Mini hiatus

Not so angelic

I have a sort of writer's block recently so I am going on a mini hiatus for maybe a week or shorter.

I just don't have any motivation anymore :(

Or story ideas for that matter.

This only applies to this story so I might still be writing oneshots.


To make up for it here's a cute gif of Sungmin at the top :)

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AngieKwon #1
Chapter 3: Hi, i'm new in the forum, i love your history, i'm kppoper since 2 years ago, i'm bolivian ¿why seomin is so angry?, i want a continue please U.U, and i´m sory my english is no so god
ForeverELFan #2
Her best friend is also Kpop obsessed like me.
ForeverELFan #3
Yup. My friend told me about it, and she knows SuJu.
ForeverELFan #4
It's lunch time now, after that I will update... If I can think of anything ^^
Yay...? Where's my update? Im a greedy reader~~~>< wish I went to your old school~~~~^^
ForeverELFan #6
I am writing the first chapter now, and a fight would be cool, maybe sometime XDD Well, she's pretty nice if you don't give her a bad impression of you.. Like me...
Hello! If you ever need a Poster, feel free to check mine and my friend's GRS. Thank you! <br />
ForeverELFan #8
Sorry, but this is based off myself, but the character will be arrogant towards Sungmin and Sungmin alone, because he is her brother. And I am quite hot headed, so I imagine situations and how I myself will respond to them. Tell me if you could provide more inspiration for my ish first chapter and how you could improve the character, thanks!