Drugs and Misery

The Veela's Mate

"Thank you for accepting my invitation." 

Seungri gave the women a reserved smile as he shook her hand. "You are welcome." 

"It's been a while," said Mrs Noah as she turn her back and lead them to the round table at the corner of her room. The room didn't change much since he left the place. The wall is still colored in boring dull peach and the framed picture of her deceased cats were still there, hanged behind her desk. Mrs Noah stands with the same grace and continued watching Seungri. "I thought you would never come, but I guess luck is on my side today."

Seungri tried to not grimance at this. He hates to be reminded of it or how he ended up here, in this office and seeing her face instead of walking at the streets of London. Its upsetting but there's nothing he can do about it now and he had talk about this with Youngbae, the most rational friends he ever had. Clearly, losing his temper now won't make any difference and he don't want to make a fuss since Daesung is attending the meeting too. It just enough to go with the flow for now and see how it goes. 

He gave her the polite smile and nodded to Jiyong as the Veela come alongside him. "This is my Veela mate, Kwon Jiyong," Seungri said, as he turn to Jiyong. " And this is my former headmistress, Mrs Noah."

Mrs Noah extended one hand and Jiyong didn't hesitate to clasp it. It was probably some kind of insult to his existance if he did, Seungri thought to himself. 

"I congratulate you, for being choosen to be a mate to a Veela. To be one is a blessing." She said to them before nodding briefly to the assistant who served them tea. 

Jiyong staightened for a moment with his wings opened wide, and Seungri shrugged. "I think you could say that fate choosen both of us. It was a suprise for me, certainly."

Jiyong nodded and fold his wings neatly to his back again. Mrs Noah glances between two of them as other guests who had joined the meeting, and her son, settled themselves around her. "Oh really? I thought the Veela knew before the mate, and that was why he choose to pursue you at your graduation ceremony."

"One does know," Jiyong said, for the first time since they entered the room. "But the timing of the knowledge doesn't prevent that knowledge from being a suprise itself."

There come a moment where Seungri felt like they were being judged. Then Mrs Noah gives them a smile like a heart of a winter, cold and forbidding. "Yes. Quite so."

Jiyong bowed at her, all precise and correct, Seungri supposed and then, the Veela put a hand at the middle of Seungri's back. "Nice to meet you Madam." And then, he leaned a bit towards Seungri. "Seungri, we should take our seats. The meeting can't start until then." He whispered, and Seungri realized belatedly how on guard he was that they're still standing. 

'Okay." He said quietly but Jiyong came to a stop, his wings arching over them like willow brances. Seungri sighed and glanced at him. "What is it?" He asked.

"There's no chair for me."

"Of course there is..." Seungri trailed off when he realized what Jiyong meant. Yes, there is enough seats in the room, but Jiyong's was a long way across the table. Mrs Noah assistant and Daesung had the chair on either side of him. 

"How could anyone have overlooked such common etiquette?" Mrs Noah asked, raising her voice from her place. "Lucas, stand up and give your chair to Mr Kwon." She looked at her son, who looked bemused for a moment. Lucas stares at him and instinctively, Seungri disliked it.

As well as any other move that Lucas made. Maybe because he was being too paranoid but the sense of danger that leashed around Lucas was transparent.

"No need to put yourself to inconvenience, Ma 'am," He said, and forced himself to smile at her. She paused, as though she wasn't used to him or anyone else contradicting her words, and her son, rising from his seat, froze like a rabbit. Seungri continue smoothly. "But I do appreciate the way that you sprang immediately to service. So sweet, so thoughtful." He said, and then he turn to the person who seat were beside him. "Sir, please change chairs with Jiyong, thanks."

The man stares at him for a while before he nodded and smiled. Seungri was releived that he didn't make a fuss about it. Then again, the way that the man seems to understand the bond between him and Jiyong more than Daesung did was the reason why he had choosen him to move. Daesung will make a fuss about it, the way that he don't want to deal with at the moment. 

Jiyong only blinked at him when that man shifted down the table, and Lucas settled back. But he jumped when Seungri would have taken his chair. He drew it further back for Seungri -- in fact, to the perfect distance so that Seungri would step up to the table without looking like he was squeezing in. 

Seungri stared at him. Jiyong tilted his head down and muttered, "Don't make a big deal out of it. They're watching."

Seungri relaxed. Jiyong pushed the chair in for Seungri as well, and slid one hand along his arm in caressing gesture. For a moment, a shadow of wings moved over Seungri like a blessing. 

He sighed. For a moment, what Jiyong had offered him sounded nice. Someone who would care about his well - being and someone who would understands him was someone who he could use in his life.

But then, utter submission was the price, the one that Seungri couldn't pay. If only Jiyong had been willing to accept something else, something that needed a time to build and took a while to create affection that didn't depend solely on this notion of service to the dominant, but he wasn't. Maybe it isn't even possible for a dominant Veela, someone who had grown up with the instinct and expectation, to want something else other than that. 

For all he know, Jiyong would probably turn sour on him and the bond as soon as the Veela realized that there is no way he was ever to give in to Jiyong nor this bond. 

Seungri sighed. He touched Jiyong's hand and nodded in thanks, then, he returned to the meeting. 


****************************************************************************************** * ** *** ****


Jiyong keep his eyes away from Seungri as much as he could. For one thing, he don't want to disturb Seungri by his staring, which he knew he would do if he didn't watch out of it. 

For another, the dangerous airs that lingers around Mrs Noah and Lucas. There is something that feel off with her as soon as he locked his eyes on that women and then, he noticed the stares Lucas was sending to his mate earlier. That had urged his instinct to lunged to him and cling to Seungri himself. But he know Seungri won't appreciate him doing that, so he relaxed his locked muscle and settled on watching them. 

"Its quite a suprise when I first heard about your bond with a Veela, Seungri." Noah said, glancing briefly at Jiyong before she turned back to Seungri. "Please, if you may, tell me more about this."

Noah and the other guest listened in utter silences to what Seungri had to say about their bonds, with utter stillness too. Jiyong found himself releived when Seungri didn't touch the part where their bond is not like any other normal bonds goes. It was private and more than anything, it will be humialting to be talked out in open occasion like this. Seungri keep his explaination formal and as simple as he can and Jiyong think that for an outsider it'll be more than enough information to give.

"And as for now, Jiyong and I agreed that I lived in Kwons manor. We've settled few things and now, our bond is progressing." Jiyong glance at Seungri's face when he said that, hoping that there at least a sparks of interest on his face when he mentioned about the progress but there's nothing. He expected that though. 

"But, I heard that you reject your bond with Mr Kwon," Noah said, and Jiyong find himself to tensed at her words and her query tone. "As much as I thought a bond with a Veela is a blessing, it concern me if you didn't find it pleasant as it supposed to be." She added, and Jiyong narrowed his eyes at her.

He felt insulted by her words but he choose to sit still, because of Seungri had reached out beneath the table and laid a hand on his own. "I am grateful of your concern ma'am but thats is unecessary. The rumor is true but for now, Jiyong and I had come out with an agreement in term of this bond."

"What kind of agreement?" She asked, and Jiyong kept his gaze away from her. He was afraid that he would bristle if he looked at her, and he couldn't really afford lose it right now. He disliked the way she kept on questioning Seungri like that. Their bonds issues was suppose to be private. 

"Its something that couldn't be discussed with an outsider and I personally think that the rumors serve you enough informations about me." said Seungri as he glance at Lucas before he turn back to Noah. The man seems to be taken aback and Jiyong hid his crowing chuckle. "And I thought we were here to talk about my Veela bond, not about the state of it. I thought that was what you're curious about."

"Very well then," She said. Instead of looking upset about Seungri contradicting her, she had a faint smile on her lips and that worried him. "I suppose that you know well what you're getting yourself into Seungri. I just want to offer a help if you want."

Seungri rolled his eyes at this and Jiyong stared at him. He had thought that Seungri was trying to preserve a detached, bland facade in front of this people, and now he had just done it to them. Jiyong found himself reaching instinctively for the conduit that connected him and Seungri. He dug his fingernails into his arm when he realized that he could feel nothing through it right now. Whoever or whatever that had damaged the bond, he hated them more than he had since Seunghyun revealed the ragged nature of their bond's extent. 

"It's alright. If I wanted help, I'll seek Daesung hyung but for now, I think I can handle it myself." 

"Daesung," Noah called for him. "Do you approve of his bond with Mr Kwon?"

Daesung looked baffled for a moment and that was the time Jiyong decided that he needed to say something, "I didn't need anyone approval other than my own mate to continue this bond." Seungri looked like he wanted to say something but he didn't and Jiyong was glad that Seungri keep his silences. 

Noah's face went still and cold. Jiyong half twiched his wings, thinking that she or Lucas might do something to Seungri and he was ready to soar up and defend Seungri if he had to. If he could carry Seungri all the way to Kwon's manor, he can bloody bear him up to the ceiling of this room before anyone could lay their hands on Seungri. 

"You are, it is true." said Noah and Jiyong shuts his wings again, but he was wary. He don't have a nice feeling towards this women nor to this place. "But I wonder," She continue. "how long you going to put up with it." 

Seungri, if anything still keeping his face as distant and bland as Jiyong stared back at her. "How long will I put up with it is not anyone concerns. As long as Seungri is willing to stay by my side, I'll continue to be with him." 

"You are persistence," said Noah. The smiles is all gone. "Lets see how far you will go with Seungri."

Jiyong was furious at her words but Seungri didn't say anything so he took the liberty to stands up and take Seungri with him. "I didn't think we should continue with this anymore."

His mate didn't say anything and that worries him because its not like Seungri to let anything go like that but he didn't get to ask when suddenly he felt, and saw and heard and felt the moment when Seungri began to convulse in silent pain.


****************************************** * ** ***

Seungri could feel the pain curling through him, and accelerating as it spread down to his limbs. All the while, there was a voice hissing in his ears and his blood and even in his eyes, it seemed like, a voice that was cold, a dead version of the tone the Noah woman had used to speak to him. 

Break the bond, reject it. Give it up. Leave him.

It was just her bad luck, Seungri thought with the part of him still clinging to himself, watching the fire take place, that she did this on someone who had suffered the same pain almost for half of his life and someone who had figured out how to endure it. He glance at his half empty cup, she must've slip some of the drug in his tea.

But then, he couldn't help shaking from the effect of the drug, 'Crucio' , but he manage to stop himself from crying out. He forced it back, bore down on it with his will, the way he had when he was fighting years ago whenever Noah use the drug on him. She used it on him when he didn't listen to her or when she think he need to be punished for it. 

Jiyong was draped in feathers beside him, his wings hunching over them and his claws were pointed long, and thin. Seungri leaned against him, hoping that Jiyong's protective Veela instincts would make Jiyong want to stay close to him, not lunging at Noah or everyone else in the room. Seungri wanted to tell him that he's okay, that the drug wouldn't work on him like how it used to or make him suffer the way she wanted him to, but he couldn't fight the drug off and speak at the same time. He settled for grabbing Jiyong's hand and squeeze it as hard as he could. 

Jiyong pull him into his arms and held him close. Seungri shuts his eyes and to his suprise, Jiyong's warmth, and then his wings which wrapped around his body gave him something to concentrate on, a floating cushion of heat on which he could balance as he crushed the pain and the command that Noah had tried to inflict on him. 

He crushed them, and the pain in his blood spluttered and died. Only then, Seungri open his eyes and lift his head. 

At first, all he saw were white feathers. Seungri lifted a hand and pushed it away with gentle firmness, they opened up and dropped off to the sides. Jiyong huffed a little, as though he hadn't told his wings to do that and wondered how Seungri make them do it. 

Noah and Lucas both looked at him with a white face. There was no expression of suprise on it, but more important to Seungri, there wasn't one of truimph either. Seungri shook his head, not turning away from her. 

"You should known better than to do that," He said. "You've used the drug too often on me, surely enough at some point I gotten used to it."

The other look at them in suprise and some of them didn't, then Daesung demand, "She drugged you?". 

Seungri left his questions hanging as he stared at Noah, and she looked back at him, and he was sure there is a greater danger for him by the way her eyes blazing as she glared at him. 

Jiyong pull him backward and cover him with his wing, sheilding him from Noah or anyone else who meant to hurt Seungri. His claws were long and pointed, looking so fit to strike if Noah even try to come close. Seungri thought it was effective since she stay at where she was. 

"It was the Crucio drug," He said, when he sure that everyone is listening. "She used it on me when she want me to obey her and do as she said. The drug cause me pain if I didn't." He stepped forward, and maybe because of the assured way in which he moved, Jiyong dropped his wings and let him do it. "You ought to know better!. You've put me through the same pain way too many times, and your ing son do the same things. I survived both hell you've given to me and I will survive this one."

Noah just stared at him. 

Daesung was the one who drew Seungri's attention away from Noah, by leaning forward and grab Seungri's arm. He seemed to want to make sure that there isn't any cuts or any other visible injury on Seungri. Jiyong uttered a low growl, but calmed down when Seungri reached back and one of his wings.

"Whats the Crucio?" Daesung whispered, but the room was silent enough that everyone heard him.

"Its a drug, the one that forces its victim to suffer until they do what the giver want them to do. She used it on me back then hyung." Daesung looked completely and utterly stricken by it. Seungri looked back at Noah. "They know they're under the influence but thety can't resist it, but they also suffer so much that most of them didn't realize it. And most of them didn't talk about it either."

"How long she had been using it on you," Jiyong's voice might have been snowfall as he speak, "that you can resist it? that you can tell it as soon as you feel it?"

Seungri manage a smile, or at least, he hoped it was. Daesung was giving him a concerned look again and he shook his head. He was too alert of Jiyong's mood not to know how much danger that little whisper held. "It doesn't matter anymore."

Jiyong nuzzled on the back of his neck. "You will tell me about it."

"Later," Seungri said in finality. "Not now." And Jiyong seems to understand what he said, because he nodded and looked over Seungri's shoulder at Noah himself. 

"That was so stupid of you, to do such thing to a Veela's mate," said Jiyong dangerously. Seungri once again touched his wings, and Jiyong bowed his head in what he understand as another nod. "Why did you do that?"

Noah waited until everyone is looking at her before she open , "I want him to return," she said, in a clear voice. "I want him to break the bond and return to his place." She looked at Jiyong. "His place is always in this orphanage. I was the one who raised him, his life should be decided by me, not by some bond or whatever fate the Veela hold. He should've been grateful when I took him in but he didn't. I despise that."

"What?" Daesung stared at her in disbelieve. "What nonsense are you uttering?" Daesung had always know about her sick fixation towards Seungri but he never had expected her to get this far.

"Do you think that all those time when no one come to adopt him is just a mere coincidence? And the bond, he doesn't deserve it." Said Noah, and she turn to Seungri. "Everything should be fine if you didn't insist on leaving. I've planned your future on the day you stepped your foot on this place.It would've been simpler if you listen to me." 

Seungri paused, trying to pull himself together. He had always guessed it but the part where she want him to stay in this place he bever consider a bit as his home after the hell she put him through is revolting. He remember those disturbing memories he had, where she would lock him and starved him for days and now she say that she wanted him to return? so that she can torture him all his life?

"I will never let that happen," Seungri said. "I will never come back even if it kills me and you always know how much I longed for this freedom."

"There is not going to be that," said Noah. "And the drug was the lesser price." She then raised her hand, and something small and dark comes in view, a small knive. Jiyong comes forward and sheilded him with his wings. Seungri caught the glance of the it when she throw it toward his direction. 

He raised his hand to cover his face out of reflect, but Jiyong had already spread his wings. He heard Daesung screams but all of those sound died down as fast as it comes. He slowly put his hands down and opened his eyes. Jiyong gave a flutter of his wings and it settled neatly behind his back. For a second, Seungri thought he'd been injured, and start reaching his hand forward, but then he realize that Jiyong was holding the knive in his hand. 

"I ask you again," Jiyong said, as he turn back to Noah. Seungri caught a glimpse of his blazing eyes. His hazel orbs had turn bloody red and his irises had turn into slits. "Why would you attack a Veela's mate when you had know the price?"

Noah might have looked a little paler, but Seungri had to admit, it was hard to see it against her naturally paler complextion. She managed to laugh and shake her head. 

"Everyone knows that your bond isn't strong," She said. "How can it be? When the first thing he did was rejecting you in the middle of the graduation ceremony, in front of those people. How can it be? When your own mate is so unwilling to take part in this blessed relationship?"

Seungri stepped out from behind Jiyong this time. The Veela was standing as though the knive really pierce his chest, and Seungri knew they had to respond, or else Noah will think she's winning this useless fight. 

"Your spies haven't told you the latest gossip," he said, glaring at Lucas. "I wonder if you can still trust them? It would be amusing if you can't."

Noah's neck jerked a little. Seungri sneered. "What gossip?" She asked.

"I am sleeping in the same room as Jiyong," Seungri said, raising his head as he stared at her through half - closed eyes. "I've decided to give this bond a go. It might be harder than I thought, but at least I'm not running the other way. Jiyong needs me, and I've decided that I'd like to give him a chance."

Jiyong stood as if he had turned into steel. He edged slowly backwards, and he wrapped a wing across Seungri's shoulder, as though thinking that Seungri will run away from him any second. He clenced his teeth and reached for Jiyong's hand, and he intertwined his fingers with Jiyongs' together. He didn't need to look at Noah's face to make sure that she wouldn't try anything else. 

He opens his eyes and see Jiyong's eyes staring at him. It was a brief stares but Seungri know what it meant. He then, looked over to Noah. "I think my business here is done. I wish that I would never see you again." And with that, he left the room. 

The walk along the hallway in complete silence, and Jiyong's hand is still clasping with his. He will let it, as long as he didn't say a words about what Seungri had say to Noah earlier. And he was relief that Daesung was too shocked about the drugs matters to be bothered by what he had just declared to Noah. He had to because he don't want her to win and he only realize what he said once the words had left his mouth. 

Jiyong won't take it lightly, he's sure of it and he had to think of something later but for now, all he want is to leave this horrible place.

"Seungri!" He froze when he heard Lucas's voice and footsteps coming towards them. "I have something to say to you."


Jiyong growled and turned around, pulling Seungri closer to his side. Lucas was standing in front of them, his eyes sliding away from Jiyong as if he didn't exist. He focused his gaze on Seungri, and it was so obvious that he wasn't going to give up anytime soon. 

"Then say it," Said Seungri. 

For a moment, Jiyong thought he could give his thanks for Seungri absolute ice - cold demeanor. Seungri wasn't giving anything away to Jiyong and he hated that, but on the other hands, he could outface his suitor without giving them any encouragement, either. 

"I want to speak to you, alone." Said Lucas, and his hands trembled a little before he put it behind his back and bowed his head. "I need to apologize for my previous behaviour and my mothers'."

Jiyong started to lift his wings and speak but before he could, Seungri said, "I don't see any reasons why you can't offer apology in front of other people. Your mother almost hurt my Veela, and you owe him and apology for that." Seungri said and Jiyong's heart skips a beat when he heard the way Seungri referring him as his. 

Lucas lifted his head and locked his eyes with Seungri. Jiyong felt a breathless hatred towards him, and didn't know whether the emotion would be as strong with anyone else who wanted to claim Seungri, or if its especially strong here because Lucas dare to speak to Seungri after what he had done. 

But Jiyong choked back his natural responds, though all he want to do now is rip Lucas's blithering guts out from his body. He had to remind himself that his mate, in this case, was more than capable to defend himself, so he held back, if barely, hovering on the edge. 

He shouldn't have to defend himself. If anything, he deserve someone who will love him, cherished him and his evey words and -

"You are not sorry, are you?"

Seungri's voice were so weary. Jiyong blinked and stared at his mate, breaking the intense one sided staring contest he had with Lucas. Thats wasn't the emotion he expected so far. 

"I don't know what you mean," Lucas said as he tilted his head and Jiyong almost snarled to death when he see it.He tightened his grip on Seungri's hand.  

Seungri didn't react to it. "You would have apologize," he said. " Or give me a better reason for not wanting to speak in front of Jiyong and Daesung. Even saying its embarassing will get it done."

Jiyong's lips parted a little. He hoped, viciously that Lucas will blamed himself for not thinking about it before he confronted them like this. 

"But instead, you just stood here and waited for me to give in," Seungri shook his head. "It doesn't matter. You're just like your mother and everyone else who has some kind of desire to use me. No different than the rest, maybe worst." He paused as if he's gathering his breathe. "You are no better."

Jiyong stood there in silence, staring at his mate. He could hear Lucas spluttering denial, but he's no longer interested in it. He only cared about Seungri. 

He doesn't want to be wanted?

Maybe he doesn't, when the people who want him to do one thing and more likely to turn their back on him next time. Maybe he isn't used to be wanted for who he is. 

"I never meant," Lucas said. 

"I know you didn't," said Seungri, which almost make Jiyong snarl again. "But thats what happen. Now, please leave or I won't stop Jiyong if he want to kill you." He said and Lucas begrudgingly steps backward. They turn around and continue to walk without a backward glance. 

Jiyong followed, both because he want to flap his wings and crow at Lucas's dismissal and moving gave him something else far more important to focused on. Others because he want to wrap a wing around Seungri. 


******************************************************** * ** ***


"We need to report her to the police or do something about her Seungri! I didn't know, how can I didn't notice anything..."

Daesung had cornered Seungri and was bombarding his mate with seamless questions about Noah and Lucas as soon as they arrived at Youngbae's place. Sometimes Seungri answered him and then he assured him that he's fine. Jiyong want to know but Seungri's subtle glance at him, telling him to stay away makes him feels distant.

But Seungri had made him a promise to tell him a secret later. He had told Noah that her information is outdated and he had done something to show that he accepted the bond, which was more than Jiyong had ever thought he would get from Seungri.

"Kwon, are you alright?"

It was Youngbae's voice, strangely enough. The lad pull a chair and sit in front of him and Jiyong turn towards him. 

"Yes," said Jiyong, and he coughed. His voice hasn't come out quite right enough to convince someone else that he's really alright. "I don't have a settled bond yet, and Noah attacked my mate. There's a limit to how comfortable I can feel at the moment." 

Youngbae consider him closely and Jiyong shifted his wings. Then he whispered, "Do you want me to talk to Seungri?"

"I think he know better than anyone now not to accept any invitation from Noah or Lucas," Jiyong said, and then he caught Youngbae's eyes and he shook his head. "Not about the bond either. Remember when you explained it to him that day? about the rights and privilage of being a Veela's mate? He was so irritated by it, enough to pinned me on the floor. I guess, I should work this out myself."

And isn't it a surreal things to say to Youngbae. But perhaps he should have considered his life as surreal since the day he found out that his mate is Lee Seungri. 

"You didn't explain more about the bond to him?"

Jiyong flushed a little. "Well, I wanted him to show interest in the bond, and ask about it on his own accord, but he didn't. So I thought he must have known something about it."

"Seungri was raised without a concern about those things, Kwon. He doesn't have any clue."

"So everyone keeps telling me," Jiyong glanced again at Seungri, who was busy calming Daesung down. "And I realize he didn't have any idea of a Veela bond being a honor. He knows, but he ignores it. It would help me if he would ask, and show that he does care about it, after all."

"It's more than that Kwon," said Youngbae, and the lad blinked slowly at him. "You're talking like Seungri was raised with the knowledge of that, like he have time to think about it but he was raised in complete ignorance of things like this. He thought nothing is important other than to get away from that place."

Jiyong raised one hand and rub his palm on his face.  His heart was beating as slowly in his chest as Youngbae had blinked, and he wanted to ask Youngbae if he know anything about Seungri's past, and if he could spare him some of the information but Seungri would know if he break their promise. 

"Was he abused?" He asked, or said. Jiyong wasn't sure that he could tell anymore, from the croaking nature of his voice. He just don't know anymore.

"No one adopted him since he was sent to that place," Youngbae said. "He thought that nobody wanted him and Noah had done plenty terrible things to him. He thought no one cares, thats why even Daesung didn't know about those drugs."

Jiyong stared at Seungri, and his heart pounded some more. He wanted to talk to Seungri, to take him away, and make him realize how precious he was. 

He shook his head and turn back to Youngbae. "I don't want to ask more," he said firmly. "I had promised Seungri that I would wait  until he wanted to tell me about that part f his life himself. But it helps, a little to know what kind of life he had led before me."

"Alright," said Youngbae, and his face twisted in pity he probably hated to feel as much as Jiyong hated to see it. "And there are things you can ask him about, right?"

Jiyong nodded, although he wasn't sure what Youngbae was on about now. 

"Then maybe you can ask him about how he can endure the drug effect," Youngbae cast Seungri a look that Jiyong didn't know how to intrepret. "Ask him, why he wanted to leave so bad."

"He said you knew," said Jiyong, stunned into speaking. 

"I know what he said," Youngbae muttered, "But I don't think that's all there to it."

Jiyong watched Seungri, how he sit with all his attention towards Daesung but an abstract expression on his face at the same time, as if he was thinking distantly to all the plans he wanted to put on motion. Yes, but maybe not.


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A.N : Finally. Sorry for the late update. If you noticed I put some HP referrence in my story.. cant help it. I hope you won't find it riddiculous. Anyway, thanks for subscribing and also for the upvote! Pleaseeee write down your comments down below and help me fuel up my spirit to write more haha. Oh, and I hope you guys love their relationship development, even if its not much for now, but marks my words.. there is more yet to come my friends. So long! Please, dont forget to comment ^^

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baejiyongie #1
Chapter 13: thats from bmth songs. i am the ocean i am the sea there is a world inside of me
Chapter 29: It seems they all forgot that their mates should feel happy too.. they only consider their own desires.... Im really glad Ji and Ri are different T.T
Chapter 29: Hi! Im so sorry for my late response .A. I wanted to read the chapter earlier but until now I could T.T
Anyway, I don't even know where to start, I love how their bond is evolving, it's very nice and refreshing to see how they understand each other reaching an agreement where both are comfortable now with their relationship, even though they still need a little more time but they are definitely on the right path, you know the way you are building their relationship it's the same reason of why I love your story so much, and I will never tire of telling you how beautiful you write, every detail that it has makes me see the scenes very clearly in my mind .A.

And going back to the chapter, I think them facing the council served to show more clearly the different perspectives, it may not be entirely acceptable for Seungri what they think, but most Veelas were raised with these ideas that although outdated and not entirely the best, for them it was since those were the only ideas they knew, the only way, so even though I'm more on Ri's side, I can understand what they mean and why they act like that.

Thank you very much for writing one more chapter, for continuing with this amazing story, really thank you, you don't know how much I appreciated it, it is a really wonderful story and one of my all time favorites, that Im never tire of reading, so it's almost like a dream that you updated it, thank u so much again! T.T
PD: The chapter was perfect, I totally loved it, I even felt butterflies in my stomach with the scene at the end, they are so adorable and I love them so much .A.
Wahyuni89 #4
Welcome back ?????
Segarselalu #5
Welcome back :)
AleenaAdiba #6
Chapter 29: Welcome back, Author-nim... Thanks for the update. This was getting better each chapter. I kinda forgot about the plot, need to read from the first chap. N Already did in one go. Love it... Looking forward for the next chap.
Oh my gosh! Never in my wildest dreams did I think a Veela Jiyong story existed! And here it is. I feel like my life has been leading me to this exact moment!!! I am so so excited!
choco25 #8
Chapter 29: Omoooo! So beautifull! Welcome back
Chapter 29: Welcome back
Chapter 26: Ahhhhh I missed this story so much!! Im late because I was abroad but omg this is so beautiful T_T