He’s nervous

Quick Kiss Me

“Alone?” Minho asked as he looked around the store.

Taemin froze, his colleagues had left him once again. 

“They should be preparing food inside I guess” Taemin replied.

“But why does this always happen to you whenever I come for lunch?”

“Uh, uh it was peak hour just now! that’s why they were a bit busy!”


Taemin was a nervous wreck. He was in front of his crush. His hands were shaking but he made sure he placed it below the cashier system so Minho wouldn’t see. 

“I’ll get the usual, plus an iced americano. Keep the change” Minho winked and walked to the bar counter.


Taemin froze in shock. He stared at the $20 dollar bill. 


“Ahem, pretty boy. i’m waiting for my drink”   Minho teased. 

Taemin looked over and saw Minho leaning over the counter looking at him. 

“Oh dear, so sorry! i’ll do it immediately and send it to you!” Taemin said, flustered. 


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Chapter 1: hehehe! Keep it up author-nim :D FIGHTING! *thumbs up*