The fan meeting

The fan meeting

The next day Tasha and I decided to help feed our empty stomachs by eating in the hotel's dining hall. The food was absolutely amazing. 

"Are you enjoying our stay?", asked Tasha. 

"Yes, very much so,  I am really excited to hang out with my best friend and enjoy Korea." 

"Obviously you'd like my company", she said. 

We finished our breakfast and headed towards the elevators when I noticed a fan meeting was going on in the hotel's auditorium. Excited to check that out I quickly excused myself and went towards the fan meeting. I saw Sehun sitting along with his fellow members in a high platform. 

I remembered how he saved me that day from falling. 'I have to thank him', I thought. But how can I communicate with him?  He is not fluent in English and I cannot speak in Korean. Dammit but still let's give it a shot. 

I went up and one by one interacted with the members. Kyungsoo understood me the most when I talked in English. Talking with him made me realize that he is a very down to earth person. Jai was very welcoming giving me a pat in my head. 

Then came the time when I sat face to face with Sehun. The whole world stopped when we made an eye contact. The next moment I was a bumbling mess as I was very nervous. I thanked him for yesterday inspire of the situation. 

"Its okay.", he replied in a deep baritone voice. On hearing his voice I felt my soul shiver. I also felt his eyes all over me.

Sehun's pov

This girl is really attracting my attention.  I have never seen someone so pure and innocent as her. I asked her,"are you from the states?" She seemed surprised. "I do know English quite well so you don't have to worry".  She seemed relieved the next moment. 

Soon she started introducing herself and I am not gonna lie I was mesmerized by every detail she had. I realized I am interested in her. The next fan waited for too long therefore she started to move. I asked her, "what's you're name?"

"Eleanor", she replied. 
"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl", I said. Her eyes widened and she blushed.  I could feel a smile creeping into my face. 

I decided I need some more time to spend with her. I have to get to know her better. The first time  when she was about to fall I saved her and from that moment I guess she captured me with that intoxicating beauty of hers. I firmed my resolve to meet her. 

Eleanor's POV

I just talked to my ultimate bias and he complimented me!  My inner fan girl has awoken. I need to tell this to Tasha. I made a mad dash towards the elevators and went towards my hotel room to bug my bff about what happened today. She will be so happy and excited just like me. 

Hey so this is the second chapter I hope you like it please give lots of support to this book I hope you have a good day. With lits of love I wish you have a good day. 

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Risa_sweden #1
Chapter 10: :O *Shock*
Chapter 4: YAAAASSS updaaattteee pllss I looooovvnnnnngggggg this