their kiss, jimin brave enough to acknowledge his feeling and not say 'heat in the moment' or blame the drinks. Go JIMIN!!!
Kim_Suki #9
Chapter 12: Go Jimin!!