Where’s Minho?

Quick Kiss Me

Taemin reached the cafe they planned to meet at exactly 2pm. He scanned around to check if Minho was there already. 

No, he wasn’t. 


Taemin settled down at a corner of the cafe with a warm hazelnut latte while waiting for Minho. 


15 minutes passed...


30 minutes passed...


Minho still didn’t come.


Taemin was starting to get worried. Did Minho stand him up? Did he forget their date? Or did something happen to Minho?


Taemin was disappointed. He had wanted to meet the man of his dreams, and now his dreams were all crushed. How was he going to explain to Jongin and Hyukjae, that Minho didn’t appear. 




Taemin left the cafe, disappointed. He didn’t knew the exact reason behind why Minho didn’t come. 

Tears trickled down his cheeks. 

Taemin has never cried for anyone before, other than the time when Jongin was going overseas to study. 


He was just too sad to think about Minho now. 


Taemin went back to the store as he knew Jongin and Hyukjae was working together.


When he saw them, he ran towards them and hugged both of them while crying. 


“Hush, my poor baby. What did Minho do to you?” Hyukjae asked as he ran his fingers through Taemin’s hair. 


“Taeminnie, what’s wrong? Tell us now!” Jongin spoke up. 


Taemin explained the whole situation to both of them. 


“WHAT!? That Minho is such a , he could have just texted you or something if he couldn’t make it!” Jongin said, furious.


“Wait Jongin, maybe something did really happen to him?” Hyukjae said.


That sentence made Taemin cry even more. 


“Oh, okay okay , i’ll stop i’ll stop.” 


“Maybe try texting him again?” Jongin said, trying to make things a bit better. 


Taemin nodded.


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Chapter 1: hehehe! Keep it up author-nim :D FIGHTING! *thumbs up*