The zoo

Hey Say Love

"everyone get off the bus!!" Aiko yelled as she started to head off the bus.

"okay you guys need to at least stay in pairs. So we don't get lost." Aiko said.

"okay to pick our partners let's play rock paper scissors. for every two that get out they're partners. And the last person to stay is Aiko's partner." Yaotome said as everyone got in a circle. First two to go were Yamada and Inoo, then Chinen and Yuto, Yaotome and Yabu, and last Keito and Daiki. And Aiko's partner ended up being Takaki ironically after he said they should somewhat avoid her.

"well Takaki-san, where do you wanna go."

"oh you can call me yuya and let's go somewhere you want to go."

"WELL, if you insist let's go see the giraffes!!" Aiko said as she ran away from Takaki, but luckily Takaki caught up to her.

"pfft.. lucky him. He just told us to not fall for her. we should go spy on them." Daiki said.

"NO! That's not nice, let them be. Inoo let's go see the tigers." Chinen said disappointedly as he walked off with Inoo.

"forget them lets go." Daiki said.



"Yuya, let's go see the lions. Hehe!!" Aiko said as she grabbed and held on to Takaki's hand."

(What is this feeling. My heart is beating so fast. I don't fall for girls that easily, I've never fallen for a girl. My heart is beating so fast.) Takaki thoughtly to himself.

"Aiko, do you have a boyfriend?" Shocked at his own words Takaki turned around.

"OH.. haha that's so sudden,haha,  no I've been single my whole life, just waiting for that right guy I guess. hehe."

"me too." again Takaki still starled at his attitude tried to change the subject, he then grabbed Aiko's hand and held it tighly and said,

"let's hope we get that special person. Now let's go look for the tigers. I love tigers!!"

"me too,, they're so cute!" Aiko said as her face got red as she realized how manly and warm takaki's hand was.


" WHAT!!!! they're holding hands." Yaotome said as the whole group looked and were surprised as well.


"it's getting late, and the groups meeting up soon. oh crap we need to go we need to go soon, your checkin for the hotel is in less than 30 minutes. We need to go now." Aiko said as she ran and Takaki followed.

As they reached the bus everyone was waitingly, then Daiki broke out the question.

"how was your time together? huh"

"THERE'S NO TIME FOR THAT. GET ON THE BUS!!!" aiko yelled as everyone jumped. As they got onto the bus Aiko started to get her planner out.

"oh crap oh crap we need to go soon, we're not gonna make it. Oh no oh no oh no." Aiko said


Finally the bus reached the hotel 15 minutes after check in time. As Aiko was walking to the lobby she started to feel uneasy.

"umm.. excuse me, we have a room reservation at 6 for 6 rooms." Aiko asked the front desk.

"oh yes, I'm sorry ma'am but since you were late we only have 5 rooms avaliable, there are two beds each so two people can book a room."

"oh ok we'll take that." Aiko said as she got the room keys.

"we got only 5 rooms but that should be fine theirs so two per room theirs 10 of us... and wait that means I have to room with one of the guys, wait what."

"Aiko did you not realize that earlier." Keito said easily.

"SO.. pick which one of us you're gonna share a room with?" Yabu asked as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.


Who does AIko have to room with? we'll see. MWahahaha

IM sooo sorry I haven't been updating lately. Just been really busy. I will try to update as much as I can.


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arandomperson #1
I cant wait for the next chapter and if yor needing another character pm me and ill help
Chapter 12: This so cute. Can't wait to see what happens next.
tinado58 #3
Chapter 11: very cute!!! please update soon
ckossi #4
Chapter 11: HAHAHAHAHA~ I love this chapter. I can totally see yamada do that. Cant wait for the next.
ckossi #5
HA~hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Poor Yamada! He's going to yelled at by the others!!!! That was priceless!
whaaaa she slept in the same bed with yama-chan.....soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood......................
omgasdfghjkl;'!?? YAMADA!!! he. .he. . . he was . .he was hugging her the whole night!! omg. .and. .he. . was. . . . . . . TOPLESS
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ cliff hanger!! ong , , chinen walking with only a towel!! omg, ,omg, ,okayy, ~ please update soon! i'm looking forward to it! <3
no__im_asian #9