The Phone call

Hey Say Love

This is Aiko, she is half Japanese and half American. She is a junior in high school, a very good student, smart, friendly. She lives with her parents in Hawaii. She is was disturbed of her normal life because of just one call.

"Ring ring"

"Mama the phone's ringing" yelled Aiko, while she was doing her homework.

Aiko's mom walked to the phone and answered  it.

"Hello, this is Mayaki how may I help you. Oh really. We won, so she gets to go. Oh.. Thank you so much, she'll be so glad and surprised. Thank you. Bye."

 Aiko's was somewhat suspicious of who was on the phone, but she just brushed it off and went back to her winter break homework. Her mother approached her with a very mischievous look.

"Guess what Aiko.

"what, I'm busy doing homework."


" huh.. won what?"

"you won a week with the Johnny's group... Hey Say Jump. You get to be their tour guide and take them around Hawaii. They've never been in Hawaii, and wanted a local teenager that speaks Japanese to guide."

"huh, i never filled out a form, and I don't want to spend my winter break with some selfish celebrities.I barely know this group"

" I filled everything out. I would of thought that this would have been a good chance for you to get to know people and be friends, and get to know good looking boys. You're in high school and you never had a boyfriend, that's kind of sad."

"mama this isn't about you, this is my life. And boys aren't important right now, i need to study and get into a good college.I don't want to do this, I have better things to do."

" Aiko, you're gonna have to do this. I want you to have more friends and relax and have fun once in a while. Also, if you go I'll take you to a fancy buffet restaurant."

"what, are you bribing me now, but really you'll taking me to a buffet. Well, umm.. I guess one week won't hurt, I could study after, I guess."

"YAY!! ok, you have to meet them at the airport on Sunday, they'll pay for everything. So just have fun, and don't overdo it. Make a list of the places you'll go."


This one phone call made Aiko's life turn around. Now she has to spend her week with 9 boys. She'll make it.


Author's note

( I need a 2 girls please give me characters, I need a friend for Aiko. And another to be announced.)

Please give






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arandomperson #1
I cant wait for the next chapter and if yor needing another character pm me and ill help
Chapter 12: This so cute. Can't wait to see what happens next.
tinado58 #3
Chapter 11: very cute!!! please update soon
ckossi #4
Chapter 11: HAHAHAHAHA~ I love this chapter. I can totally see yamada do that. Cant wait for the next.
ckossi #5
HA~hahahahahaha!!!!!!!! Poor Yamada! He's going to yelled at by the others!!!! That was priceless!
whaaaa she slept in the same bed with yama-chan.....soooooooooooo gooooooooooooooood......................
omgasdfghjkl;'!?? YAMADA!!! he. .he. . . he was . .he was hugging her the whole night!! omg. .and. .he. . was. . . . . . . TOPLESS
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~ cliff hanger!! ong , , chinen walking with only a towel!! omg, ,omg, ,okayy, ~ please update soon! i'm looking forward to it! <3
no__im_asian #9