The Other One

Quick Kiss Me

 “Taemin!” a person grabbed his hand and Taemin flung the person’s hand away. 

“It’s Hyukjae hyung, Taem” Hyukjae whispered

Just then, Taemin began to cry again. 

“Hyung, what should I do? I don’t even know which Minho should I trust”

“Taem, follow your heart. If you think one of them is the real deal, follow him. If none of them is the real Minho, we’ll go together and find the real one”

“Hyung, my gut feeling tells me i’ve kissed the right one.”

“Then follow your gut. He was the one who called you pretty boy. I mean, who else did?”

“But hyung again, who’s the other one?”

“We shall find out”


Both Hyukjae and Taemin turned their heads around and saw both ‘Minho’s.

By then, Taemin had knew who to believe and who not to. He walked up to the fake, slapped him and asked who was he. 


Jongin came running back with documents on his hands. DNA test? No, detective Jongin has actually gathered evidences that the fake was the one who planned Minho’s accident. In other words, the fake wanted Taemin to think that Minho stood him up and wanted him to give up on Minho. 


“Reveal who you are” Jongin said as he waved the legitimate documents in his face. 


The fake Minho then took off the mask plastered on his face which left Taemin in shock.


It was Taemin’s old flame from secondary school, Woonhyung.

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Chapter 1: hehehe! Keep it up author-nim :D FIGHTING! *thumbs up*