ch. o15

One Last Chance

IU has gone out for the day to gather groceries for the house and taking this chance, Wooyoung began to move about. He moved over to the walls where he hung up heart decorations but as he continued to stumble putting them up, he fumed and jumped off the chair in annoyance.

Unlocking his phone with a slide across the screen, Wooyoung made a call.

"I need twenty people here. As soon as possible."

Wooyoung hung up after the receiver got his orders and as quick as he sent his orders, his bell rung to signal the mob of people arriving. Quickly hopping over to slam open the door, Wooyoung can't help but let out a smirk.

"Thank god for money and connections." He mummbled to himself before moving on to instruct each worker on their jobs.

"You go make dinner. You go set up the table. Go buy me a bouquet of flowers. You go to Mont Blanc and buy me the best necklace as soon as possible. Better be back in half an hour. You go buy a dress that will look good for the girl in this picture. Same thing, be back in half an hour or you're fired. You bring this guitar and repair it. Pay the man double if he refuses to do this first."

Wooyoung ran around the mansion, making sure the people are actually worker and the setup was looking good.

Hours later after all the people had gone from the house, IU came back with bags of grocery. Wooyoung who was sitting on the couch, took the bags from IU who was standing at the door in confusion at the decorated house.

"Go take a shower. I've already prepared clothes for you and I've prepared food."

IU ignored Wooyoung but stepped into her room to take a quick shower. She looked at the bed to see the dress. She gave a small smile at the cute uotfit but was too stubborn to wear it. 

When she walked out of the room to the dinner table, Wooyoung frowned to see her in her worn out maid outfit like usual. 

"Its okay even if you didn't wear the dress. Here come sit down and eat the food I prepared."

IU ignored Wooyoung once again, sitting herself down next to the seat that Wooyoung pulled out for her. 

"Its okay. Its okay." Wooyoung whispered to himself then went into the kitchen to bring out the food, setting one down for IU then for himself.

IU dug in without waiting for Wooyoung only to spit it out again.

"Wow. You can't even be honest about one meal."

"Why are you getting angry again? What did I do wrong?"

"If you asked someone to cook you the meal, at least make sure its closer to dinner time. The whole plate has become frozen."

"Just because its cold doesn't mean I didn't make it. Maybe I prepared this for you earlier so I don't mess up and it got cold as I waited for your return!" Wooyoung argued back in annoyance. IU couldn't accept his thoughts without complaining about it for once.

IU scoffed at Wooyoung still trying to play it off. "For the past 20 years I've known you, the only time you stepped into the kitchen was when you wanted to ask for a favor from me and I happened to be in there."

"Maybe I learned today specifically to throw a surprise for you."

"Definitely a surprise. You're lying again." IU replied in mockery.

"Look why does it even matter who made this meal? Why can't we just go back to how our relationship used to be?"

"Maybe its because of the fact that YOU decided to play dead like it was the most fun thing to do in the world for a stupid love."

"Well love can blind people. And it blinded me."

"Well then stay blinded."

IU got up from her seat abruptly, slamming her door clsoe as she entered her room and caused Wooyoung to throw a fit again.

She could hear the breaking of plates as it collided with the floor.

After several moments of calming down on both sides, Wooyoung made another approach to IU's door.

He knocked, but was replied with silence.

"Alright fine. I admit it. I had assistance for the meal. But its the thoughts that count right?"

"Why was it so hard for you to just tell the truth? I would've accepted the thought if you had been honest from the start. To me it wasn't who made the meal that was important. Its honesty. And you dissappointed me once again." 

"IU give me one more chance to prove my worth. I promise this time, there will be no more lies and no more dishonesty coming from me. I swear on my life."

There was no response as Wooyoung continued to wait in anxiety. Finally, IU's door creaked open and IU peaked out from the door.

She stuck her hand out between the slightly ajar door, causing Wooyoung to look at in confusion.

"Pinky promise."

Wooyoung reached his hands towards IU and the two concluded the promise in a pinky lock. 


Krystal impatiently glared at Minho from her seat on the bed. She had been trying to finish this chick flick and all Minho had done for the whole movie was pace around the whole room.

"Can you stop shuffling around?!?! Its making me dizzy having to watch you."

"Then don't watch me."

"I wish I could but being trapped in this limited spacing heck of a thing called room is giving me no other choice."

"Well we aren't exactly here on a honeymoon so just deal with the room for a bit. I'm trying to keep a lowkey for the period not make my arrival known to the world."

Krystal ignored Minho's snarky reply, averting attention back to the screen when she heard her phone ring. She looked up at Minho who mirrored her actions and then both looked towards the small night desk where the vibrating cellphone laid.

As quick as Krystal could have dove for her phone, Minho was still closer.

"YAH! Give me my phone back!"

Minho barely escaped from Krystal's clawing fingers and chucked her phone into the bath tub that was filled with the water Krystal was going to use to bathe herself after the movie was over.

As soon as the phone met the water, the ringing stopped and only pants could be heard.

"You didn't." Krystal shoved Minho to the side and grabbed her phone from the bottom of the tub.

"As a matter of fact, yes. I did." Minho shrugged, and walked back out to the bedroom nonchalantly.

Back in the bathroom, Krystal was still attempting to dry her phone, even going as far as using the blow dryer. When nothing worked, she stampeded out towards Minho and landed a harsh step on his foot.

Minho clutched his foot in pain as he growled at Krystal whose frown has now been replaced with a smirk.

"Yes. I just did that. And next time you pull something like that off again, the area in pain won't only be your distorted toes."

Krystal then went back into the bathroom, the movie having no feels for her anymore and decided to take a shower.

As soon as the door banged shut, Minho plopped down on the bed. 

"If only you can understand I'm doing this for your own good." He mumbled and glanced up at the television screen of a couple. Happily in love and going on a fun date.

If only we could go back to this time.


Taeyeon and Leeteuk currently sat in the living room of Taeyeon's house after Leeteuk carried her down the steps and were currently eating take out.

Leeteuk watched Taeyeon as she giggled cutely while watching the movie and smiled even bigger with each bite she took of her food.

Finally feeling someone's eyes on her, Taeyeon turned towards Leeteuk and coughed awkwardly.

"What are you looking at?"

"You're so cute and pretty when you're not even doing anything."

"Well I'm eating . And laughing. So not exactly nothing."

"I mean you're unconciously pretty and cute. I'm pretty sure you're not trying to pull off your cutest or prettiest face to seduce me right?"

"Obviously not."

There was awkward silence before Taeyeon faced back to the television, Leeteuk's eyes never leaving her.

In frusteration, Taeyeon glared at Leeteuk, only making his smile get bigger.

"Gosh. You've gotten so annoying. You weren't even like that back then."

Taeyeon's hands flew over at the words that came out.

"What do you mean back then?"

"Taeyeon pretended she was wiping and as she continued to bite her lips from trying to think up a reason, it began to bled.

Seeing this, Leeteu gets frantic. "Yah yah yah!! Can't you be more careful?!?!? Your lips are bleeding now. You're a girl. Learn to take better care of yourself! What if this leaves a scar?"

And thus, began the nagging days of Leeteuk and the full of annoyance ones for Taeyeon.

I'm back!!! :D I will start to update more often. The next update would be when I receive a new poster because I really don't like the ones I've created.

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Foreverpinksonegg #1
Chapter 17: Thank you for the update .... Especially for taeteuk chapters! :) tae and teuk were so cute acting childish towards each other hehehe i hope taeyeon will soon fully remember teuk and have a love child lol
Chapter 17: I hate yuri :p
Hope minstal will get back together soon.
Thxxxx u for the update !!!!
red9508 #3
Nice story authornim!!! I like minstal moment :).. ^^
Chapter 16: Love minstal moment :) make them together please !!!!! And thxxxxx u for the update !!!!!
exotaeng9 #5
Chapter 15: update....
MilkyCouple4ever #6
Chapter 15: YAYAYAY!!! You're back gigantic WooU shipper here^^! The end of WooU in this chapter is just too cute :3 'pinky promise' should've said 'lollipop promise' :/ just a suggestion but anyways happy that you're back^^
Chapter 15: TaeTeuuuuuk!<3 Update update update! :D