Who’s the real Choi Min Ho?

Quick Kiss Me

“But Minho, are you sure you’re okay? You still look so pale” Taemin asked worriedly and touched Minho’s pale face.

“Don’t worry Taem Taem, i’m okay” Minho reassured.

“You sure? I mean if you need blood i could donate! if you need any of my organs I could too!!” Taemin said firmly.

“Taem, don’t worry he said he’s fine” Jongin said.


“T...Taemin?” a familiar voice called from behind. 


Taemin turned his head and covered his mouth in shock. 

That was Minho.


He turned back and forth. Taemin was in the middle of 2 Minho’s!

He didn’t know who was the real deal. 


“I am Minho!! I am the one you’re looking for!!the one who just came shouted.


“No! I am the real deal! We kissed just now, remember? Taemin! Come with me” the other Minho said.


“, who’s the real Choi Minho? I’m getting dizzy just by looking at two duplicates” Hyukjae said.


“ME!” both Minho’s shouted.


“Taemin, believe me. I’m the real deal, I’m the Choi Minho you’re supposed to go on a date with. Don’t believe him, he’s just someone else with a mask on” Minho said, holding onto Taemin’s hand. 


“HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE YOU TWO? I DON’T EVEN KNOW NOW” Taemin screamed and ran out of the hospital, with all four of them running after. 


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Chapter 1: hehehe! Keep it up author-nim :D FIGHTING! *thumbs up*