Chapter 4


There was a lot of noise around them. The orange head looked simply shocked after Jungkook grabbed him.  

Was it Jungkook’s appearance or did he grab too roughly?  

Many thoughts crossed Jungkook’s mind at that moment. He looked closely and realized that the boy was wearing weird renaissance kind of clothing, wasn’t he the weirder one?  

While Jungkook was judging him, the boy’s eyes widened and his mouth opened. It took a few seconds for Jungkook to realize he was going to scream.  

And he did, loudly he screamed… a letter? 

“V!!” high pitched scream echoed throughout the street. No person on the street reacted, but Jungkook could feel a few suspicious glares on his back. 

The boy stood there frozen and Jungkook hated the fearful look in his eyes. Suddenly the boy screamed the same thing the second time. 

Jungkook panicked “I…I’m sorry, it’s just that…” he didn’t know what to say and he hated how unconfident he felt, he hated that he cared what the boy would think. 

The orange head seemed to relax a bit after seeing Jungkook flustered. He took a deep breath “Who… a-are you?” 

Jungkook in a breath, he was talking to the boy, good, he was trying to understand the situation, good. “I’m Jungkook and umm…” 

Jungkook wanted to ask the boy’s name too, but suddenly he was interrupted by a third person. Some guy appeared beside them, he was half and what looked like tribal tattoos painted on his body. 

Seriously was there a parade somewhere? 

The guy just stood there staring at them both with a smile plastered on his face. Now everything seemed confusing and… weird.  

Jungkook looked at the orange head, he was looking intently at the other guy, did they know each other, he felt worried for some reason. 

The first to speak was the tribal looking guy, he grinned widely “Haha you guys look so weird!” 

The tension seemed to ease up a bit and everyone was glad for that.  

Jungkook visibly looked Taehyung up and down and raised an eyebrow “Look who’s talking.” 

The orange head giggled a bit and that made Jungkook gain bit of confidence and smirk. 

It was awkward, they were standing, three different and weird guys (at least 2 of them were definitely weird), not knowing what to say. 

“So you guys want to talk?” the boy with tattoo’s spoke and pointed to Jungkook “I’m in a weird situation and I think it’s because of you.” 

The orange head beside him nodded and pinched the guy’s arm “I think you’re my problem.” 

To that the tribal guy just smiled even more (if that was even possible). 

Jungkook looked at them, and the orange one was his problem, so some kind of connection?  

“Should we go to the coffee shop nearby?” Jungkook offered. 

Both guys in front of him looked like they had no idea what he was talking about. So, he just went to the coffee shop right beside them, with others following him like puppies. 

Jungkook sat the boys down and went to order coffee, he wasn’t sure where he was but his card was supposed to work, right?  

He held his breath when the cashier swiped his card. It lighted green, the card was approved. 

Jungkook let out a sigh. After few minutes the order was ready, he turned to look at the boys. Surprisingly they were getting along well, they were playing some strange game with their hands. Most people would get uncomfortable in this situation. 

Jungkook felt warmth inside. 

He approached the table and put the coffee down. The boys looked up and the tribal one spoke. 

“Jimin here dealt with his problem also known as me, now I should deal with my problem – you,” he smiled “Hello problem, I’m Taehyung and I would like to know your name and story too.” 

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows “How did he deal with you? You told him your whole life story?” He said it quite ironically, but was quite lost when Taehyung nodded with a serious expression. He looked for help in Jimin but he only nodded too. 

“Well I’m Jungkook, I have a band and I’m a rock star,” he really didn’t want to do this “I’m 23 years’ old… I don’t know what else to tell you ask me anything you want.” 

Jimin discreetly started inspecting the coffee and Taehyung acted like business man, nodding seriously. 

“I see Jungkook, and this rock star, what is it?” Taehyung put his head on his palms. 

“Are you seriously asking me that?” Boys in front of Jungkook looked very serious and he just gave up “I…I create music.” 

“Oooh!” Taehyung smiled “Me and Jimin dance.” 

Jungkook looked at Jimin “Seriously how did you get to know each other so well in just the few minutes?” 

Jimin sipped the coffee and smiled “Tae is good at talking, he really did tell me his whole life story,” he giggled “I like him, my problem seems to be a fun one.” 

Jungkook pulled a poker face, seriously what is wrong with these guys? 

After some discussion, on topic this time, Jungkook found out that Taehyung lived in a forest and Jimin was a prince. 

“Are you actually escapees from a mental asylum or something?” Jungkook asked quite seriously. 

“I’m in no way insane!” Jimin quickly denied. 

Taehyung nodded as if he knew what the boys were talking about and started tasting his coffee. 

Jungkook also found out they all out in some way or other, but they all saw one of the group before that. It would have been easier for him to just pretend they were insane and Jungkook was just drunk when that happened, but he couldn’t. It was real and he felt it down to his bones. 

Jimin had hard time dealing with everything, he tried listening when the other two talked, making sense of their conversation was a hard task. But whenever he looked through the window he saw a world he wasn’t used to and that made things more believable. 

Jimin felt something about this place though, it seemed familiar. Strangely like home. 

Taehyung on the other hand accepted things as they were and both Jungkook and Jimin were quite envious of that, because it took immense mental strength (or just stupidity). 

“Anyway, this sounds stupid and crazy but I’ll believe you,” Jungkook said looking specifically at Jimin, since he though the orange head was his solution to…everything. 

Taehyung popped his head in front of Jungkook’s “And me, right?”  

Jungkook hated that smile, it was without a care and always there “Yeah, yeah.” 

Taehyung patted Jungkook’s head and he jumped in his chair not expecting that “W-what are you doing?!” 

“You look dangerous Jungkook-ah but actually you’re as kind as a bunny.” Taehyung giggled and Jimin did the same beside him. 

A blush crept on Jungkook’s cheeks “Whatever…” 

Maybe Taehyung wasn’t that bad… 


* * * 


The gang of three were sitting in the park. Taehyung was interested in this world and demanded they look around. And even in this situation he wanted to sightsee. 

Jungkook takes it all back, Taehyung is an idiot and bad for his health. 

He actually put a vote on this ‘sightseeing’ trip, but Jimin voted for it. Because he was too interested in this world. 

Jimin was a shy guy, but he seemed to open up to Taehyung more than Jungkook. Taehyung made him smile a lot and Jungkook apricated that a bit. 

For some reason Jungkook cared a lot about the orange head and it made him confused because he had a strange feeling for him. 

“Hey, Jungkook, I thought about stuff aaand how are we going to get back home?” Taehyung interrupted Jungkook’s inner reflecting. 

“I don’t know, we need more information.” 

Jimin looked around “How about we ask around, there are tons of people maybe we could at least get some background information about this.” he gestured to everything drawing huge circles in the air. 

“Jiminie you are so smart! And we can do it while looking around! Genius.” Taehyung hugged Jungkook for no reason at all. 

“What are you doing…” Jungkook at this point sounding more done than surprised. 

“You know this thing, when there is a person you like you put your hands around them and share your warmth? Hugging. You should try it more; I’ll be your experimental bag.” 

Jimin started laughing uncontrollably; Jungkook’s expression was priceless. 

He looked around and started going for random people to ask around, ignoring Taehyung and the still giggling man. 

After about 5 minutes Jungkook realized everyone were avoiding them, after 10 minutes he realized it was because he was walking with a half- guy who always smiled and a boy who looked like he was straight out of the renaissance fair. 

“Okay, this is not working you go away, go do something or look around.” Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore. 

“How are we going to meet up latter then?” Jimin seemed concerned. 

Jungkook looked around. “You see that this clock,” he pointed to a clock on a poll “Go only where you can see it in the distance and after an hour let’s meet up here again, okay?” Jungkook paused for a moment “You know how to read the clock right, you’ll know when an hour passes, right?” 

“I…I think I can.” Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. 

“It’s okay, I can feel the time well, let’s meet in an hour,” Taehyung smiled and took Jimin’s hand “Let’s go.” 

Jungkook gave them some cash he had in his pocket and looked at the them walking away hand in hand. He stood in one place for a bit, Jungkook liked having fun, but here he was taking the role of a caretaker. He was the serious one. 

Jungkook shook his head, it wasn’t the time for this. He went to talk to people. 

Now people weren’t ignoring him and when he looked lost some even approached him. 

Everyone was friendly. Something was really wrong. 

It took Jungkook 30minutes to find out all he could. He came back to the clock and without trying to find the boys, he sat down and started piecing together the info he had collected. 

Nothing made sense. He was in Seoul, in a district he knew well, but he didn’t recognise anything. It was completely different. No one knew his band, or his name. 

He asked just in case, but there were no renaissance fair or mental asylum escapees nearby. 

The strangest thing was the date. It was 90 years past Jungkook’s time.  

This seemed like a dream, but Jungkook felt that it wasn’t. 

So, what explanation was left? A different world? Time travel? 

Jungkook stood up “Time travel.” he whispered. As far as he knew it was impossible, but here he was in the future. 

And that would explain Jimin and Taehyung too, maybe they time travelled too.  

Now everything seemed clearer, even though some things didn’t make sense. Such as the boys talking the same language and Jungkook’s card being approved… 

The card was approved, Jungkook’s eyes widened, was Jungkook alive in this time too? And if he was, was he switched or did he still exists somewhere here. 

Jungkook sat down again, he didn’t want to doubt his original hypothesis, it somehow made sense to him. 

Jungkook looked at the clock, 47 minutes passed. He looked at the crowd and saw Jimin running towards him. 

“Jimin, I think I know-” Jungkook stopped in the middle of a sentence, Jimin had a strained and panicked expression on his face.  

Jimin was alone. 

He ran up to Jungkook breathing heavily. Jimin grabbed the sleeves of Jungkook’s shirt.  

“Jungkook,” He got out barely having the time to breathe with a scared expression “Taehyung is gone… He disappeared.”  


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Chapter 18: aigoo...i loved the ending of the book!! It was cute<3
Chapter 18: I don't usually comment anymore but this was a great story. It made me tear up. You have a great gift. Keep writing.
creativePANDAS #3
Chapter 18: nooooo.. it's the end already.. how about the ending of taetae's book?? and how about their real time with each other now that kookie is awake..
author-nim make a sequel of this where all of them are living happy together.. please...
RedRoses96 #5
creativePANDAS #6
Chapter 17: I need more!!! This is so creative.
Chapter 16: This is by far the best story i've read.
creativePANDAS #9
Chapter 16: IS JIMIN GONNA WAKE UP !?!?!?!
creativePANDAS #10
Chapter 15: Tae singing to lure Jungkook to him reminds me of witches luring children out of their home's and I find that hilarious! XD