The fateful meeting

The fan meeting

'Ha, finally. ' That's what I thought when I arrived in Seoul. Hi, where are my manners let me introduce myself. My name is Eleanor Green. I am an American girl hailing from Chicago. I maybe a nerd but I am very much interested in kpop. It was always my wish to go to Seoul to at least visit one concert or fan meeting of the popular boyband exo. Yes, I am a proud exo-l. I got the perfect opportunity to go when my bff asked me if I could tag along with her as she was going there to spend her vacation. Obviously I said yes.  I mean if you were in my place wouldn't you say yes too. Nevertheless, my parents were a little worried but after begging and giving them my special puppy dog eyes I could finally go. 

So, here I am at last in the Korean soil. "Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?", asked my best friend Tasha. 

"No nothing just thinking"
"Yeah, sure you always do that and you know what its kinda creepy", said Tasha. 
She pokes fun at me but honestly words cannot describe how much she cares about me. 

So anyway we moved to our hotel which was really beautiful that had me mesmerized for quite a few seconds. What I did not know was that in this particular hotel will I meet my ultimate bias. 

All of a sudden while Tasha was busy collecting our keys and signing papers I saw huge crowd towards the hotel lobby.  To my sheer surprise I saw none other than exo themselves checking in. Talk about cliche. 'My favorite group in the same hotel! Holy  this is my lucky day! ' 

As the crowd started to increase I soon I realized I was surrounded every where by swarms of reporters. How did they get in?  As I was about to move back to my utter shock I tripped and was about to fall when a pair of hands caught me. 

When I looked up it was none other than Oh Sehun looking as if he was worried. 
"Miss, are you fine?", he asked. 
"Yes". I replied my heart rate running like miles per minute. It was as if I was getting ducked in my his deep stare. His eyes were so deep and his lips parted slightly. He is truly one if God's best creations. With all these thoughts swirling around my head,  he gently lets me go as I stand there with the crowd screaming wildly and he ignoring the screams and going back to his group. I notice him looking at my direction and just when our eyes meet I van feel my cheeks burning. I quickly look away. Slowly the group go to their respective rooms. 

As the crowd dissipated I came back to my senses and started to find Tasha. I found her waiting for me to check our  respective rooms. With that my very first meeting with The Sehun ended. 

Hey guys this is my first chapter for the book I hope you like it please comment if you feel to and let's spread love. By the way above picture is of Eleanor. Bye and have a good day my readers. 

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Risa_sweden #1
Chapter 10: :O *Shock*
Chapter 4: YAAAASSS updaaattteee pllss I looooovvnnnnngggggg this