What did Hyukjae do?

Quick Kiss Me

As Minho took his seat, one of his colleague, Jongin came out. 


“Bro! I heard that!! What do you think about it? Rich boy liking you” Jongin whispered. 

“No dude! i’m just an average person. How can he? I’m sure he has so many suitors” Taemin hit his friend lightly. 

“No, but what if he’s interested in you too?”



“Well Taem, you never know if you don’t try,” Hyukjae came out of the kitchen and pushed a bowl of ramen in front of Taemin. “Go, serve him well”

Taemin punched Hyukjae’s arm lightly and went towards Minho. 


“Here, enjoy your meal sir” Taemin smiles as he placed the tray in front of Minho. 

Minho smiled back and asked, “Has anyone ever told you that the way you smile is really cute?” 

Taemin blushed lightly. He was never complimented like that before. 

He shook his head and went back to the bars.


“Dude, how did it went?” Jongin asked.

“He said my smile is really cute, goodness i think I was a total embarrassment in front of him!!” Taemin said. 

“Well, he won’t now. Look at his facial expression” Hyukjae chuckled.


Minho let out a soft giggle as he stared at his bowl. 

Taemin was confused. 


“What do you mean hyung?” Taemin asked.

“As I was preparing his food, i sprinkled the corns, scallions and bean sprouts to make a sentence ‘TM <3 Minho’ “ Hyukjae replied.


“OHHHHH Jae hyung you’re a genius! You know what Taem, you should practically go kiss Minho now!” Jongin laughed. 


“YOU DID WHAT!? HYUNG !!” Taemin shouted a little too loudly that their customers and some passerby turned their heads. 


“But Taem, listen to me. He doesn’t even know your full name yet. He will only know you as TM. So, chill a bit!” Hyukjae patted Taemin’s back. 


“Hyuuuuung...” Taemin whined.

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Chapter 1: hehehe! Keep it up author-nim :D FIGHTING! *thumbs up*