The Deal

The Veela's Mate

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"Where is my brother?" 

Seungri lifts his eyes from the book in his hand that he's currently reading and his eyes met So Hyung's glare. It didn't even surprise him at this point. 

Not that he can do anything about it anyway. The damage is done. "He's at the drawing-room the last I knew". Seungri said, and he turns his attention back to the book. He had been reading it for a while now and the contents are all the same as what Youngbae had told him earlier. He had thought to find something else other than that, something that is sided to him instead of the Veelas. 

"The answer is not an answer enough," So Hyung said, putting a hand on the desk. 

Seungri look up and met her eyes without blinking. She was in Jiyong's room, the one that Jiyong told him about nobody could stride in and interrupt him. It showed how foolish he was, to believe in Jiyong's bollocks. "That's where I left him. If he's not there, then I don't know where he is". 

"I have talked to him". So Hyung's had her head low, and she glared at him like he's the vilest creature she has ever seen. "I know the way you nearly destroyed him, how you nearly broke his heart". 

"Then if you know, why would you bother to ask me". 

So Hyung's frown as she raised her hand. Seungri rose from the chair in a flash and he raises his hand as a defense. And that finally made her pause, and look at him as though she's considering her options.

"You would not dare to hit me," she said. 

"I'm defending myself and you were moving like you were going to hit me". 

She said nothing after that, but lowered her hand back to her side and begin to observe him closely. "You know you have to endure with a great deal in Veela's bond".

"If he thinks he can do whatever he likes to me, I will not hesitate to punch him," Seungri said calmly and he thinks it had made So Hyung shrink in her place. Her eyes are so bright and suspicious that Seungri thought she might weep.

"He's not going to do that," She finally said. "But I know what you did to him in the drawing-room. He told me everything. He says that you don't want to be part of the bond at all, that you hate him. A Veela would prefer to be punched senseless rather than hearing that". 

Seungri snorted as he lowered himself on the chair. "So what do you want me to say to him?," He asked her. "That I accept him? No. I thought I was making myself clear enough by going along with your family bull without any enthusiasm. But now it seems like I wasn't. I explained things to him from the beginning that this is a part of the compromise. I don't think anything less clear would be accepted". 

"You are not clear. You are very brutal". 

"He was the one who thought I want him". Seungri said. "That I was his mate, that I was in love with him. I'm just correcting his misunderstanding and I do it for the sake of his survival. He has to realize that I'm not the mate he wanted and I'll give him what he wants without disrupting my life". 

"This should be the most important in your life at this point". 

"Let me tell you something," said Seungri. He knows from the slight of her narrowed eyes that he had thrown her off, but he continues before she could say something. "Unlike other people think about me, I am a very selfish person. I may look weak but I'm not going to let someone come in between me and what I had planned for my life. I'm not ready to be held down by unnecessary commitments". 

"I sounded as though you're not selfish enough to consider my brother's needs," So Hyung muttered slowly. Seungri knows that she's trying to turns every word in her mind to intrerpret them to sound favorable to what she and Jiyong want.

"I am selfish because I never want to be held back again," Seungri said. "I am ready to give up everything I have here, my friends, my house, and everything else for start a new life. My compromise with Jiyong was base on that. I thought he wouldn't press me further to accept this bond and I'll go along with him for a meantime until I find a way to get out from this". 

So Hyung was looking sick, but Seungri had never sure why she looked like that until she whispered, "No Veela's mate would wish to do that. Their home is where their Veela is, and their heart and desire were only for their Veela alone". 

"I understand that". Seungri shrugged, "but I'm not his mate". 

"But Jiyong's instinct had chosen you. There nothing else you could be". 

Seungri wanted to tell her how much she despises her belief, that only certain things exist and there is no way around it could be. He thought that when she comes from a family with a higher status, clearly more well educated, she or Jiyong at least could think outside of this context but he's wrong. People are people, no matter where they come.

"I can apologize to him," He sighed. "But it won't be a truth and he'll be able to tell that". 

"Yes, he'll know if you lied".

Then how could he mistake what we had so far as real consent? But Seungri thought it would be a waste of time to point it out. As far as he knows, Jiyong was so proud of his bloodline and was so sure that anyone else would be thrilled to be a part of it, too, that he choose ignorance on the emotions that surged between them. Seungri thought he would pay attention from now on. 

"Then I can't apologize". Seungri said. "I explained where I stand and I think he'll understand it".

So Hyung furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at him. "I will not forgive you for what you had done to Jiyong. Not in a million years."

"Don't worry. I didn't expect you to do so either." 

So Hyung did more staring, her face gone smooth and metallic again. Then she whirled and strode across the room. Seungri watched her until she shut the door, and went back to his reading.


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"Jiyong, are you okay?."

Jiyong nodded slowly. He was standing in the middle of the guests' bedroom as he doesn't want to return to his bedroom, not ready to face Seungri yet after what had happened. He flexes his wings, and he wonders why he felt like there is this an invisible net closing from above and besides when he moves them. At least he can still flap them altogether. That was better than losing them both. 

He had been almost convinced that he had lost them after what Seungri had said to him.

He flinched from the memory and turned toward his sister with a faint smile. However, it vanished when he saw the way she stood with her hand on the door frame and watched him from a distance. "Lee, did he told you something about leaving the house? ". It only makes sense, after what he had lashed at Jiyong earlier. 

"No," So Hyung said, her voice soft and almost guilty as she continues, "He told me that he'll continue to go along with everything and you shouldn't expect anything more from him". 

"I, understand about that now. I think," Jiyong said. His words come out sore and slow, as though his mouth was the most bruised part instead of his heart. "He thinks I'm just one of the obstacles that he needs to deal with". That words feel bitter of all on his tongue. A month ago, when he first learned that Seungri was his mate, he would have been thrilled with the sounds of it. A mate that served their Veela out of love and the mate accepted the love. 

But that was before he knows what Seungri based his life on. 

Thinking about it, he supposes, it should be obvious. Seungri didn't associate himself with school affairs more than he was supposed to do. He helps people but careful enough not to get himself attached to them or the other way. Jiyong had been staring at him from afar but he didn't dare to come close because he's a Veela and if Seungri is not his mate, he doesn't want either of them being left heartbroken. 

He doesn't quite comprehend it, even now about Seungri's way of rejecting any attachment to people. What had caused it to happen? 

'Lee doesn't want to be tied up to this place," Jiyong told his sister because she's still staring at him, and her silence waits for him to continue. "He doesn't want to be held back, he doesn't care who or what he left behind either, I think".

"He said something about being selfish, and not letting something come in between him and his life". 

"I'm aware of that". Jiyong moved his hand and touched the bruise on his neck. What kind of pain that Seungri had gone through that turned him this cold? Who had torn him apart that it makes him so scared to trust someone like this? Jiyong closed his eyes. A hurricane of emotions and emotional colors wanted to overwhelm him, and he wanted to blurt out that this bond is different from what he had gone through and he is different from all those people who had hurt Seungri in the past. He wants to go find Seungri and convinced him. 

"I don't know what to do," He whispered. "I suppose I understand a bit about his resistance but I need more." So Hyung didn't ask him to explain that, and Jiyong was glad because his words had more than a few implications that he wasn't proud of. "I can't just go along and take this loveless bond that he wants to offer just because it would be more convenient". 

"Of course not," said So Hyung. "He told me that and he expected to live his life the way he wanted it to be and he doesn't want to think about anything else that might ruin it."

"Did he at least, hoped to get married then?"Jiyong wished now that he had asked about this to Seungri himself but then, the thought of his mate thinking to marry someone else make his blood boil. But, he also doesn't have any idea what Seungri really wants. "At some point, he must've thought about it."

"He said nothing about that. I don't know". Jiyong finally opens his eyes, and he saw his sister stands by the bedroom window, looking at the ground far below, frowning. "I do not think that he knows properly, himself. He was so committed and keep talking about leaving this country that he swallowed everything else like it was the only thing that mattered to him right now."

Jiyong sighed, "That's the main problem then..."

"His detachment to this place? That he would not consider you as a reason to stay?" Soo Hyung gazed at him over her shoulder.  "I thought you knew that already". 

"Not that," Jiyong said. It was hard to admit this, like the words stuck on his throat that he had to push it out. "That I want him to love me enough, that he swallows everything else. That he would trust me enough..."

"You should have that Jiyong," So Hyung said. "I do not know how the destiny or anything chooses a mate for Veela, but you need someone to take care of you, and that's not what you received. I am mad."

"What?." Jiyong stared at her, a little taken aback by her words. 

"I was expressing - "

"No", Jiyong had to sit down because he hasn't for almost one hour since Seungri shouted at him. "You thought I need someone to take care of me? But it's the Veela who had to take care of their mates. Why would you - do you really expect me to be a dominant Veela, nuna?"

"If it comes to that." She said, her eyes stare everywhere except Jiyong. "I was not sure. But no one is perfectly sure when destiny makes its choice, the way you didn't know who your mate was until then".

"No." Jiyong shook his head, "I don't need someone to take care of me. I need someone to love me, to follow me the way submissive mate follows their Veela, but I don't need someone to take care of me."

"You need someone who enjoys doing that," So Hyung said. "Part of that includes caretaking. Defense your emotions, not butchering your feeling as he had done. The desire to protect you, not be the one who hurt you, but what he had done -"

"That's what a Veela supposed to do for their mate," Jiyong said. "To make him feels comfortable, loved, and safe."

So Hyung said nothing back and Jiyong continues. 

"The mate in return loves their Veela. Keep themselves safe, and does what he's told to, keeps their Veela's heart safe by keeping himself safe."

The words were so much of a wind, blown down an empty tunnel from the silence that lingered in the room. Jiyong stared at her, "Are you dissappointed that I grew wings and turned out to be a Veela? because you know no mates had wings." 

They don't need it because they had someone to pick them up and fly them. But the wings for Veela are an indicator of privilege and power, not only for its benefit. What separates the Veela and the mate are simply attitudes. 

"I am not disappointed." His sister said, as she walks toward him and stands before him. "I may question the choices and fates that lead you to become so, but I am never disappointed."

That loosened one string that bound Jiyong's chest, at least. He cleared his throat and muttered, "I need to find some way to past this obstacle. If Lee treats me as an obstacle, I can do the same thing to his bloody reasoning."

So Hyung put her palm on his shoulder. Jiyong glanced up at her, "Yes?"

"You say that he do wesn'tant to be tied up to any commitment. I don't want you to be burned with him."

Jiyong shook his head, "One of my goals is to keep him from getting burned, or from not able to trust anyone, or to think that he doesn't need someone in his life, someone he can rely on and not to shut himself from the world he had right now."

His sister gives him a faint smile and cradles his head in her arm, running her fingers through her hairs in a soothing manner, "What can you do little brother?", she murmured. "That's what he wants, he'll do it."

"But I want him," Jiyong said, and pull away from her arm. "What I need to do is figure out how to make him see that I am his reason to stay. Or that I am desirable." It was humiliating to say that when a Veela should be desired by their mates simply in course of reality, but he said it, and knew from his sister's nod that she approved it.

"If you need him to exist, of course, you need to try and reclaim him." She said, "The only thing is that I do not see how you can, without flying close enough to burn your wings."

"There's one thing I can do," Jiyong said and stood up with his back aching and his throat feeling sore as if he swallowed down a ton of sands. "Only a first step, but it might make Le - Seungri see that I mean business if I come up with it on my own." He should be calling his mate by his name from now on, not by his first name anymore. 

"What is that?" So Hyung asked. 

"Apologize for making him feel pressured," Jiyong said. "And see if that change his opinion of me, even a little bit."


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Jiyong decided not to return to his rooms for a while to give his mate some space to think and to cool down first before he comforted him. He forced himself to sleep on a separate bed, away from his mate though it had made him restless. He thinks that he should give Seungri more times on his own but on the third day, he can't bear with it anymore. The feeling of not talking or seeing his mate's face is even worst than having Seungri yelling and lashing out at him.

He decides to see Seungri and settle this as soon as he could. He knocks on the door but there is no sound on the inside, so he took the liberty to push the door open for himself.

Jiyong cleared his throat twice before Seungri tear his eyes away from his book and stared at him. 

Seungri looked beautiful like that, framed against the window, basking in the light of sunrays that manage to slip through the stained glass window. Jiyong felt the tug at his heart, an ache, as though someone had reached in, and wrapped their fingers around the strings there, and pulled on it. 

Jiyong approach Seungri with his head low, he spreads his wings, the kind of gestures that Veela would adopt after he had angered their mate over something that isn't worth fighting about. His steps become uncertain when Seungri only glance at him, nodding a little just to acknowledge him and then, back to his book. He is neither welcome and unwelcoming Jiyong inside the room. 

"Did you need me to touch you again?". Seungri asked. 

Ugh, so direct, Jiyong thought. That was like Seungri he remembered during their college days. Always going straight to the things that need to be done without dilly-dallying. He remembers what his friends had told him once about Seungri, that if you're working on something with Seungri, there is no time for jokes or even casual talks, always going straight to the objective. Jiyong shakes off the thought out from his head. It doesn't matter now because Seungri is his mate, and he'll listen to him. 

"No," Jiyong said. "I come to apologize."

That at least made Seungri blink and stare at him instead of the book in his hands. "For what?."

Jiyong paused again. He had thought that Seungri wants, or even demand to hear an apology from him for his ignorance. He didn't know what else his mate would want if not that. 

"The way I acted around you, for making you feel pressured about this bond, I'm sorry," Jiyong said, and then something about Seungri's indifference makes him feels uneven. He cleared his throat and continue, "Are you still mad at me?"

"No." Said Seungri before he turns back to his his book, sighing a little. "Was that all you want to hear?"

"No", Jiyong finds himself snapping at Seungri. He had no idea how annoying Seungri was. Could he just spare some of the attention that he gives to the book in his hand and gives it to Jiyong? 

"Okay, what else do you want me to say." Jiyong was silenced when Seungri closes his book and finally turn his full attention toward him. He can make out a mild irritation on his mate's face as he looked at him but Jiyong didn't mind it, at least, Seungri is showing some emotion on his face.

Jiyong doesn't really have something to say but he didn't want to dismiss this conversation just like this. Seungri would continue to ignore him if he stops here, so he worked his mind to come up with something. And then, he remembers something worth asking, "Um, I just - I just need to know if you want to marry someone. I mean, if you're not my mate, that's it"

Seungri stared at him for a second before he said, "I don't have someone like that in my mind yet".

Yet? what does he mean by yet? , Jiyong's mind was racing with various thoughts but he had to remind himself not to be presistent. He was trying to ask for forgiveness, not to fuel one more fight but it still, "What about that guy that we met on the flea market that day, not Youngbae but the one who provoke me."

Seungri's face changes a little at the mention of that guy but it was so faint that Jiyong couldn't tell what Seungri really feel, "He's no one". 

"If he's no one, why did you stop me from attacking him?. Why did you care?". Jiyong knows that he sounds like he's asking for a beating from Seungri, but he just can't help it.

"Wanting to marry someone isn't the same as caring about them," Jiyong silently reveled in that even as he swallowed a little at the way Seungri narrowed his eyes. "And I can care if he's alive without wanting to marry him. Truthfully, I don't exactly care if he died but I'm concern with the fact that you wouldn't escape with murder."

Jiyong's eyes brighten up at this. He perfectly knows what kind of concern Seungri had for him but the fact that his cold mate concern about him, that, is something. He coughed to hide his growing smile and to keep his serious face, "So, you don't want him? In any way?." 


"Why not?"

Seungri rolled his eyes, "I already told you why. Why do you ask me about this anyway?"

"I just want to know," Jiyong said and took another step forward. Seungri only watched him without being on guard or sign that he'll attack him the way he did at the drawing-room that day. Jiyong decides that he could take some comfort in that. "If you don't mind, can you tell him who is he? Is he the reason why you don't want to have this bond?"

Seungri glanced away from Jiyong and stared out the window, "I don't know Jiyong," Seungri said, and the way he seems to be hesitating for a second make it feels like his mate is trying to hide something from him "It just that, for now, I don't think that romance is important to me. At this point of my life, I rather not think about it and I prefer if you stop talking about him for now"

"Alright," Jiyong smiled faintly. He's going to let it go this time because Seungri didn't seem ready to open up to him yet but he makes sure that they'll talk about it later, once Seungri becomes more comfortable about their relationship. For now, he had something else in his mind. "But you do realize that you've said that you don't mind sleeping with me? Why is that?"

Seungri's eyes came slowly back at him, "Because if sleeping with you is all it takes for me to keep my life as how I want it to be, then I don't see any reason why I couldn't make a little sacrifice"

"What? How - how can you thought of that as a 'little sacrifice'?," Jiyong is completely baffled by Seungri's word. How can he put such a little value on his feeling like that? "I mean, how can you do it if you don't even love me enough?".

Seungri stared at him for a moment and he wonders what his mate will say next, "I've told you that for me romance is not important. If I have to do it, then, I'll do it. You're going to get hurt if you keep asking me like this."

Jiyong was at the loss of words as he stared at his mate. Right now, it feels like they were strangers. Not with a mate and his Veela. That was still a painful part to Jiyong. And then, there were things that he didn't understand and he thinks that Seungri just deliberately obscuring. But at least he knows where to start now. All he got to do is to show Seungri that life isn't like what he thought of, and loving someone couldn't be that bad. 

Jiyong blurted out the first thing that comes to him, a bit reluctant but he still wants to give it a shot, "Would you give me a chance then? to prove that this is not as bad as you think?". Seungri paused and look up at him. Jiyong snapped his wings open and shut in agitation.

"And if you fail?" Seungri opens his mouth after a moment. 

"If I fail, I promise that I'll never force thing on you again. Even if it kills me to see you leave, if that's is your decision, I'll never question it." Jiyong said and he holds his gaze on Seungri. He treading on thin ice, but he'll not let his eyes waver. 

"You are very brave with your words Kwon," Said Seungri, and he was smiling in a way that emphasizes his teeth and corners of his face. If Jiyong doesn't know better, he would have thought that he was looking at the face of another Veela, someone in full attack mode. "I hope you hold on to your words until then."


Jiyong hadn't really known. He would have wanted the normal submissive mate, even after it was obvious that Seungri won't give it to him. But it was all he knew about, and what he knew to ask.

Now, he had a different idea. What he wanted was this Seungri, fierce and entirely focused on him, not thinking about his plans or just thinking about how he could compromise Jiyong. Now, Seungri is in motion. Jiyong doesn't want dead eyes and polite voices anymore. He wanted this. 

"I promise." Then he reached for Seungri's hand and pressed a soft kiss on the back of it. He had got a glimpse of something precious, something that he was going to hang into. 

Who would want a mere pond, when they could have an ocean?


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At least he manages to come out with some acceptable deal.

Seungri is feeling a lot better than he was these days, ever since he had closed the deal with Jiyong. He couldn't negotiate his way out from this bond the way he wants to so when Jiyong himself come up with the offer, he wouldn't miss it though he can't understand how Jiyong would prove his words to him but for now, it'll do. Not that he thinks Jiyong would succeed either but at least, when he left, Jiyong or So Hyung won't blame him. It's Jiyong who brought it upon himself so what's left for him to do is wait.

"Yes," Seungri said at last.

They were in Jiyong's room, preparing to sleep. He's just got out of the bathroom and now buttoning up the shirt of his pajama while Jiyong lying on the bed. He sees Jiyong's glance at him through the mirror and he was waiting for the Veela to say something, as he about to but remain silent until he called out his name.

Jiyong shook his head, smiling at him sweetly, so sweetly. Seungri wondered what kind of mate that kind of smile would have worked on? Only the perfect submissive, or was So Hyung right that lots of people would think that it was an honor to be looked like that, to be desired like that?

But I've once been with someone who used to look at me like that. And it's not entirely pleasant. He loathed it even. 

"I will never require perfection of you," Jiyong began. 

He had to stop because of the laughter choking out of Seungri. 

Seungri raised his hand to his mouth, shutting off the laughter. He hadn't meant to do that. He felt a little guilty, though that was because he has not expected Jiyong to have that stricken expression on his face when he turned to look at the Veela. Well, if he was going to cause pain, it had better be for a good reason and something that he can use later on. 

"You're ting me," Seungri said, because he had to because the laughter had brought him down to that path. "I mean, you wouldn't require me to be the perfect mate you were thinking about when you 'claim' me in front of everyone at the hall? You wouldn't want me bowing to you or waiting on you and falling helplessly at your feet with desire? Really?"

Jiyong blinked and blinked again. At least the stricken expression had dissappeared, and now he just looks puzzled.

"That's not something most mates ever have to worry about," Jiyong opened his mouth at last. "They naturally know what to do by instinct. 

"Really?" Seungri walks toward the bed and sits at the edge of the mattress, so he could look closely at Jiyong. "But I don't. Now, do you see why I'm going along with this as much as I have to, and no more than that?"


Seungri rolled his eyes and replies as calmly as he could, "Because, I don't have the slightest ing clue what these instincts or this bond are, and why it feels good, and why I should go along with them. Because I don't know about it and no one bothers to explain it to me."

"I could teach you," Jiyong said, and begin to sit up straight.

Seungri eyed the Veela for a second. "What did you know about it though? You said that it is part of instinct, and you either have the instinct or you don't. I do think this is a ty situation, for both of us, but I don't see how you can teach me based on instincts that you don't have."

"I mean, I can tell you about the traditions," Jiyong grab a pillow and hug it over his chest, he propped his chin on it and continue to stares at Seungri. "And... do you perhaps have dominant instincts?"

Jiyong sounded as though he was dreading the reply. Seungri leans on the bed pillar and folded his arm around his chest. "No, I don't have any sorts of instincts."

Once again, Jiyong paused, and his eyes become uncertain. Seungri wondered why. As far as was he concerned, he had proposed a reasonable compromise. After all, it wasn't as though he was going to date anyone or sleep with anyone else, and put their deal or the bond in jeopardy. For now, he didn't have time for that . Maybe he could learn about the traditions, and that will be enough. 

"But you have to have one set," Jiyong said. He twitched for a second as if someone was pulling his wings, then he continued. "My sister told me that she thought might be the submissive. Even with the wings. Then it could make sense that you would take over the rule of dominant."

"Do you know what I'm thinking right now?" Seungri said. 

"Yes," Jiyong said, and his voice was so desperate and his eyes were so hopeful. 

Seungri experience a familiar sinking sensation in his chest. It was the same he got when some people at his college ask him to teach them a certain subject that he aced on, or when they invite him to join them having fun and all. But he had turned them down countless times and he thinks it'll be just the same if he does it to Jiyong.

"I think the whole idea is mental," and so he did. "Let's assume for a second that this is a loving relationship. You did say that love is part of the arrangement?"

"For both Veela and mate, it is." Jiyong sounded firmer when he was discussing about something he absolutely knows. Seungri thinks that it's good, at least, he could feel less sorry for the poor bastard. 

"Then I think that two people who love each other wouldn't do the same thing all the time," Seungri said. "I mean, sometimes they would. But sometimes one of them would make love to the other person, and sometimes one of them would cook dinner -"

"I told you, you won't have to do chores like that. I have maids for that". 

'Do you want to know what I think or not?" Seungri snapped and he too had hugged a pillow on his chest. 

"Yes," Jiyong said, and his wings dropped a little. If he's a puppy, that'll be his ears. 

Seungri sighed. "Sorry for snapping at you." At least that brought the wings back up and relieved a little bit of his guilt. "My point is, I think that people who are in a marriage relationship, or love relationship or whatever this is supposed to be, would have done different things. It would depend on how much they love each other, and who was tired, and whether someone wanted to quiet that night or talk a lot, and whether they both wanted to sleep together or not. How comfortable they were around each other. How big their house was."

"Yes?," Jiyong's face had gone smooth and polite as he looked expectantly at Seungri. 

"Oh, for sake!," Seungri cursed and he throws the pillow back onto the mattress. "Listen, I don't want to be in a relationship but if I happen to want one, that's how it is supposed to be. Not the one where things are the same all the time. Not one where someone was always commanding and protecting and the other person laid back and massage their feet. Or got their feet massaged," he added because Jiyong was opening his mouth again, probably to say that he have maids to do that too but that's not the point. "I don't care about being dominant Veela or submissive mate. I'm neither because I reject your people whole crazy system. I stand outside it, and I'm going to do that until I breathed my last breath."

'Even if you sleep with me?". Jiyong's wings quivered again. 

Why is that so important to him? Probably, kissing Jiyong would be nice but there are so many things that are more important to him than this. Like his plan to go traveling around the world, and find a place that can make him feels at home. Where he can start a new life, as a new person and forget about things that had been bothering him all these freaking times. 

"I'll have to do what I need to do," Seungri said. "But that's doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy it the way a submissive mate would."

Jiyong shook his head. "But when Veela mate -"

"I know it's usually different," Seungri interrupts as he moved to his side of the bed. "But you if you get a person who usually thrilled by the idea of it or at least, have the instinct. But this time, you don't. Sorry. And I have to sleep now or else, my dark circle would really turn me into a panda." 

"That's the worst you can think of?"

"No, forgetting to turn off the bathroom light is the worst thing I could think of," Seungri snapped as he grumpily pushes the duvet away and pulls his legs to the side of the bed. Damn it, and he had starting to get comfortable on the bed too though he doesn't want to admit it out loud. Jiyong's plush duvet is really cozy and he enjoyed himself to be huddled with it.

"Let me turn off the light," Jiyong offered and had already walking to the switch before Seungri could.

He nodded as he buried himself back under Jiyong's plush duvet and surround himself with more pillows. "Thanks, Jiyong." 

Then the light of the room is off too and he closes his eyes to sleep. But then he felt Jiyong move in on him, and like usual the Veela pressed a kiss on his forehead before retreating back to his side of the bed. "Good night." The Veela whispered. Seungri found himself relaxing.

Maybe he's thinking about his and why I don't fit in, a little. Maybe he is.




A.N: Thank you guys for the subscribes and thank u to kwonjiri for the upvote. Dont forget to leave a comments alright. ^^ Pretty please with a cherry on top haha


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baejiyongie #1
Chapter 13: thats from bmth songs. i am the ocean i am the sea there is a world inside of me
Chapter 29: It seems they all forgot that their mates should feel happy too.. they only consider their own desires.... Im really glad Ji and Ri are different T.T
Chapter 29: Hi! Im so sorry for my late response .A. I wanted to read the chapter earlier but until now I could T.T
Anyway, I don't even know where to start, I love how their bond is evolving, it's very nice and refreshing to see how they understand each other reaching an agreement where both are comfortable now with their relationship, even though they still need a little more time but they are definitely on the right path, you know the way you are building their relationship it's the same reason of why I love your story so much, and I will never tire of telling you how beautiful you write, every detail that it has makes me see the scenes very clearly in my mind .A.

And going back to the chapter, I think them facing the council served to show more clearly the different perspectives, it may not be entirely acceptable for Seungri what they think, but most Veelas were raised with these ideas that although outdated and not entirely the best, for them it was since those were the only ideas they knew, the only way, so even though I'm more on Ri's side, I can understand what they mean and why they act like that.

Thank you very much for writing one more chapter, for continuing with this amazing story, really thank you, you don't know how much I appreciated it, it is a really wonderful story and one of my all time favorites, that Im never tire of reading, so it's almost like a dream that you updated it, thank u so much again! T.T
PD: The chapter was perfect, I totally loved it, I even felt butterflies in my stomach with the scene at the end, they are so adorable and I love them so much .A.
Wahyuni89 #4
Welcome back ?????
Segarselalu #5
Welcome back :)
AleenaAdiba #6
Chapter 29: Welcome back, Author-nim... Thanks for the update. This was getting better each chapter. I kinda forgot about the plot, need to read from the first chap. N Already did in one go. Love it... Looking forward for the next chap.
Oh my gosh! Never in my wildest dreams did I think a Veela Jiyong story existed! And here it is. I feel like my life has been leading me to this exact moment!!! I am so so excited!
choco25 #8
Chapter 29: Omoooo! So beautifull! Welcome back
Chapter 29: Welcome back
Chapter 26: Ahhhhh I missed this story so much!! Im late because I was abroad but omg this is so beautiful T_T