Chapter 6

Hey ! I'm Hana.

The demo and the idea of filming the MV in Switzerland had been brought up to Pledis' upper management. However, after two weeks, there was still no answer. Seventeen's schedule had been dedicated to training sessions with Hana and a weekend off had been set for the members to go home. Everyone had planned to see their beloved ones despite Joshua, Jun, and The8 whose families were living in other countries. Hana had had a lot of fun during her first three weeks with Seventeen. Each member was different from the other. Hana wasn't even able to count the number of times she could not stay serious in their company. Such charming kidders. In the short period spent together, Hana had already spotted unique characteristics she valued in each one of them. She considered herself being incredibly lucky to have found the job and taken a step towards the unknown. Hana told herself every day that it had been worth it. Her affection was growing as the days passed and she couldn't even imagine not having got to know them.

Joshua had organized a day in Seoul with Jun and Minghao to show Hana around. As the two Chinese members had something planned on Sunday, Mingyu had invited Hana and Joshua to his family's place. Vernon and DK had expressed their desire to join the party. Hana was excited as it was the first weekend they weren't working in any ways.

Someone knocked at her door.

"Are you ready ?" Joshua's voice resonated.

"I'm coming!"

Hana had taken some more time to make herself pretty. She was wearing jeans with a light blue blouse. As it was still cold outside, she took a black trench coat and a gray scarf out of her closet which added elegance to her style. Her look changed from the joggers the members were used to see her in. She opened the door on Joshua who was the first one ready to go. Joshua's eyes widened, "Wow, Hana what's that? Are you going on a date?"

"Hmm," she winked. "I was invited to go out today, so allow me the pleasure to dress up and be pretty."

"Not only pretty," Jun who appeared behind Joshua said. "Stunning !"

"Stop with the compliments, guys," Hana stated with a shy smile. "I'm going to blush for real if you don't stop."

"I'm ready!" The8 exclaimed appearing in the hallway.

As soon as he started to open his mouth in reaction to Hana's appearance, she jumped on him and put her index in front of his mouth.

"Don't make a sound Minghao. Let's go and enjoy the day without silly compliments."

Hana had agreed to call The8 Minghao and DK either Dokyeom or Seokmin. For all other members with an artist name, she couldn't bring herself to call them by their birth name. She didn't know exactly why. However, they accepted that it was difficult to call someone by a different name from the one you've got used to.

Walking in the street with Joshua, Minghao, and Jun who had their surgical masks on, Hana realized how happy she was being able to roam freely outside without having to hide her face.

"You know that in Switzerland even if people do recognize a celebrity, they don't necessarily approach that person," Hana commented. "That's why Switzerland is known to be a paradise for celebrities because they can almost run freely around without being bothered."

"One more reason to go there!" Minghao declared raising his eyes to the sky. "I'd love to have a time out of that constant attention. It's not that I dislike it! I feel so grateful towards all the Carats who support us but you know, it sometimes gets overwhelming."

"Oh, I understand," Hana agreed with sparkling eyes. "You're still human after all. Everyone needs some time out, believe me."

"It's true that it's been a while since we didn't have any holidays," Joshua observed.

"If Pledis accepts the idea, I promise, I will organize holidays you won't forget."

"Let's hope hard, then." Jun appealed.

Hana had taken out her camera. She loved capturing memories of her way of looking at the world. While sightseeing, Hana was taking pictures of the boys either with their phones or with the camera.

"Don't you want to be on pictures as well ?" Minghao asked.

"Ah, well," Hana stated. "I'm used to be the one taking pictures, so I tend to forget that I'm not on them."

Hana knew from his Instagram page that she could believe in Minghao as a photographer. Hana admitted to herself that taking good photographs was something that was running in Asian blood. However, she wouldn't have trusted Vernon on that for example. Minghao took some pictures of Hana alone. She tried hard to be creative in her pose. Joshua joined her followed by Jun.

"Let's do a selfie and send it to the others," Joshua offered while grabbing Minghao by the arm inciting him to join them.

The selfies turned out crazy and, in the end, they all decided to send the one where Jun was carrying Hana on his back and Joshua Minghao.

"I'll send one of Hana alone that I snapped while you were doing your improvised photoshoot," Joshua grinned. "We have to show everyone what they are missing today."

"Joshua don't!" Hana warned him while chasing after him trying her best to grab his phone.

"Too late!" he exulted after a moment with a vicious smile. "The bad deed is already done."

Hana took back her breath and smiled, "I should take you to court for harming my image."

"Oh!" Jun exclaimed. "They are already answering."

"Show me that," Hana blurted rushing on Jun to take his phone out of his hands.

Joshua started reading the comments aloud, "So Mingyu wants us to convince you to make efforts more often. Seungcheol says his heart is broken. Hana is Woozi's muse from now on. Vernon has no words. Seungkwan feels ugly; that doesn't really surprise me. Dino and Jeonghan are impressed. Dokyeom is looking forward to seeing you tomorrow." He stopped and laughed hard while Hana turned out red. "Hoshi and Wonwoo are the best! Hoshi is asking if Hana might be interested in playing his girlfriend in front of his family and Wonwoo assures that if Hana were a member of Seventeen, she'd be his bias without hesitation. I love them so much!"

"As expected," Minghao commented with a grin on his face. "The guys would never deceive us!"

Hana squatted her face hidden behind her hands and whined, "Please, let me die…"

Jun came to her and put his hands on her shoulder, "Hana, you shouldn't be sad because you're pretty."

The two other guys started to laugh while Hana pouted. With a glimmer of determination in her eyes, she jumped on her feet and started walking in one direction encouraging the guys to pursue their visit of Korea's capital.

Hana was grateful each time she could explore a part of the world she didn't know. This weekend was, therefore, a real gift for her. The guys had taken her first to the Bukchon Hanok village and then to the Ihwa Mural village. While wandering around the streets of both places taking pictures and making fun out of nothing, they had lost the sense of time. It was only when Jun's stomach growled loudly that they eventually realized that it was time to make a stop. Being very hungry, the guys decided to eat at a Chinese restaurant a few stations away from Ihwa-dong. Hana was not that enthusiastic about it because of her restrictions on meat. However, she trusted Jun who assured her that at that restaurant she would have plenty of meatless meal choices. Eventually, Hana ordered for the first time in her life vegetarian "Baozi."

Further to that, Hana understood their decision when the waiter brought them into a private room. They wanted to take a break of their constant worry to be recognized. It was their day off after all!

Minghao's phone rang during the meal, "Hey! How are you doing, Bro? Oh, you have time today? Sure, I'm with Jun, Joshua and our dance coach. Let's meet then at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza around 6 pm. Sounds amazing! See ya later Bro."

"Who was it ?" Joshua wondered.

"Samuel," Jun answered instead of Minghao.

"Oh! Our maknae," Joshua said. "It's been forever since I've last seen him."

Hana's eyes widened, "Are you referring to the Samuel I'm thinking of?"

"That's likely," Minghao grinned. "It's been a while that we are trying to find some time to see each other."

"Oh my god!" Hana chortled while clapping in her hands. "Today is my lucky day."

"Hey! I thought you were a fan of Seventeen only," Joshua expressed.

"Yeah," Hana defended herself. "Samuel was once a part of Seventeen, don't you agree? Oh gosh! I'm excited. I have to make sure he follows me on Instagram at the end of the day!"

Minghao and Jun started laughing.

"You are crazy!" Joshua teased.

"Oh, you just noticed ?" Hana retorted with an amused wink.

Jun who was sitting next to Hana decided to be clingy. He laid his head on her shoulder purring, "I love you, Hana."

Hana took in the scenery and Jun's hair. Joshua immediately grabbed his phone to make a picture. Before Hana could say anything, the phones lying on the table vibrated. The bad deed had been done again.

The sun was setting when they walked out of the restaurant. For March, however, the weather was quite pleasant. As they weren't that far from DDP, they decided to walk there. However, the streets became more crowded as they approached their destination.

"What's going on here?" Jun wondered.

"Some protest demonstration probably," Minghao guessed.

Hana was beginning to feel uneasy. She had avoided crowded places, especially the ones easily accessible by vehicles, for almost eight years now.

"We have no other option than go through," Jun declared upset.

And so they started to force their way through the mass. Hana began shivering as the memories of the worst night of her life came back to her mind. She could still see the truck clearly and the sound it made when it hit her father's body. She grabbed Joshua's arm as if it was the only thing that could bring her back to reality. Joshua looked at her surprised by her sudden move. Hana's face had lost all its colors, and her eyes were widened up in fear. On top of that, she was continuously whispering to herself, "Hana, there is no truck, no truck, no truck." Jun and Minghao, worried as well, met Joshua's gaze. Joshua made a sign to encourage them to get as quickly as possible through the animated crowd. As soon as they made it to the Cheonggyecheon stream, Hana exhaled loudly.

"Are you okay ?" Joshua wondered.

"I'm fine now," Hana assured while raising up her eyes to the scenery in front of her. "Wow, it's beautiful."

Like an excited child, she ran towards the fence that was overlooking the promenade along the stream. Joshua glanced over at Jun and Minghao who both shrugged their shoulders confused by the sudden change in Hana's behavior. Hana leaned over the fence and breathed in the fresh air to better swallow the tears that had come to her eyes. She didn't want to seem weak.

"Where is this famous DDP ?" Hana wondered turning towards the guys with a bright smile on her face.

"A little further away," Minghao answered. "I think you will love this place and hopefully Samuel will be up for a walk next to the Cheonggyecheon stream."

"If not," Hana proclaimed. "I'll motivate him!"

Arrived at DDP, Hana first took out her camera. The place was a source of inspiration for every artistic person. The curves of the building and the various lights made Hana travel far away from her nightmares. As soon as she discovered the LED rose garden, a song came up to her mind, and she started to move with the flow of the music.

"No I ain't perfect, never said I was perfect. And I'm putting it all on a prayer now. No, I ain't perfect, never said I was perfect. This ain't my finest hour. Might see my flaws today. My words are out of order. Maybe my drink's to blame. Emptying all my pockets. 'Til I don't feel a thing. This ain't my finest hour."

Wholly immersed in her world, she didn't realize that Samuel had joined the party. It was alone when she came back giggling, "Joshua, we definitely need to take some pictures," that she noticed the additional person.

"Oh gosh," she gasped. "How long has he been here?"

"Long enough to have noticed how cute and passionate you are," Samuel professed with a smile. "Seventeen can be quite happy to have you. It must be funny every day. Makes me feel a bit jealous though."

"Today is the day I could bury myself underground," Hana vociferated. "I'm such an embarrassment to the world."

Jun took her in his arms acting clingy again, "Don't tell that, Hana. We are so happy to have you! And if you are an embarrassment to the world, then I don't know what most of our members are."

Appreciating the comfort given by Jun, Hana laughed, "True!"

"So let's take some pictures then," Samuel declared taking a selfie stick out of nowhere.

Hana started having the giggles without any reasons. It might have been her previous despair trying to come out in a certain way. Her laughing became contagious, and their selfie session turned into a mess as they worked hard to remain serious. Nevertheless, each picture that came out was unique and memorable.

During their walk along Cheonggyecheon stream, while Joshua, Jun, and Minghao took the lead, Hana started talking to Samuel in English.

"I feel so honored to have met you, Samuel. I have to confess that I might not know all of your songs, but I'm a fervent follower of your Instagram account. Your English descriptions were always much appreciated!"

He glanced at her with a kind smile settled on his lips, "And I feel honored to have met you. I think that most of Seventeen members don't even know you have an inspiring Instagram account and I don't wanna mention your Youtube channel that has some amazing content. Checking you on social media was the first thing I've done when Minghao told me about you."

Hana felt the heat coming to her cheeks, "I'm not the kind of person… umm... bragging around, you know."

"So, I'm right," Samuel insisted with a wink. "They don't know with what kind of jewel they are working. Gosh, I envy them!"

Hana's eyes widened, "If you already went on my Instagram account, would it bother you to follow me?"

Hana lowered her gaze as her insolent question repeated in a loop in her head. Samuel stopped walking and was looking at her surprised, "You want me to?"

"I'm not asking for your hand," Hana conveyed more embarrassed than ever. "If you don't want to, then just forget my demand."

Samuel laughed openly, "It will be my pleasure, Hana, to follow you on Instagram."

Hana grinned and raised her arms to the sky while shouting, "Yaaaasss!"

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Sorry for chapter 5 to being short like chapter 4, but chapter 6 is going to be really long !
if you are wondering how Hana's voice might be like. This is the best example from reality I had !


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