Text him Taemin!

Quick Kiss Me

Just after Minho left the store, he looked around for Taemin. Once he spotted him looking at him, he winked at Taemin and walked out of the store. Taemin felt his heart skipped a beat. 


Jongin was clearing the tables when he suddenly called for Taemin. 

Knowing Jongin is one of the pranksters of the store, he walked up to Jongin and hit him on his back lightly. 


“What is it now?” 


“Look, Taem! You will regret this so much if i didn’t see and threw it away!”


Taemin picked up the little piece of paper on the table Minho sat. 


“Hope to get to know you soon, TM. Here’s my number, hit me up anytime <3 -Minho”


Taemin was beyond shocked. 


“Told you Taem, he’s so interested in you. Go on, text him after your shift ends, which is in another 15 minutes” Jongin said as he patted Taemin’s shoulder. “Your love life is flourishing”

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Chapter 1: hehehe! Keep it up author-nim :D FIGHTING! *thumbs up*