Mistakenly Meant for You

S U N H E E ‘ S  P O V




“So, the great Jeon Wonwoo said your cute. Now tell me, is it the end of the world?” I stopped from shoving the spoon in to my mouth and wear a pissed look.


“Yes, Mr. Kim. Even I, don’t believe that those words came out from his mouth. Now, shut up because I’m eating.” I rolled my eyes. I can feel daggers being sent to me by all the female students passing by. I could hear their whispers too. Why whisper if someone could hear it?








“Is it your first time to hear like that kind of, what do you call that? Confession? No, Ah… Compliment from a guy?” Vernon asked then I frowned at him. I thought he’s not here because I didn’t even hear him talk earlier.

“Yeah! I’m curious!” Mingyu snickered.




“Yesterday. You told me that I am the most beautiful witch in this world. Is that even a compliment?” He chuckled.


“It is up to you on what you think it is. But seriously, I mean it.” I could feel his sincerity on his voice. He really knows a lot in terms of women heart and making them fall because it is working on me. I don’t know, his greasiness levels up every day. Well, I should get used to that. I swallowed.


“Yeah. Don’t shove in to my face that I really look like a witch. Whatever.”


“Because I know you don’t want to be a princess, yet.” Sometimes, Kim Mingyu is like Geometry quiz, I can’t understand him. I’m the bipolar one here. Not him!


“So, you’re liking men now? Pfft.” Mingyu had to put his hand on his stomach while laughing.

“Yeah, it’s rare to see that you are blushing and loss of words.” Vernon added.

“Tss. My favorite kind of men is Ramen.” I boringly stated. Mingyu laughed way harder.


The laughter was cut when we continued eating our food. Our lunch break was not too long so we have to maximize our time.



“You’re not feeling awkward?” Mingyu raised a stupid question. Of course, yes. This is the first time I am receiving this kind of treatment. Well, partly because I usually hang out with Mingyu and his fangirls are giving me this cold treatment but this time, it is like an ‘I want to kill you and sold your soul to Satan’ kind of treatment. Because well it’s Wonwoo, it’s rare to see him doing these things to anyone.




“If glares could kill, I’m in Hell right now” I said then munch the last part of my burger.


“Pffft. Hahahaha” Mingyu laughed once again. What’s the point of arguing anyways? I’m hungry! The hell I care!



I almost spitted out the food that I am chewing.


“You’re so disgusting Sunhee, here.” He handed me a bottled water. I quickly opened it and gulped it all. I noticed that Vernon is dusting off the dirt from his uniform. Sorry, Vernon.

“Yah, Sun! What’s wrong?” Vernon asked me in English as he clucked his tongue and handed me his tissue.

“Hey, you two, stop speaking English in front of me! Why do you act so weird, Hee? Something’s wrong? Spill it out!” He demanded. My eyes never leaving on that man. He’s eating alone. Many girls went near him but as usual, he doesn’t care and doesn't give any attention on what they are saying.



That er had his earphones plugged in, so the girls have no choice but to walk away but still squealing.


“Yah! Answer me!” I used my lips to point him. Mingyu stared at me first like I was some sort of an alien, but the two of them shifted their gaze to person who am I pointing at.




“Ah… Jeon Wonwoo. So, what?” Face palmed.


“Mingyu, use your brain sometimes. It wouldn’t hurt you. Promise!”


“Yeah I know! I’m not a fool! So, what’s with Wonwoo? You like him? Nah. I’m way more handsome than him.” His mentally retarded state has come back.




He is using his hearts aegyo and I swear my ears are now bleeding. Imagine, all the girls here in the cafeteria are squealing and giggling because this idiot is just throwing hearts.




Tss. Girls these days.






I noticed that Wonwoo’s gaze diverted into my direction.










Dug. Dug. Dug.











Our eyes met.




1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8




Eight seconds. Eight seconds that feels like infinity. I’m captivated by his eyes.






Then he winked at me and continued eating as if nothing happened.








The he just did?






Dug… Dug… Dug…








I could feel the whole Animal Kingdom in my heart.


The irregular beat of my heart. Is it bad or is it good?


Why do I feel like I’m on the middle?


Bad because it feels weird and I don’t want that?


Good because it is the first time I feel this, completely unaware of my own emotions.










Please, Mr. Heart. Stop this shenanigan before anything turns bad.






"So it's working on you this time? You're blushing, Yoo Sunhee!" Mingyu pointed out.




Only if he only knows that he isn't the reason.






A U T H O R ' S N O T E


So, how was it? I hope that you will leave a comment. Please do comment below who do you think will be Sunhee's prince charming :)


Lots of love from the author.


Godspeed :)



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FootballerInDreams #1
Chapter 4: I can but at the same time i cannot imagine Wonwoo's looks could kill and impregnate. Hahaha.
Chapter 4: Wonuya>< interesting story. Looking forward to see what happen next~!