Bus ride

Hey Say Love

"yeah we get to go horse back riding today!" Chinen said exicted. Everyone was totally over the whole situation with Aiko and Yamada.


it was a long ride to the ranch and everyone was either listening to music or sleeping.  After realizing that everyone was asleep, Arioka slowly walked to the front of the bus and sat next to Aiko. But she was asleep. 

Not knowing what to do Arioka just sat next to her in silence.

"haaa...... She's such a troublemaker. She's completely ruining our harmony. But it's okay, she's a good girl." Arioka said to the fast asleep Aiko. But he was suddenly shocked by her words


"please stop, don't do this. I didn't do anything wrong" Aiko said in her sleep as a tear slowly fell down her cheek.

arioka shocked just grabbed her head to shift to his shoulder

"don't worry.......... I'll protect you" he said before falling asleep himself.

a little before they reached the ranch, Aiko woke up and saw Ariokas peaceful asleep face next to her and was surprised. She tried to get out of his grasp without waking him up, but failed.

"oh, Aiko you're awake? Are we almost there?"

" Oh... Y.. Ye.... Yeah we are. Go get your things ready." listening to Aiko, Arioka just went back to him seat and gathered his things with the rest of the members. Once Arioka left, Aiko's face burst with redness.

" What am I doing. This isn't a lovely comedy!" Aiko said to herself before announcing their arrival.

now it's time for the memners to get comfortable with nature.







oH MY GOSH!!!! I'm sorry. I'm so horrible I haven't posted in like two years!!! Please don't hate me!!!!! I hope you guys like this chapter!!!!! I will try my best to post more!!! Sorry!!!!!

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arandomperson #1
I cant wait for the next chapter and if yor needing another character pm me and ill help
Chapter 12: This so cute. Can't wait to see what happens next.
tinado58 #3
Chapter 11: very cute!!! please update soon
ckossi #4
Chapter 11: HAHAHAHAHA~ I love this chapter. I can totally see yamada do that. Cant wait for the next.
ckossi #5
HA~hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Poor Yamada! He's going to yelled at by the others!!!! That was priceless!
whaaaa she slept in the same bed with yama-chan.....soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood......................
omgasdfghjkl;'!?? YAMADA!!! he. .he. . . he was . .he was hugging her the whole night!! omg. .and. .he. . was. . . . . . . TOPLESS
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ cliff hanger!! ong , , chinen walking with only a towel!! omg, ,omg, ,okayy, ~ please update soon! i'm looking forward to it! <3
no__im_asian #9