
Sweet Charm
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After the sudden outburst, Nahyun couldn't help but laugh in her spot seeing the young girl just run away in tears that were probably fake.

The table was silent.

No one said a word.

Minhyuk stayed staring at his food before pushing it away. He lost his appetite.

Changkyun and Kihyun exchanged looks not saying anything as they chewed on their food slowly.

Hyungwon made eye contact with Wonho, who said nothing but he couldn't believe what his girlfriend just did. She humiliated a girl because of something that happened a long time ago.

"Was that really necessary?" Shownu spoke first making eye contact with the only girl at the table. "She did nothing but let us eat our food and now I can't even finish my meal after the stunt you pulled."

Nahyun gawked at his response before looking around the table. No one said anything and no one wanted to make eye contact with her. Especially her boyfriend. "Oh please, you can't honestly believe her? Those tears in her eyes-"

"Are real?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Jooheon standing behind the chair that Jiho had been sitting.

"What the hell did you say to her Nahyun?"

Her bottom lip quivered not because of the fear, but because she was running out of excuses to back her up. "It's not my fault she can't handle the truth."

"The truth?" Jooheon pulled out the chair that was between Shownu and Minhyuk. He glared at the girl and he didn't care if they got along a before. He was tired of seeing Jiho, his cousin cry in tears and be strong when she didn't have to be. She didn't have to hide. She didn't need to be ashamed of anything. Sure she made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. "What exactly is the truth Nahyun?"

She scoffed rolling her eyes. "She seduced her teacher!"

All heads at the table stared at her and some where even glaring. She saw Shownu, Jooheon, Wonho and Minhyuk glaring while the other three stared at their trays with half eaten food.

Jooheon shook his head before he laugh hysterically. With a snap of a finger, he went back to a straight serious face staring at her hard and cold. "Is that really what you believe?"

"It's what everyone believes." Nahyun wasn't going to let a person like Jooheon defeat her. Then again, she wanted to know why all of a sudden was he protecting her. First it was Shownu, now Jooheon? Something was fishy. She widen her eyes. "Oh my god! Did she seduce you and Shownu as well?"

"What?" Shownu and Jooheon both said at the same time making a disgusted face.

"It has to be the explanation why you both are protecting her! Don't deny it Shownu, every time I was trying to ask her something you defended her!" Nahyun stood up from her place leaning on the table. "I'm right aren't I!"

Shownu rolled his eyes shaking his head. "Now she's delusional."

Kihyun, Hyungwon and Changkyun chuckled at his comment.

"Then? Why are you-"

"Look here Kim Nahyun," Jooheon cut her off and stood up in his place leaning on the table with the palm of his hands flat down. "All you need to know is that, what you think you know isn't the truth."

Nahyun kept shut and slowly sat back down.

"Leave Kim Jiho alone. If I find out you bothered her again, I won't stand for it." Jooheon glared at her and sat back down as well. He stared at Wonho, letting him know he kept his word. Wonho knew his friends pretty good and they stick to their promises. He nodded to Jooheon understanding.

Nahyun snarled at him and rolled her eyes. She was defeated by Jooheon but it wasn't going to be the last of it. But if she wanted to save her relationship, she had make peace with her boyfriend who still didn't want to look at her.

Spoiled brat.

- - -

Minhyuk closed his eyes taking in the information that happened. He didn't understand why Nahyun would do something like that. He didn't know that the girl sitting next to him was Kim Jiho. He had heard rumors about what she had done. But he never believed them.

People talk.

Words fly.

The only ones who knew the truth were those who are present during the situation. That's all that really matters because deep down, they know what is true and what are lies.

He sighed opening his eyes and couldn't help but feel bad for the poor girl. He wanted to talk to her, make conversation and every introduction starts off with exchanging names. But now he understood why she was trying to avoid it.

"How is she?"

Minhyuk looked over to Shownu asking Jooheon a question. He didn't know who he was asking for but Minhyuk had a wild guess.

Jooheon sighed before answering. "She was in tears when I saw her. She said she would be fine."

What's their relationship with Jiho?

"Do you want to go find her?" Shownu asked him another question.

Jooheon shook his head. "No. She likes being alone. She can cry everything out and feel somewhat better."

Cry it out?

She's crying alone?

Minhyuk bit his bottom lip nervously and couldn't help himself at what he did next. He stood up and grabbed his tray.

"Where are you going?" Kihyun asked gaining the attention of others as they stared at Minhyuk in his place.

"Oh, I just remembered I need to check out a book from the library." Minhyuk smiled wide like his normally does hoping they would buy it. "I'll see you later."

He quickly left the table throwing his food away and placing the tray on top of the stacks with the others. He didn't know why but he wanted to find Jiho. He wasn't sure if he should apologize to her or give her comfort or just be next to her so she doesn't have to be alone.

No one should be alone when they are sad.

Everyone needs to have safety net to help them bounce back up and be strong.

- - -

As much as she tried to convince herself she was fine and ok, the tears wouldn't stop flowing. She never wanted anyone to see her break at school. She made a promise to herself not to let it happen.

In order to do that, she had to keep her distance from others and adjust to people whispering about her because it was obvious they had nothing better to do. Once a scandalous rumor happened it was all anyone would talk about.

Jiho sighed feeling a bit better sitting outside at one of the benches that was under a tree. Usually lots of people wanted to sit under the tree because of the shade and it was a perfect view of seeing everyone around the campus.

Jiho was lucky to be sitting along enjoying the forceful wind blowing. During her time at home, she spent a lot of time on a western app called Pinterest. She had nothing better to do than just look up pictures and create many boards.

She had boards for fashion, cute plushies, food, pretty backgrounds for her phone, and one was for getting rid of negative vibes.

She remembered reading one that when there is a strong wind it's best to be around and let the wind hit the body and it gets rid any negative vibes that lingers.

As much as some people didn't like the strong wind right now because it messes up their hair. Jiho could care less about her hair. She'd rather get rid of any negative energy lingering around that will soon make her sick.

It's happen before.

She didn't want to risk it again.

Jiho closed her eyes letting her hair fly with the wind as it made her calm from the sudden erupt situation inside.

Now that will be the talk for a while.

She hummed trying to forget it and just get through the day. That's all she wanted.

"Enjoying the wind?"

Jiho's eyes snapped open and stared at the person who spoke to her. Her jaw dropped seeing Minhyuk stand before her.

He scanned for her for a few minutes. He grabbed the strap of his backpack on the right side as he scanned the area for Jiho. He wasn't sure why he wanted to search for her. He hadn't been in this situation before. It was the first believe it or not.

Just when he turned to check the other side, his eyes took a glance at a girl sitting under the tree that was giving shade. He squinted his eyes, taking slow steps towards the girl and as he got closer, he realized he was smiling knowing he found her.

He felt nervous going up to her.

He didn't know what to say.

It can't be an apology since Nahyun was the one who humiliated her. She was the one who made Jiho feel uncomfortable.

But then again, he didn't do anything to stop Nahyun either. Only Shownu. Minhyuk had to think of something and get her to realize he means no harm to her. He just wants to know if she is ok. He became worried when he saw her leave and when Jooheon was defending her and talking Shownu, he couldn't help but be curious.

He cleared his throat seeing her sudden reaction. He knew she wasn't expecting to see him after what happened. He stared at her eyes and saw the puffy redness and knew her eyes would be swollen later.

Poor girl.

Jiho rolled her eyes with a sigh. "Did you come here to gloat?"

Minhyuk was taken back at her response. He didn't think a girl with a cute face like her would have a cold facade. But it was understandable with the situation she was in. He didn't know what it was but it had to be something big for Shownu and Jooheon to step in and defend her.

"Actually, I wanted to see if you're ok?" Minhyuk took a few steps and sat down next to her. He didn't care if she would shout at him to leave her alone or walk away from him. He turned and saw the tear lines on her face and for some odd reason his chest tightened.

Jiho didn't want to turn to face him but she did and showed him a bright smile hoping he would buy it and leave. "I'm just fine. Can't you see it?"

Minhyuk stayed quiet looking at the girl next to him.

Everyone knew Lee Minhyuk as the cheerful, bright, and fun person in the group who had everyone laughing. He cared for his friends and helped them with whatever they needed. He would even pull a few jokes on Jooheon or Kihyun out of boredom. He never once had a dull moment with friends. Even at home, his always helped with his mother with washing the dishes or folding the clothes. He helped his dad when he needed to take a break from studying. Everyone knew who Lee Minhyuk was.

But there is always a side he doesn't like to share.

When he puts his guard down when things get tough he doesn't let anyone see. Not his parents or friends. One time Hyungwon happened to pass by his home to see if he wanted to hangout and he found Minhyuk shedding tears due to a finance situation with his parents.

Minhyuk tried to show Hyungwon he was fine, but the younger boy wasn't buying it. Not for a second. So the only choice Minhyuk had was to tell his friend. Only if Hyungwon didn't mention

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Hi everyone! I have not forgotten this story! I know its been over a MONTH and a few days!
I have to report that I've been ill and I'm slowly recovering! I'm hoping I can do some updates this coming week!
Thank you for waiting patiently for updates and staying with me! ❤❤


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Chapter 15: I like idea 1
Okay, an idea popped up in my brain to write a story about jiho with other guy and it's gonna be my first story i ever wrote (if that ever happen lol). But then i saw this story and decided to read the description. Turn out my rough storyline is a bit similar to yours, but i just read the description only (bc i have an exam tomorrow and decided to read the story later).
Yuppi113 #3
Chapter 11: uwow !
I left behind so many chapters. But, i'm happy because i can read all of it until now. And i really really like this story. I hope to read the next chapter as soon as possible, i will continue to wait.
Thank you Author, you worked hard to make this great story :)
3lmh11 #4
Chapter 11: Waaaahhh ㅠㅠㅠㅠwhy so sad.. ?
Thank you so much for part of 9, 10 and 11. I really looking forward to them. I love your story soooooo much...can't wait to read another part... Fighting !!!
3lmh11 #5
Please update ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
3lmh11 #6
Thank you to update ? please happy ending.....
3lmh11 #7
3lmh11 #8
Chapter 6: As always, you are very good writer. I really like your expression for all cast and i enjoy it. I hope something happy in the end, and i want to follow your every story part. Can't wait to read the next chapter ^^
princess_zoe #9
I love your story^^ keep writing author-nim~
princess_zoe #10
Chapter 5: Seriously, I need to read the next chapter please.. The way you build the character's feeling are just adorable.. Fighting!!