What a night

The fan meeting

Oh my God I must be living every fangirl's dream right now. So exo are now my close friends. Ha, what a feeling.

Suddenly a message popped and I checked it. It's from Sehun. It's been two days since that dinner party and we are constantly texting each other. It feels good. He is so much different from his on stage persona.

Well I learnt that this guy is a dork who adores bubble tea, Miranda Kerr, Luhan and loves to ignore people..... It's kind of funny. He seems to complain a lot to me about his Hyungs. The previous day when we were talking he mentioned something like this

"Sometimes I feel like I am the hyung and bb and pcy are exactly like children."

"Chill Sese, after all you are the fake hyung and breathe."

"Yeah so do you want to go somewhere like can I steal you for a night?"

I was shocked at that time....I did not expect that so I did what normally every girl would have done. I said yes.

So here I am now in my room pacing and thinking what to wear. Should I go for denim and stay casual or wear something floral? Hmm so I called Tasha.

"Hey Tash what do you think I should wear? I have a meeting sorta thing with Sehun."

"Woah you are talking as if it's no big deal I think you should go for the floral dress coz it kinda accentuates your curves and you look damn good on that."

"Woah with that long speech on you should totally be a designer girl", I joked.

She gave a laugh and went out. I started to get ready. I tried to keep my make up minimum and curled my hair in such a way that it results in soft girls. So all around I looked good and honestly I was proud of myself I mean c'mon for the first time I could do my makeup correctly.

I heard the knock and Tasha informed me that Sehun has arrived. My heart started racing.... I went out and saw him in a tuxedo. Boy did he look good. I blushed.

" you look good, princess.",he chuckled and complimented in that husky voice of his. His voice instantly gave me pleasant shivers.

I began wondering.... What a night will it turn out to be. Will it change our relationship? I have no idea but all I know is that I feel damn good about this.

Yo people , how you guys doin? Well that was kind of a teaser for the next chapter and guess what things will get hot and heavy in the next chappie. So stay tuned and please vote if you like the chapter, comment and let me know about your thoughts and subscribe. Hope you guys have a nice day and peace out.

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Risa_sweden #1
Chapter 10: :O *Shock*
Chapter 4: YAAAASSS updaaattteee pllss I looooovvnnnnngggggg this