Chapter Eleven

A Morning Meeting: Prequel to A Walk in the Night

“Wow,” Hoseok finally says, unsure of how else to react. Minhyuk sits across from him, leaning forward on the table expectantly. At his lackluster remark, the younger sits back disappointedly.

The two sit in a café not too far from campus, staring at each other questioningly. They had decided it best to meet up somewhere other than their dorm, wishing not to force Hyunwoo out before he was ready to leave. However, with it being a Saturday, it left them with having to go out somewhere to meet.

“That’s it?” Minhyuk demands. “I just told you that Hyunwoo is moving out, and that’s all you can say?!” Hoseok can only shrug, guilt and sorrow silencing him. The thought of getting to spend more time with Kihyun excites him to no end, but the fact that it’s all thanks to Kihyun’s crumbling relationship puts a definite damper on his mood.

“Does Kihyunnie know?” Hoseok asks, worried about just how the younger would take such news. He wants to be there for him when Hyunwoo breaks the news for support, but knows that’s probably asking too much.

“Hyunwoo said he needed more time to think about it,” Minhyuk answers after taking a sip of coffee, hesitant to ask this next question. “So, how do you feel about this?” Hoseok gulps. He’s never been able to lie to Minhyuk, but he can’t very well dump his unrequited love problems on the younger when he’s already dealing with the secondhand drama of their friends’ relationship.

“I c-c-can understand where he’s coming from,” Hoseok says carefully, mentally checking every word that slips through his lips at least three times, “but honestly I’m n-not too worried about it. Mainly I’m just worried about Kihyun-ah right now.” Minhyuk squints his eyes suspiciously, leaning forward once more to get a better read of his hyung as he speaks.

“I ask because I don’t even know how I feel about it,” Minhyuk tells him. He pauses before adding, “Last night was weird, hyung. I got really nervous around Hyunwoo-ya and couldn’t stop staring at him after he got out of the shower… He hugged me and I got really excited—not like that hyung!” Minhyuk jokingly shouts, throwing a napkin at the older as he shoots Minhyuk a suggestive eyebrow wiggle. They share a laugh, something they both needed after having dealt with their friends’ couple troubles so suddenly last night.

“I have noticed you and Hyunwoo-ya have always seemed a bit close, especially lately,” Hoseok admits. “I never thought anything about it, though.”

“I’ve noticed you and Kihyun-ah getting really close through all this,” Minhyuk says, “but I never questioned it…” His gaze remains on the older hesitantly as he takes another sip of coffee, as if wanting to say something but not quite sure if he should. “Hyung,” he says at last, “do you like Kihyun-ah?”

Hoseok is silent, knowing he can’t lie to Minhyuk about this. If he can’t even tell a fib about eating the last pack of cookies in the dorm, he definitely couldn’t handle lying about his romantic feelings towards a mutual friend. Minhyuk nods, understanding the silence.

“I thought you were over that a long time ago,” Minhyuk comments curiously. “You haven’t mentioned it in so long.”

“I thought so, too,” Hoseok admits. “But, I guess I was wrong.” Minhyuk sighs after a moment, leaning back in his chair again. He stares thoughtfully at his coffee, drawing a heart in the condensation dripping on the cup.

“I wonder if that’s what’s happening with me,” he mumbles. Hoseok’s eyes widen in surprise at the statement, partly because it’s so unexpected and partly because he thinks Minhyuk means he’s developing a crush on Kihyun, too. Minhyuk glances up, and chuckles softly at Hoseok’s expression. “No, hyung. I mean with Hyunwoo.” Hoseok makes a wide “Ah” sound, it melting into a laugh at how easily the younger had understood him.

“That’d just be icing on the cake,” Hoseok sighs. “Of course we’d be the ones to get crushes on the friends who aren’t available.”

“That’s just human nature, hyung,” Minhyuk tells him. “We always want what we can’t have.” He pauses, head cocking to the side in thought. “Of course, if things keep going the way they are, we may just be able to have what we want after all.” His pupils suddenly dilate, his irises growing three times their normal size, as he realizes what he’s said. “Of course, that’s not what I really want. I’d hate it if they broke up, you know, because they were so happy for a while…”

“I know what you mean,” Hoseok says agreeingly. “I always feel so guilty whenever Kihyun and Hyunwoo fight, thinking that I somehow caused it just by having a crush on Kihyun.”

“It’s so frustrating,” Minhyuk agrees. “I’ve felt that way with Hyunwoo before, though I never realized why. I guess it’s because a small part of me, at least, has always liked him.”

“We’re hopeless,” Hoseok summarizes, laughing as he downs the rest of his coffee in one gulp. Minhyuk laughs as well, nodding his head.

“That we are, hyung,” he says, finishing up his drink as well. He stands, opening his wallet to leave a tip. “Well, I’d better be going. Hyunwoo-ya should be done speaking with Kihyun by now, and I want to be back at the dorm before he gets back in case he wants to talk.”

“They were talking today?” Hoseok asks. “Kihyunnie didn’t tell me about that.”

“Hyunwoo messaged me about it a little bit before you came in through the door,” Minhyuk shrugs. “Judging from the message, it was pretty random. I think it means Hyunwoo decided whether or not he’s going to keep living with Kihyun.”

“I should be heading back, then,” Hoseok says, quickly standing from his chair. Minhyuk chuckles understandingly.

“One day,” Minhyuk says, throwing an arm around the older’s shoulders, “all this will be sorted out and everyone will be happy.”

“Can’t wait for that day to get here,” Hoseok mumbles, earning an agreeing hum from Minhyuk. They then exit the café, walking with each other as far as they can before it’s time to separate.


“Kihyun-ah,” Hyunwoo says, shaking his head. It’s only been ten minutes since they’ve met up and Kihyun has lied many times already. “How can you expect me to believe what you’re saying? I know you’re lying to me, I just don’t know why.”

“You don’t deserve him,” the voice sneers into Kihyun’s ear. “You don’t deserve anyone. Just accept it. Break up with him and walk away. There’s no need to bring him into any of your mess, not when you don’t even feel the same way about him that he does for you.”

“I’m sorry, hyung,” Kihyun whimpers, running his hands across his face tiredly. He’s so tired of it all. All he wants is to live a normal life with someone he loves and who loves him, possibly have a kid someday. But, all that is impossible with this voice. He knows that now. He knows there’s no escaping it. He knows everything is pointless now because of this pariah in his head that seems will haunt him for the rest of his days.

“Just tell me what’s wrong,” Hyunwoo insists, his voice gentle. Kihyun shakes his head, squeezing his eyes shut.

“I can’t,” the younger says. “If I do, you’ll think I’m crazy.” He pauses before adding, “Besides, you don’t deserve to be dragged into my personal chaos…”

“But I want to be,” Hyunwoo tells him. “I want to help you, Kihyunnie. Let me help you. Trust me enough to let me do at least that much.”

“There’s nothing he can do,” the voice says. “There’s nothing anyone can do. The only way to stop all this once and for all is to stop trying to play at life. Only then will you stop being such a burdensome failure.”

Kihyun falls silent, becoming lost in the voice. He realizes that maybe, just maybe, that to really be the answer. Maybe then all this would just stop…

“I’m sorry, Kihyunnie,” Hyunwoo says, breaking the silence that’s followed his last statement, “but I can’t sit around and watch you hate your life. I’ve tried helping you, but you don’t seem to want it. I can’t take all this worry for you anymore… I think… I think I’m going to move out for a while, until you decide whether or not you can really trust me.” He hesitates before adding, “Maybe some time apart will help you realize how you really feel about me, about us.”

Kihyun stares up at him, mouth gaping open in surprise. He can’t believe what he’s hearing.

“But hyung—“

“I think it’ll do us both some good,” Hyunwoo interrupts, speaking as if he’s trying to convince himself a lot more than Kihyun. “Maybe we just moved too fast, you know? Maybe we shouldn’t have moved in together when we did.” He tries for a smile, but can’t quite manage it, feeling his heart break. “I hope you know I really do love you, Kihyunnie, and that’s partly why I’m doing this. I think it’ll help you not to have me breathing down your neck all the time.”

Kihyun shakes his head adamantly, trying to tell the older just how wrong he is, but the words don’t quite come out.

“Don’t you think you’ve lied to him enough for one day?” the voice asks, its tone almost serene.

“I’ll come by to get my things some time tomorrow,” Hyunwoo tells him. “Minhyuk said that I could just use Hoseok’s bed at their place if Hoseok takes my place. That seems like a reasonable enough switch. At least you won’t be by yourself if we do it that way…”

“Hyung, please…” Kihyun tries to find something to say, something to stop what’s happening. He doesn’t know just what could help him right now, but he knows it isn’t Hyunwoo leaving him. That can’t possibly be it. Hyunwoo merely tries for another smile, this time succeeding. He bends down, pressing a soft kiss against the top of the younger’s head.

Kihyun breaks down at the touch, his arms snapping around the older’s waist desperately. He presses his face against the older’s shirt, trying to hide his distressed face as best he can. His throat constricts at the strain of holding back tears, though Kihyun has no idea why he’s holding them back. He wishes he could just cry, show Hyunwoo just how much this is affecting him. However, nothing comes.

Hyunwoo breaks away from the younger, squeezing his arm supportively one last time before turning on his heel and walking away. Kihyun watches him walk away, collapsing onto the bench. A soft breeze begins to blow through the air, rustling the leaves and bushes around the outside dining area. He shakes his head, dropping it onto his arms folded on the table.

Just what else could he possibly screw up now?

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patiiShcj #1
Chapter 30: Woow I read this story in 2 days because it was soooo good and captured me! KiHo isn't my main ship but the way this story flows and how well you write it made me enjoy it! thank you :D
Hyungmonstax #2
Chapter 29: I also didn't expect it to be long but I love the idea of it<3 please keep trying as much as u can/want. I really love this fic. Thank u so much author-nim<3
Chapter 29: wow.. love this fic... and thanks for grnting showhyuk centered
Chapter 29: THE END OF AN ERA..... well, not really, lol, but the end of this time frame at least. FIRSTLY- I thoroughly enjoyed reading every chapter of this, and loved watching the progression of their relationships and kihyun's character development. It was a really interesting read, and the universe is so in-depth, I'm glad you're not leaving it yet lol. Also, I liked how you ended it, where it falls right into place with the main story. Another detail I appreciated was that you included a scene with shownu/kihyun where they tie off loose ends, i thought that was a needed addition for closure. Oh! And I also really love this underlying theme of 'even though a person has done bad/destructive things because of mental illness, forgiveness and second-chances are still available if they try to help themselves recover' it's a story with a positive message, which idk if you were initially going for that, but it's definitely there. Great work! I look forward to reading shownu and minhyuk's perspective :D
Chapter 24: wonho is so romantic............ when will my boyfriend ever lmao........
Hyungmonstax #6
Chapter 24: Kiho are the cutiest couple ever hurry and get together
Chapter 23: AAAA cute *line of crying emojis* they're gonna get together soon.... i can sense it.....
Chapter 22: omfg possessive almost-bf kihyun is very #relatable holy crap
Hyungmonstax #9
Chapter 23: Ooohhh they're missing each other already
Chapter 22: We are going there!!! GO KIHO!!! ♥