Chapter 16 [FINAL]

So, I Married An Anti-fan

"Go to him,"

Baekhyun spoke as he looked at their wedding photo frame on the wall. He still remembered how much he felt embarrassed when Chanyeol kissed him, uhm, it was just a peck on his pinkish lips but he felt butterflies in his belly.

He sighed and continued his words.

"and never return to me if you do."

He knew that Chanyeol stopped his steps when he heard Baekhyun so the shorter smiled a little but his smile didn't last another second. Chanyeol coldly left the room without hestitating for a second.

Not being able to hold the ugly truth, Baekhyun collapsed on the floor helplessly. He tightly held the wedding ring and tried to inhale as he couldn't feel his heartbeat anymore because of the breath taking pain in the deepest place of his heart.

Why did you say that you loved me?

Why did you touch me like you really loved me?

Why did you hold me to make me feel like I am your everything?


I am not your everything but you are my everything.

Baekhyun closed his eyes tightly, letting the tears run down onto his cheeks. Not wanting to remember but memories ran into his mind. The way Chanyeol held him last night, the way the actor kissed him like he was the taller's world, the way he said I love you to Baekhyun.

Years ago when they first went on a date, Chanyeol hugged him tightly, saying the sweetest things into his ears, under the moonlight for the beautiful night.

Years ago when they first had their night together, it was on a plan-broken trip. As it was a snow-covered night of the winter, Baekhyun was really trembling so bad that Chanyeol made him warm in his embrace but he didn't lie a finger on Baekhyun, in a way of showing how much he treasured the latter.

Years ago when they first had their romantic anniversary, it was the 1000th day of their relationship. Chanyeol took him on a trip to the winter sea. With a song that he wrote, Chanyeol congratulated their 1000th day anniversary and Baekhyun bursted into tears.

But except these special memories, Chanyeol was not a good boyfriend for Baekhyun because he cared more about Kyungsoo than Baekhyun.


Baekhyun murmured and stood up, one hand grabbing the phone to call Jongin and asked for Kyungsoo's address. He put on the outer sweater and called Jongin.

"Hello, Baekhyun."

"Do you know Kyungsoo's address?"

"Kyungsoo's? Of course I am at his place now."

Baekhyun frozed and jaw dropped when he heard it.

"So, Chanyeol is there,too."

Baekhyun replied with a cracking tone and opened the door with his trembling hand.

"No. Chanyeol is not here."

"I am here."

After hearing Jongin's reply through the call, Baekhyun also heard Chanyeol's voice so he turned around. He saw Chanyeol coming out from the kitchen with a plate in his hand. The messy bread and butter also messed Baekhyun's mind.

"What is this?"

Baekhyun asked. He couldn't complete a simple puzzle and wide eyed at Chanyeol like he was an alien.

"Breakfast for you."

The phone dropped onto the floor and also the plate in Chanyeol's hand dropped onto the floor as Baekhyun ran and hugged Chanyeol, making the latter to drop his precious breakfast.


"I was so childish."

Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol so tightly but the taller laughed and lifted Baekhyun from his .

"I just joked but you cired, right? I heard you sobbing but I wanna surprise you."

With a loss of words, Baekhyun threw an angry glare at Chanyeol.

"But you are mature when we are in bed."

× × ×

3 months later,

"It is the last scene so you don't have to wait too long."

Kyungsoo handed a cup of coffee to Baekhyun and said. With a smile, Baekhyun stared at Kyungsoo and whispered thanks.

"By the way, what makes you to appear suddenly in the shooting?"

Jongin joined them, taking the seat beside Kyungsoo but Kyungsoo moved a little far from Jongin. Jongin moved closer to Kyungsoo again but Kyungsoo moved again. Baekhyun slightly laughed at their actions which were similar to the water cycle formula.

But Jongin won their seat moving game as he hugged Kyungsoo's waist and trapped him between his hands.

"It is a secret."

Baekhyun replied and smiled alone.

"There is your giant."

Jongin said when he touched Kyungsoo's nape with his fingertips and received a deadly stare from his little lover.

"Baekhyunee, why are you here?"

Chanyeol quickly dragged Baekhyun into his embrace to make the latter warm because the weather was quite cold. Baekhyun looked up to Chanyeol from Chanyeol's chest and kissed Chanyeol's chin as a reply, making the taller embarrassed. When Chanyeol leaned in to kiss Baekhyun, Jongin closed Kyungsoo's eyes with his palms and shouted.

"Go get a room! Don't ruin my Kyungie's innocent eyes."

Chanyeol could feel Baekhyun's smile between their kiss. They pulled off and sat down on the long sofa again, in front of the Kim-Do couple.

"I am going to fire you if you don't care about my schedules and keep flirting with Kyungsoo."

Chanyeol said while pulling Baekhyun closer to him just to backhug his little hubby. Chanyeol loved the smell of shampoo from Baekhyun's hair when the smaller was in his embrace.

"If you fire me, Kyungie will hire me. I don't care."

Jongin threw a joke and Kyungsoo laughed, agreeing Jongin's comment. But Chanyeol shook his head in annoyance and hugged Baekhyun more tightly.

"Ah, wait a minute. Baekhyun, why are you here?"

Chanyeol asked again and Baekhyun smiled shyly.

"What is that reaction?"

Kyungsoo joined their talk and leaned his head on Jongin's shoulder.

"I have something important to tell you."

Baekhyun pulled Chanyeol's nape with his hand and whispered into his ear.




"Junior Chanyeol is here."

Baekhyun patted his belly and said in a low tone but everyone heard it. Both Kyungsoo and Jongin clapped when Chanyeol was still in the frozen mode.

Kyungsoo chuckled as he remembered his funny dream which destroyed his beautiful night months ago. He looked at Jongin while he played his fingers through Jongin's hair.

"A diaper sticking on your smooth hair is not that bad too."

"Huh? What did you just say?"


Kyungsoo slightly kissed Jongin's shoulder and changed his attention to the couple in front of them.


"So, do you mean... you are pregnant?"

Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun nodded with a smile wearing on his cute face.

"How many weeks?"

"11 weeks."

"I won the bet so!"

Chanyeol shouted and stood up, lifting Baekhyun up again all of a sudden and making all the others surprised.

"What bet?"

"Remember? That night.."

Chanyeol grinned and whispered into Baekhyun's ear but the shorter still did not remember what Chanyeol meant so he just looked into Chanyeol's eyes.

"Which night?"

"We made a bet, baby Baek. That night, I said that if I made you pregnant in just one rou- ouch!"

Baekhyun pinched Chanyeol's belly to make him stop from talking rated words and Chanyeol zipped his lips but was still wearing a mischievous smile and made Baekhyun shy.

"Let me down!"

Chanyeol obeyed Baekhyun and Baekhyun quickly ran away with his palms on both of his cheeks.

"Stop thinking erted things and concentrate on how to take care of your husband."

Jongin and Chanyeol couldn't help but smiled. He then left the Kim-Do couple, running after his hubby with a proud daddy face.


"Go, you ert."

"It is all because of you."

Chanyeol kissed Baekhyun's cheek and the shorter smiled. Leaning onto Chanyeol's chest and listening to the heartbeat for him, Baekhyun couldn't control his heart from beating too fast.

"Kiss me as a reward."

Chanyeol was acting like a big baby when he knew that he was going to be a daddy. Baekhyun thought and slightly laughed at Chanyeol's childish acting.

"Don't act like a baby, Channie. You are going to be a dad."

"Whatever, kiss me."


"As a reward."

"What reward?"

"Because I won the bet."

"If you dare say that bet again, I will-"

Baekhyun couldn't finish his sentence because Chanyeol pulled his face and shut him up by kissing on his lips. After a few seconds of fighting with their lips and tongues, they both heard the snap sound again but didn't care anymore because both knew who took a snap of them.

We keep this love in a photograph.

I was too stupid that I made you cry for a thousand of times.

Nevermind because you are finally mine.

I was such an idiot that I didn't know I love you before.

I am okay because you now never stop saying I love you.

Don't ever go away from me because I am too afraid to lose you.

I won't go far away from you because I can't live without you too.

Don't leave me alone even in the dream because it is too suffocating for me.

I won't leave you even in the dream because I will always love you even in the dream.

Don't ever blame on me when I feel jealous on you being with others.

I won't ever blame on you because I love the jelousy of yours too.

Will you ever stop loving me when I act too childish?

Dare say that question again and I will cut your tongue.

× × ×



[ Started on 14th April, 2016
Finished on 12th June, 2016]


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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
Chapter 6: Why is Chan being so mean?!?
Ms_koala #2
Chapter 17: Aww this is good
Chapter 16: The ending was so sweet
Chapter 14: I still feel that chanyeol should suffer more but at least they are happy
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Chapter 14: <3 <3