The Accident

Across the bridge


"Kim Jiwon ? Can you hear me boy ? The men wearing white turned around with a sighed, are you sure this is his name ?"

"I think. I mean it was on the papers."

"Kim Jiwon ? Boy, if you hear me please squeeze my hand."


Jiwon wasn’t sure if it was a dream or not, but he tried to squeeze the hand that was holding his, but his fingers were so hard to moove. He shivered, his eyes trying to find a familiar face. He couldn’t see the faces around him, just the man in white, the others were all blurried by the distance.


"I felt you squeezing my hand Jiwon, don’t worry we will take good care of you. You are safe here Jiwon, if you need anything press this button."


Jiwon felt the hand holding his leaving, and something was placed under his fingers, something cold, like a remote control.


"Just press if you need ok ? You are in a hospital. You are safe."


Jiwon remembered, safe. No one was safe. Where were his parents and brother ? He tried to stand but he couldn’t moove, only his fingers, he pressed the button, the men in white hadn’t even left the room yet. He got closer to Jiwon.


"What is it ? Jiwon ? Do you feel any pain ?"


Jiwon couldn’t talk, he tried, but the mask on his mouth was making it so hard, the words just wouldn’t come, the frustration made tears come to his eyes, why wouldn’t they tell him more ? Why ?


Jiwon’s parents were both dead, his mother was found with his brother and him in the car just after the accident, her head had hit the steering wheel hard enough to break her skull, the police said blood was all other the car, her hand weren’t on the wheel, so they assumed she just fell asleep while driving. His father was found later, he had been thrown away by the shock, he had break the windshield and fell of the bridge, he had drowned after that in the deep water, and the courant had led him meters from the accident.

Jiwon and his brother were in the back of the car, both barely alive when the ambulance arrived. Jaebeom, the older brother, had had to go to surgery immediatly, he would live, they said. He was lucky his spin was ok, the shock was so hard, he should have died, his spin should have been broke, but like a miracle, it wasn’t. Jiwon too should have been dead, his head had hit to chair first, then, the window and it had broke the window. It took him a long time before he could think, before he could even remember small things he had done in the same day. But after a while, he healed.

After that day, Jiwon and Jaebeom were alone, both they parent’s had died in what everyone would call "a terrible accident".


They spend weeks at the hospital, first not even knowing if they would live the next day, not even able to moove, to breath on their own. Their grandparents from their father’s side were dead, no one knew about the other grandparents. Their mother’s family was a mystery, it always had been one.

But their father had a brother and a sister. They both came to the hospital, the sister already had two children, so the court decided they would live with they young uncle. At that time he was thirty four, he had a wife but no children, he wasn’ planning on having any, he wanted to travel the world.


"Jiwon ? Jiwon wake up we are going to be late !"


Jiwon opened his eyes with some hard feelings, his brother was all full of energy and already dressed.


"What ?"

"We have school remember ?"

"I don’t want to go."

"But we have to. You know that right ? Come on let’s go !"


It had been a year since they parents had died, they did school at home the first months, their uncle wasn’t exactly a math genius, nor was he found of any kind of sciences, but he loved to read, so he red to his nephews, he made them read about every kind of things, astronomy, old civilisations, cultures, love, adventure, and he subscribed them to comics so they would always have something to do. But after four months, his sister decided they had to go back to school, they had already missed five months, one in the hospital, the others doing what she cold "nonsense" with their uncle. They went to a school near the hospital, where there were mostly people like them, childrens that had loose parents, childrens that were going to die, childrens that had gone threw stuff. Bad things happens to children too, a doctor said to Jiwon.

They spend three months there, but then, their uncle saw what it was doing to them, it wasn’t helping them at all, they were doing no progress with the psychiatrist, so he decided it was time for all of them to leave this ty city. To go somewhere new. Start over.

They went to live where their grandparents used to live, where their father had grew up.

And today, was the day they would go to the same school as him.


"Come on Jiwon, we promised, do you want to go back there ?"


Jiwon sighed and jumped out of bed. He put his uniform on and followed his brother outside. Their uncle was waiting for them outside, he walked with them to the school and left them there.

The village wasn’t as small as it looked to them, it was build next to a river, but now, the village was bigger and went even on the other side of the river. And an other school had been build there. Childrens were many at that time.

The school had three full-time teacher and two extras, one for the sport and one for english. The english teacher was a foreigner women, with curly blonde hair, and big brown eyes that reminded Jiwon of chocolate.

Because Jaebeom was taller than the average boys of his age -9 years old- he caught everyone’s attention, everyone wanted to be friends with him, and even if Jaebeom wasn’t always the most expressive, he tried hard enough to make new friends. Jiwon on the other half still wasn’t able to communicate with people outside of his family, he felt uncomfortable around all these happy faces. He wanted to scream when they would touch him. He didn’t wanted to be with them.

He was 7 years old at that time.

Things changed after he turned 8. His new life began when he met her.

It was a sunny day, all the children had gathered to play, and Jaebeom wanted to go, so Jiwon followed him and ended up wandering alone in the streets. He walked so far he suddenly realized he was in front of the bridge, the bridge that led to the other half of the village, where was the other school. His heart started to beat faster, the kids told unbelievable stories about that other half of the village. That the children there were cursed. That during the night they would turned into animals. But looking at the bridge suddenly reminded him of the accident, the car crashing, one what did they crash ? Why did they stopped ? His mother was screaming something, his dead had undo the security belt, why ? What was it ?


"Hey Jiwon. What are you doing here ?"


It was one of the kids in his class. He hated that noisy tall boy. He was always followed by his two best friends.


"You want to cross the bridge Jiwon ?"

"No. I’m going home."


The look the boy gave him made him understand he wasn’t going home any time soon. The three boys grabbed him, he fought against them, they were dragging him to the bridge. He screamed, he cried, he begged, he bite them, scratch them, but they were stronger, and they were dragging him to the middle of the bridge, he could feel all the memories coming back, he yelled, his mother was screaming, but her head... All the blood, the pain, his body controled by forces he couldn’t fight.


"Let him go !"


It was a girl’s high piched voice, they all four looked at her, she was on the other side of the bridge, her hair were blonde like the teacher’s hair, and her eyes weren’t brown but blue.


"Let him go ! Or I will call someone bad to make you let him go !"

"Who will you call ? We are having men buisness here, go away ! The tall boy said."

"I will call Hyung."

"Which one ?!"

"I will call Seunghyun. Choi Seunghyun ! He will throw you from the bridge !"

"You think so ? Let’s see what you will do now !"


They all three went after her, she tried to run away but they caught her, Jiwon was lying on the bridge, he couldn’t moove. He looked at them carrying her near the bridge and simply... throw her from the bridge.


"My mom says you can know if someone is a witch by how she does in the water, if she drowns, it’s not a witch, but if she floats..."


They kept looking in the water, and Jiwon find the strenght to go closer to the water and looked down too. She was floating. Holding on a rock so the current wouldn’t carry her away, her blue eyes were starring angrily at the three boys. They got pale and ran away. She didn’t moved, Jiwon thought she would start to fly, or split fire, but she wasn’t, she was just holding to the rock. Jiwon realized, she couldn’t move, if she let go she would die.


"Jiwon ! Help me ! She said, please, call someone."

"I can’t move. It’s... I can’t... breath."

"Of course you can ! You have lunges and legs ! On your feets now !"


Jiwon couldn’t explain how, but his legs started to moove and he got up. He was standing.


"Go ! Now !"


First he wanted to search for her mom, but he couldn’t decide to go on the other side of the village, so he called the first adult he saw on the"safe part" of the village. It was a women, she went in the water, with a stick, and she pointed the stick at the little blonde girl. The blonde girl hold on to the stick and the women got her out of the water.


"Thank you, said the girl, very much."


After a few minutes since she was ok she decided to go home, alone.

Jiwon bite his lips, he wanted to thank her but the words were so hard to say, because she was a stranger.


"Thank you, he whispered so only himself could hear."

"No, thank YOU. Jiwon."


She smiled, she was a few meters away but she heard him.


Jiwon smiled remembering this, he was standing on his own on the bridge that day, fourteen years had passed since that day when he first met her.

Her. Haven.

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Dramakawaii #1
Chapter 2: Omg !! What is that ?! Poor Jiwon, why would someone send a spirit after him ?
It was a good thing that man was here (even if I don't really like how he speaks the poor boy.
It explained the weird accident but I wasn't expecting this at all ! I'm going to read the next chapter right now, I can't wait to know more about it !
Dramakawaii #2
Chapter 1: Waiting for the next chapter ^^