Where are you?

Hey Say Love

" you idiot! what are you doing with just a towel!" Arioka yelled.

"no, i was just going to walk to the bed and get my clothes." Chinen kept explaining.

"wait let me get this straight so you just wanted to go get your clothes and you were going to go back to the bathroom." Takaki asked.

"yeah! that's what I've been saying." Chinen said frustrated Then everyone sighed. They decided that Chinen has to follow some rules and make sure he doesnt break them.

"here's the list of rules for you Chinen." Yaotome said

1. Don't sleep in her bed or even touch it

2.Go to someone elses room when Aiko showers

3.Don't do anything stupid

"for now I think that's ok" Yamada said

"let me go put some clothes on." Chinen said with an upset face. As Chinen went back to the room he found Aiko napping on the bed. So he ran to his bed to get clothes and went back to the bathroom. After he got out everyone was gathered in the room and Aiko was talking about what they wanted to eat.

"so do you guys wanna go to a fancy resterant or a kind of local store?" Aiko asked Everyone else said they didn't really care so they chose on the buffet in the hotel since everyone was tired and didnt want to go far.

" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" Aiko said as she ran to the buffet to get her food. By the time everyone finished their first plate Aiko was already on her third. As everyone finished they realized that some japanese tourists were notcing who they were, so they ran as fast as they could to the elevator. They all fit but they were really squished. Aiko was in the Corner and takaki was protecting her from everyone squishing and bumping into everone. He was facing Aiko and say her smile and he starting blushing by how cute she was.

"so i guess good night. We'll see you guys tomorrow at 7:30 sharp. If you dont wake up we're leaving you." Aiko said teasing. Everyone said goodnight but, Chinen he said that he was gonna stay at Yamada and nakjima's room for a while. Aiko thought she was lucky because she needed to study. Chinen went with yamada and Aiko went to her room.

"oh i should text Momo chan."

Dear Momo chan,

Today went better thean I expected.I got

to see a tiger and i also went to a buffet.

I think I'm gonna get along with them. Oh and

heres a pictures of the guys at the zoo. Hope you

like it. Ok wish me luck, oh and by the way i have

to room with Chinen. Don't worry no funny bussiness.

Love Aiko

Aiko studied and studied and fell asleep she didnt even realize. It was already 12 a.m.

"Chinen where are you?" she said as she realized the bed was empty. She was scared and hated being alone. She wasn't planning on going to go get chinen or room with he other guys but she couldnt stand being alone. She went to Yamada's room and knocked.

"huh?" Nakajima said offguard and was surprised to see aiko.

"umm.. can I sleep in your guys room, Chinen is here too  and I'm honestly too scared to be alone." Aiko asked nervously

"uh sure Chinen is sleeping on the bed and Yamada's sleeping on the floor, so you can sleep in my bed. And I'll sleep on the floor" nakajima said

"thank you." Aiko said with a big smile and went to go give Nakajima a big hug. After she gave nakajima a hug he seemed stunned. But tried his best to be quiet and lead Aiko to the bed. She was so comfortable from nakajimas heat in the blanket and went straight to sleep. At around 3 am yamada got cold and went to Nakajima's bed not knowing Aiko was there and jsut went to sleep next to her. It was around 7 am and Aiko felt someting warm on her.

"hm what's this?" Aiko said and found herself facing toward a bare chest. Someones head was ontop of her and a hand was wrapped arond her. Startled she pushed the chest and screamed. surprise everyone woke up and the guys from the other room ran in. Everyone was surprised with Aiko's presence in Nakajima and yamda's room. And Yamda was mostly freaked.

"woah nakajima what was that for? And you scream like a gir....What?" yamada stopped in his tracks when he realized it was Aiko who pushed him.




hope you enjoy this chapter I actually kind of worked hard on it hope you enjoy it

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arandomperson #1
I cant wait for the next chapter and if yor needing another character pm me and ill help
Chapter 12: This so cute. Can't wait to see what happens next.
tinado58 #3
Chapter 11: very cute!!! please update soon
ckossi #4
Chapter 11: HAHAHAHAHA~ I love this chapter. I can totally see yamada do that. Cant wait for the next.
ckossi #5
HA~hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Poor Yamada! He's going to yelled at by the others!!!! That was priceless!
whaaaa she slept in the same bed with yama-chan.....soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood......................
omgasdfghjkl;'!?? YAMADA!!! he. .he. . . he was . .he was hugging her the whole night!! omg. .and. .he. . was. . . . . . . TOPLESS
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ cliff hanger!! ong , , chinen walking with only a towel!! omg, ,omg, ,okayy, ~ please update soon! i'm looking forward to it! <3
no__im_asian #9