The meeting

Hey Say Love

"Oh, I'm so glad that I can email Momo, she's been my friend since we were kids. I should tell her about what's happening."

Dear Momo chan,

My mom entered me into some contest and I won. I have to spend

a whole week with the band Hey say Jump.I have to be their

tourguide and I have to stay at a hotel. BUt, I'm pretty sure we're

all in different rooms.I'm not  a big fan of celebrity boys, what should

I do? Please help me.



" What's taking those boys so long. I've been waiting for half an hour. Well, I'm gonna try and be nice, but if they give me any trouble they're gonna get it. " Aiko said angrily as she startd to lean on the railing at the airport.

"Aiko chan~"

"huh" Just as Aiko turned around 9 boys jumped towards her. Each one wearing a name tag with their age. Each one of them were wearing clothes with heavy material and alot of heat.

"Hi there, you're Aiko right? I'm Yabu, nice to meet you."

"Uh, hi so you must all be Hey! Say! Jump! Nice to meet you. I'm Aiko and I'll be your tour guide for this week. So one by one come up to me introduce yourself and go on the tour bus. And Yabu-san you can go I already know who you are." Aiko said as she sighed. Aiko then silently whispered to herself

"oh god, they's so many of them."

As Yabu rode on the bus Hikaru approached Aiko.

"NIce to meet you, I'm Hikaru Yaotome. Wow, you're actually cuter than I thought." As HIkaru started to walk towards the bus Aiko grabbed his arm and started to whisper.

"If you do any funny bussiness you're gonna get hurt. Badely.." Hikaru jolted towards the bus and started to laugh.

"What's the matter Hikaru? What's she tell you?" Yabu said with concern as Hikaru got on the bus.

"pfftt..... she threatened me, she's so cute. She's gonna get to all of us."

Outside of the bus Kei started to approach Aiko.

" Hey there, I'm Kei Inoo, and I am NOT realated to the mapmaker Inoo."

"umm ok hi kei, get on the bus."

Aiko was so startled by their strange attitudes and actions. She then realized that people were starting to crowd the bus.

" Everybody get on the bus, people are starting to notice you. Go hurry run. Make su... Kyaa!"

just before Aiko was about to finish her sentence a craed fangirl came and pushed her over.

"ahhhh, Takaki sama please sign my shirt."

"Oh I'm sorry maybe next time."

As all they Hey say Members got on the bus they realized something. Aiko was nowhere in site. As they noticed Aiko's dissappearance the bus started to move and leave the site. How will Hey! Say! Jump! continue? DUN DUN DUUUNNNN.

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arandomperson #1
I cant wait for the next chapter and if yor needing another character pm me and ill help
Chapter 12: This so cute. Can't wait to see what happens next.
tinado58 #3
Chapter 11: very cute!!! please update soon
ckossi #4
Chapter 11: HAHAHAHAHA~ I love this chapter. I can totally see yamada do that. Cant wait for the next.
ckossi #5
HA~hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Poor Yamada! He's going to yelled at by the others!!!! That was priceless!
whaaaa she slept in the same bed with yama-chan.....soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood......................
omgasdfghjkl;'!?? YAMADA!!! he. .he. . . he was . .he was hugging her the whole night!! omg. .and. .he. . was. . . . . . . TOPLESS
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ cliff hanger!! ong , , chinen walking with only a towel!! omg, ,omg, ,okayy, ~ please update soon! i'm looking forward to it! <3
no__im_asian #9