Chapter 11

Stairs of Dust


Graduation ceremony was a mess.

It was nice and all, to see everyone wearing the pretty gowns, looking serious but excited, holding onto their own scrolls and waiting for the principal to finish talking. The mess started only once he was done, and the entire class to which Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun belong to, started swarming around Kyungsoo.

He was a little overwhelmed, Chanyeol could see, but at the same time he was happy, curious and cheerful. He greeted his classmates with warm handshakes or fistbumps, congratulated them for their work, and received more than a few 'Awww's from their fellow friends.

Chanyeol felt his heart beating to a rhythm of peace that he hasn't really experienced before. Kyungsoo was so small, but right now he was so big, and giant Chanyeol himself was the peasant beneath the royals.

Finally it was both Baekhyun and Jongdae who came to greet them once the swarm was gone. Along with the creaking, along with the slightly bumpy road out of the university, they've walked together. Laughing and chanting and shouting loudly from anything even slightly amusing.

Instead of parting ways, Baekhyun and Jongdae decided to invite themselves to join the original planning pair for ice cream. All at Chanyeol's expense of course, but he really didn't mind.

Chanyeol, the selfish who wouldnt spare a glance in any direction other than his own path, was not only treating three of his friends to ice cream, but he did it on his own will. He did it because he wanted to. Because seeing them so happy sparked up a fire of happines inside him.

Who would have thought he'd ever reach this level? If real life could be compared to his much loved games that he had already stopped playing competetively, then he finally hit the highest level.

He won the game thanks to simply allowing his heart to be as wide as his in-game character's. As wide as his body can contain.

Plus, there was something else he had planned especially for their graduation party tonight. Not everyone will be attending. Baekhyun said he'd rather take the first train to get home and celebrate with his family instead. But that's alright, because Chanyeol's plan had nothing to do with Baekhyun.

After bringing Kyungsoo back home, enjoying every step up the stairs and into the apartment while the smaller holds around him in a giggly hug, Chanyeol was surprised to find Kyungsoo's mother at home.

Apparently she heard about the graduation from someone else at her workplace since Kyungsoo didn't tell her about it at all in order to allow her to work without stressing.

With a hug to the woman who gave birth to Chanyeol's precious friend, he left the apartment. Making sure she will pamper Kyungsoo up to look 'Fly' for the party tonight.

She probably didn't understand what he meant, but it made Kyungsoo laugh, and that's all that matters.


This time Chanyeol didn't go back to the dorm in order to prepare for tonight's party. He took a cab back home, merely an hour drive, and met with his parents. After three years of distance between them due to Chanyeol's careless behaviour, he finally felt at home.

They welcomed him with open arms, tight hugs and a flow of heart warming different compliments and praises. His mother, sweet and soft had kissed his head as if he was still a child shorter than her. His father, strong and honest had hugged around him with pride.

And Chanyeol was truly happy. Not only from finally feeling the reassurance of their support, but also because of the excitement of seeing his graduation gift revealed.

A graduation gift so unexpected it left his parents in shock when he requested it instead of a car of his own. Since he knew that they have already signed all the papers of Chanyeol's not yet announced new house he will be getting at the moment he starts working.

He got ready, washing himself thoroughly and styling up his hair with an unnecessary amount of gel before dressing up with a suit that probably didn't cost much less than his graduation gift itself.

He's used to it. The life of freedom and luxury and no sense of financial fear. The exact opposite of the friend he's on his way to pick up to the party.

Then he climbs up again, for the who-knows-how-many-times time, and knocks twice on the door. Hearing not only the little creaks of Kyungsoo's chair, but also an exchange of happy laughter between him and his mother from inside the apartment.

And the door opens, and Chanyeol's body stiffens up from the view in front of him no matter how excited he is to share the nature of his graduation gift with his friend.

"Hey Chanyeol."

Kyungsoo spoke first, eyes glistening with anticipation towards the night they'll be spending partying with the rest of the relieved graduated students.

"You look amazing--"

"You look fantastic--"

The two of them spoke at the same time, blinking at each other in surprise before laughing hard but quick, with Kyungsoo's mother approaching the two from inside the apartment smiling.

Kyungsoo really did look amazing, and fantastic. Hair styled properly, slick and sharp. Dressed in a suit that looks clean yet pretty old and unmatched for his size, but it was okay. It looked good, and he was adorable with his glasses and the smile and his lips.

His lips, so pink and soft looking from being stretched into a smile for almost the entire day. Or maybe it was only Chanyeol that's been grinning for hours unnoticed.

"Guess we'll have to go with each other? Two loners from the end of the world."

Kyungsoo shrugged at his own words. If only he knew how many people Chanyeol had turned down in order to make sure he'll be able to get there with Kyungsoo unbothered, maybe he wouldn't sound so playful.

Without wasting much time afterwards, both of them greeted Kyungsoo's mother goodbye. 

Just like the usual process of taking the boy down the stairs, Kyungsoo unbuckled himself from the chair and pulled himself to sit on the couch, smiling cheerfully up at Chanyeol. He waited for him to take the chair down the stairs and come back to pick him.

But Chanyeol's plans demanded otherwise.

With a smirk he rolled the creaking chair aside into the apartment, both the Do family members staring at him, and stepped to Kyungsoo. He picked him up into the usual hugging hold and tightened around him more than usual. His light weight easy to carry after weeks of experience.

"Hey-- what are you doing, Chanyeol, the chair needs to go down first."

Kyungsoo urged him, but Chanyeol just laughed and gave Kyungsoo's mother a wink Kyungsoo himself couldn't see before leaving the apartment and closing the door after himself.

"Chanyeol, don't tell me you plan to carry me all night long? I won't allow it, your back will die."

The boy protested, trying to poke Chanyeol in various spots on his back to force him into changing his mind. Ah, Kyungsoo is just so good.

Chanyeol just whisteled and ignored the boy in his arms, stepping down each stair slowly, almost teasingly before finally making it down to the street. Kyungsoo's view remained the opposite of his own.

"Are you ready?"

"Huh? Ready for what? Chanyeol--"

Kyungsoo continued expressing his discomfort about the situation, but Chanyeol then effortlessly placed him down onto something else, which shut him down immediately and got his eyes so wide Chanyeol wondered if they'll pop out of his face.

The view made Chanyeol's heart jump with joy.

Kyungsoo, small and adorable and dressed in a suit, sitting on a brand new shining and comfortable wheelchair. Proper arm rests, adjustable back, padded cushion to sit on, a back pocket for necessary items to carry, and brand new wheels that make no sound with each spin.

He sat there, Chanyeol easily saw how he didn't know where to look. At Chanyeol? At the wheels? At his legs positioning? At the mechanisms? He was clearly overwhelmed to the state of verbal shock.

So much so that when he attempted opening his mouth to speak no sound came out regardless of his wide eyes clearly sending a message.

Chanyeol just laughed hard, stepped close and leaned down with his suited knees on the dusty pavement, grabbing both of Kyungsoo's smaller hands in his own and squeezing them.

"Don't protest anymore. Alright? This is my graduation gift to you. I want you to have it."

He hummed calmly at the boy, noticing immediate relief in his tense shoulders and arms, but also a quick wetting  process gathering in his eyes. Chanyeol just laughed again and pulled speechless Kyungsoo into a hug.

"Be happy!! It's a party night! Let's explore what we can do with this beast."

Chanyeol leaned back, playfully winking at Kyungsoo until he finally exhaled whatever air he probably hasn't even inhaled before, and laughed himself. Wordlessly, simply with the shine in his eyes, Chanyeol knew he was thanking him.


The party was also, just like graduation, a mess.

By the time Chanyeol and Kyungsoo have arrived, only mere ten minutes later than the appointed time, some of the fellow students were already dancing and drinking as if the world is about the end and it's their last day to enjoy its benefits.

Chanyeol could see a hint of excitement on Kyungsoo's expression. He was very timid and probably nervous, but a lot more comfortable and confident in his chair. It was apparent by the way he sat with his back stretched up straight instead of hunched down in shame.

Buzzing colorful lights kept bouncing around in the dark and loud music blasted all around the sports hall where the party was taking place. While Chanyeol was greeted by almost every single student he stumbled upon, Kyungsoo just kept quietly and politely rolling his way on the edge of the decorations so he wouldn't possibly bump into anyone.

Before being able to protest, Chanyeol had already been pulled into the dancing rink in the middle of the crowd, a bunch of classmates wiggled around him to the beat of the music, alcohol held in their hands and flowing in their blood.

It was fun. Chanyeol is not one to shy away from such situations. Having classmates grind against him to even challenge him to a few dancing battles, which he of course lost, but at least he enjoyed himself.

Nearly forgetting Kyungsoo until he spotted him in the corner of his eye, sitting calmly in his chair and sipping on some cup with Jongdae standing and laughing by his side. Phew... Alright. So he didn't leave him alone.

That would have been pretty ty of him, and Chanyeol is done with being ty to anybody.

Now a little buzzed from the constant stream of drinks being gulped, he made his way to Kyungsoo, and without hesitation bowed to him dramatically and reached out his hand in his direction.

"Would you spare me a dance?"

He asked, eyes shut in order to maintain the dramatic effect, but he could hear a few voices around them giggling and whispering from the absurity and cute nature of the situation. Chanyeol stood like this for a while, frozen in time in the middle of the crowd.

Until he felt Kyungsoo's familiar small palm finally land into his own. With a grin he immediately gripped to the hand and pulled his shy and nervous looking friend right to the middle of the rink, sliding him in between all the dancing people.

It caused a little bit of confusion, which quickly turned into a hyped uproar of excitement when one of the dancing girls began screaming at the moment a new song began playing in the background.

Everyone were shouting, dancing their souls out and getting drenched with a mix of spilled drinks and sweat. Chanyeol saw from the glimpses of lights that landed on Kyungsoo's face that he was actually having fun and letting loose himself.

Several wheelchair spins, rolls, and even shared rides later, the two were exhausted. Merrily laughing their path back towards Kyungsoo's place with their trashed suits and messy hair. Singing the stupidest part of a song from the night together all while Chanyeol carried Kyungsoo up the stairs.

Kyungsoo's mother welcomed them with relief, surprised from the chair upgrade. Yet again Chanyeol needed to go through the process of having his heart melt by one or more of the Do family members as she thanked him.

It was good. Chanyeol felt good. He slept the best he had in days that night, back at home.


They meet again the very next day. Chanyeol's parents have decided to go on a vacation, and he decided to sulk about his loneliness in the big house together with Kyungsoo in the Do apartment with ice cream and one too many bags of shrimp flavoured snacks.

Summer is slowly coming to an end, the weather is turning slightly more windy yet still hot enough to be enjoyable if one spends time outside. It's the perfect time to go anywhere one would have missed during the busy crowded summer days.

While the two of them began discussing the subject of vacations, Chanyeol had another idea spark up in his head. Watching how Kyungsoo rolls himself skillfully and quietly around the apartment, looking at the shiny metalic structure of it.. Chanyeol thought about rust.

"Kyungsoo, when was the last time you've been to the beach?"

The boy turned to him halfway through pouring himself another glass of water to battle the saltiness of the crunchy snacks.

"The beach? Hmm... Probably about eight, maybe nine years ago."

He replied after a short while of thought, smoothly sliding over the floor and back by Chanyeol's side near the edge of the couch where they always sit and hang.

Yes, it had turned into an Always now. Chanyeol has officialy become a nearly permanent resident in this apartment. A while ago he even got out of his way and washed all of the stairs leading up to the Do's clean. No more dust sticks to his soles with every climb.

"Do you have a swimsuit?"

"Surprisingly, I actually do. Back in Seoul in the hospital I was submitted into some... Water treatment thing. So I think they'd still fit me."

Kyungsoo hummed back with a smile, talking about such a grim sounding memory as if it was just another walk in the park. It still catches Chanyeol off guard when he suddenly speaks of things of this matter like they were nothing.

But in any case, that means Chanyeol's idea could actually become reality.

A smile slowly creeped up his lips as he stared at Kyungsoo absentmindedly. Not really realizing that he's doing it until he caught Kyungsoo sticking his tongue out and making his eyes big in order to make a silly face right in front of him.

Blinking surprised, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo both fell into wild laughter. This boy. He had turned from the one thing Chanyeol couldn't stand, into the one thing Chanyeol couldn't stand without. The way he somehow paved himself so deep into Chanyeol's heart is insane. But with this smile, with the heart being displayed right on Kyungsoo's lips, Chanyeol knew he was a goner.


Not much more than a couple of days later, Chanyeol came again, but this time after a bit of planning, he will be taking Kyungsoo out to revisit the memories of the sand sticking everywhere on his body until he'll regret ever wanting to get to any beach.

Taking his father's spare car used for work only, Chanyeol had driven the both of them to the beach. A ride that took about an hour and a half which was spent listening to music and laughing together at each other's cracking voices.

It was their day. Nothing will be able to ruin it, not when they rolled down their windows and began screaming out the wrong lyrics, getting hit in the face with salty sea wind reaching them from their destination.

Chanyeol parked easily, the beach was definitely not vacant, but not too crowded either. Easily noticable that the end of the summer is near, since the amount of children on the shoreline was very small.

After pulling the wheelchair out of the car's trunk, Chanyeol seated Kyungsoo down with a grin and began piling their bags one after another onto his legs like a shelf. Making the two of them laugh from the productivity and hilarity of the advantage.

As they approached the sandy area by the water, Chanyeol began piling the bags over his arms like a large hanger, vaguely gesturing up towards the lifeguard's direction in his high cabin's balcony, the man cheerfully agreed with a nod to watch over the wheelchair that'll be left behind at the edge of the cement trail.

Carrying all the bags on his arms, and Kyungsoo cradled in between his arms was tough work, by the time he reached a good spot on the sand he was already feeling the sweat stick to his back, which luckily the salty wind dried off pretty quickly.

Gently he sat Kyungsoo down on the sand, getting distracted by his giggles while attempting to spread out the large sheet they've brought with them to sit on. He struggled quite a lot until two random passangers on the beach came to his assitance and left with a smile after understading the source of his struggle.

Finally, down and set, the two of them sat calmly on the picnic mat, and although the entire ocean spread right in front of them almost like they were alone, Chanyeol's eyes were locked on his friend.

How he looked at the view with awe and admiration, enjoying every bit of sun on his still unhealthy pale skin, allowing the wind to drabble the little bit of hair that already managed to grow since his last haircut. Chanyeol could see he was smiling to himself from hearing the joyful shouts of the few children located around them.

This won't do, Chanyeol is just too happy to sit and spend the time doing nothing. With a grin, Chanyeol towered up, casting a shadow down at his friend as he pulled off his shirt and offered his hand to him.

"Come on! Let's get to the fun part!"

Very shyly and cautiously his insider friend proceeded to remove his own shirt. Exposing his small thin figure, and a constellation of moles all over his back. A trail that Chanyeol really wouldn't mind exploring from up close if it wouldn't be considered creepy at this stage of their connection.

Unlike the usual way Chanyeol holds Kyungsoo in his arms to get up and down the stairs, this time chanyeol held Kyungsoo's back and legs, allowing him to sit in his arms almost like a newly wed couple would be caught in photos.


Chanyeol takes them both into the water, not bothering to waste time in the shallow parts, he gets right in to the depth where Kyungsoo's body would be able to easily float around without dragging anything behind.

He released Kyungsoo with a smile, allowing him to experience the gentle waves while diving his whole body under the water, just to rise back up and swipe his soaking hair backwards and away from his face with a grin.

Although Kyungsoo could easily roam around and swim on his own, he ended up clinging to Chanyeol's shoulders like a koala from behind, wrapping his arms gently over Chanyeol's much wider shoulders and laughing when he decided to swim around and give him a ride on his back.

They splashed some water, carefully so nobody's eyes would burn, Chanyeol told Kyungsoo about his embarrassing childhood beach related stories, and in return Kyungsoo poured the same sort of memories.

Eventually, after possible hours in the water, Chanyeol realized that their position had changed into something else. Something more intimate.

Kyungsoo's arms hugged around his neck warmly, his head resting comfortably right beside Chanyeol's ear, and Chanyeol's arms were wrapped around Kyungsoo's narrow waist, his back up and down slowly along with the motion of the waves.

They didn't talk. The only things Chanyeol could hear other than the gentle hum of the waves, were Kyungsoo's slow and relaxed breathing pattern right beside him, and his own heart.

Their bodies were close, touching skin to skin with only water and salt separating them by the particles. It was warm. It was perfect. Chanyeol moured internally when Kyungsoo pulled his head back and suggested to head out of the water.

Instead of back to their picnic mat, Chanyeol seats them both on the muddy part of the sand. Right between the dry parts and the actual waves. After grinning at confused Kyungsoo, he begins digging down into the wet sand and pile the remains up in a mountain.

It took Kyungsoo a few seconds to catch up on the intention, but when he did the two of them turned into a very efficient sand castle building machine together.

Chanyeol was in bliss. So happy for himself, but also happy because Kyungsoo was happy. So happy that he nearly completely forgot about his own legs for the entire duration of their visit so far.

Lost in thought, and in his gaze at Kyungsoo, Chanyeol didn't even see the wave that's getting larger and larger and heading straight in their direction. Only when he saw Kyungsoo's eyes widen towards the sea he finally returned to reality and saw their castle's enemy.

"Oh-- No no no noooo!"

He let out helpless whimpers when their creation was hit by the destructive salty wave. For a few seconds the two of them sang silent prayers in their hearts for the imaginary fallen soldiers who occupied their sand kingdom.

And the next moment the two locked their eyes together and began laughing almost hysterically from their own state of utter delight.

At least they were more dry, so when heading back to their spot Chanyeol had no trouble wrapping Kyungsoo in a large towel before drying himself. They sat together and ate a few snacks from their bags, watching the last rays of sun bounce against the calm water.


Chanyeol gestured a grateful bow and a wave of goodbye to the kind lifeguard who watched over Kyungsoo's chair, that remained exactly how they left it hours ago on the cement trail.

On the drive back to Kyungsoo's place the boy remained wrapped in the towel, he also remained with his eyes closed due to being lightly asleep in a soft nap against the backened seat next to Chanyeol.

It was a little difficult for Chanyeol to focus on the road when hints of red and purple sun kept shining the glow of Kyungsoo's face and features so beautifully. How on earth was he able to hate on such purity without even knowing it exists?

By the time they arrived back to the Do residence it was already late in the evening. Kyungsoo remained sleepy, weakly clinging onto Chanyeol as he got carried up the stairs and towards the apartment.

The door opened after Chanyeol's two knocks, and in front of him stood a man who he could only assume was Kyungsoo's father. The assumption was correct, because at the moment he saw them he smiled and allowed them inside.

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo, both sun kissed and dripping salt and sand, were exhausted but happy.

Before Chanyeol had turned around to leave after placing Kyungsoo down, he felt a tug on his hand, only to find out Kyungsoo was holding both of his arms upwards almost needily, wordlessly requesting another hug.

Without a second of hesitation Chanyeol laughed and leaned down, wrapping around Kyungsoo's body and burying their chests against one another, soft and warm and gentle. Kyungsoo is so fragile and Chanyeol's heart was dancing with joy from the determination of wanting to keep this precious treasure all to himself.

Chanyeol at that moment started wondering if maybe he's more than just crushing on the boy in his arms.


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akasha6006 #1
Chapter 13: Oh my God, this story is a real masterpiece. I love it. I was sad, angry (I really wanted to slap Chanyeol sometimes) and just so happy throughout this story, it was amazing. Thank you very much for writing it!!
Ahjummaju #2
Chapter 13: Thank you so much for writing this beautiful story. This is amazing, good, soft, comforting, anything good. Im thankful i could find this fic TT
Dyolli #3
Chapter 13: I am just thankful and grateful that you make this story. You did a great job. This is beautiful and amazing.
Chapter 13: Beautiful story.. Love it ?
Chapter 13: I don't even know what to write, I just want to say: I wholeheartedly love this story.
gemgyu407 #6
Chapter 13: Ahhhh so goodㅠㅠ
Chapter 13: TRUE. Sometimes it only takes a smile to change the world :)