After about a week having the concert in United States, today was the last day of the concert at Los Angeles. Early in the morning, Haein together with the other crews went to The Novo by Microsoft along with GOT7 members. When the members did some rehearsal, Haein helped the other crews to set up their outfit etc.

“Haein-ah, how’s your relationship with Mark?” asked Mrs Kim smiling to Haein which made Haein blushed.

“I’m happy with Mark oppa” said Haein smiled shyly.

“Aigoo, why felt so shy” said Mrs Kim chuckles.

“Because..everyone know that we tend to be enemies long ago and now we’re dating” said Haein blushing.

“What so wrong. You looked suit with Mark. But what I heard from the other crew, they more happy to see you with Jinyoung” said Mrs Kim which made Haein’s smile faded.

“What does that mean?” asked Haein.

“It’s..maybe it’s just because you and Jinyoung was so close when the first day you worked with us and the other crew love to see you guys. They also said that Jinyoung looked more lovely than Mark. I’m just saying what they said. But seriously I love you dating with Mark. I’re soft and smooth-talker while Mark a bit stone-headed and passive and it balance your relationship that when Mark’s ego came you can soothe him” said Mrs Kim and Haein just smile a bit. Somehow what did Mrs Kim said made Haein taken aback. When Haein done arranging their outfit and stuff, Haein wait for the members to finish their rehearsal to start her work with them.


“Today was the last day of the concert ~” said Mark happily as Haein start to do his make up.

“So you’re happy or sad?” asked Haein chuckles.

“Happy a bit. Sad a bit. I’m happy because finally I have some holiday and time to spent with you. Sad because there’s no more fan chants for me anymore until the next concert in China end of this month” said Mark which made Haein chuckled.

“So after this you’re mine for the whole time?” asked Haein which made Mark chuckled while nodding.

“Next day after tomorrow we’ll go roam around here” said Mark.

“With the other members?” asked Haein.

“Depends. If only around shopping complex, we’ll go with the members. Because you’re Jaebum’s sister so that fans won’t notice anything between you and me. But if I want to go only with you to a privacy place, only us two” said Mark smiled while hugging Haein.

“Done with your makeup ~ You’re a handsome boy. I go help the others first okay?” said Haein and Mark nodded.

“ tangled” said Yugyeom showing the tangled part of his sleeve with his bracelet.

“ looked like a child” said Haein chuckles while helping Yugyeom with his problem.

“Beware after this” said Haein smiled and Yugyeom nodded.

“’s this?” asked Bambam showing the accessories at his coat that tangled too.

“This must be you and Yugyeom move around so much ehey, look your hyungs didn’t have this problem tho” murmured Haein while fixing the accessories.

“Hehe sorry, you kinda cute when you’re mad” said Bambam chuckling.

“Mark hyung! Looks like Bambam want to tackle your girlfriend!” shouted Yugyeom which made Bambam widened his eyes while Mark glaring at him deeply which made the other members laughed.

“Nooo, just saying that Haein is cute. That’s all” said Bambam pouted.

“Hahaha do what you want. Haein won’t fall in love with you. She only think about me ~” said Mark which made the other members laughed.

“So I’m not on your mind now, Haein my little sister?” asked Jaebum.

“You’re my brother, stop talking nonsense” said Haein rolling hey eyes which made Jaebum chuckled. Suddenly Haein hissed because her finger got a cut since the accessories at Bambam’s coat kinda sharp.

“What’s wrong Haein?” asked Bambam.

“My finger” whined Haein running to find a tissue.

“What happened?” asked Mark following Haein.

“I got a little cut” said Haein wiping the blood.

“Aigoo, poor my baby. Want to put plaster?” asked Mark but Haein shook her head.

“It’s just a little. Using plaster kinda . Look, it stop bleeding” said Haein chuckles and Mark just nodded.

“Bambam-ssi, beware with the accessories because it can hurt yourself” said Haein and Bambam nodded.

“Five more minutes before the concert start. Get ready ~” said GOT7’s manager.

“Haein, Haein did my hair look good?” asked Jackson which made Haein chuckles while nodding.

“Handsome as always” said Haein which made Jackson giggling.

“Mark hyung’s girlfriend really sweet” said Jackson.

“You must look who’s her brother first” said Jaebum which made Mark rolled his eyes.

“Now let’s get on the stage and lit LA up!” shouted Jackson clapping his hand.

“I go first sister ~” said Jaebum while pinching Haein’s cheek.

“Good luck and don’t hurt yourself” said Haein smiled.

“Where’s my wish?” asked Mark to Haein.

“Good luck my lovely boy. Now go or you’ll late” said Haein smiled as Mark hugged her. After the members got on the stage, Haein help the other staff to prepare the outfit for other performance. When Haein was helping, her phone ringing. And his father’s name appeared.

“Appa..” said Haein softly.

“Your dad called? Go and answer first. I’ll handle this” said one of the staff and Haein nodded. Haein went to a quite place and answered the call.

“Yeoboseyo..appa (”.

“Haein my are you?”.

“I..I’m about appa?”.

“I’m fine. Appa went to JYP building just now..but they said you guys is in America now”.

“Ahh..nae (yes). Oppa and s have their tour concert here. Why appa go there?”.

“Appa just come back from Bali..and appa bought some souvenirs for you and your oppa. Appa just leave it here. Because appa need to go China tomorrow”.

“Ahh..thank you..for..remembering us” said Haein a little bit sobbing.

“Haein sweetie..don’t cry. Appa never forgot you two. Appa is so proud of you two. Everyday appa pray for your health and success. Appa love you two”.

“Haein..miss appa..badly..I want to hug appa” said Haein burst into tears.

“Haein don’t cryy. Appa was wrong. Appa should always visit you..but appa..afraid of your oppa..he might hate appa. Besides, appa was so bust lately. I'm sorry”.

“I want to meet appa..”.

“Call appa when you landed at Korea. Appa..will visit you. Okay?”.

“Okay. Appa..where are you living now?”.

“Appa live with appa’s friend. Don’t worry about appa. Did you..still keep in touch with your eomma?”.

“I hate her. I hate her! I once saw her with a guy and I spied them. I heard..I heard that she said..'Haein and Jaebum was a burden for me if I bring them along to London. I will love and take care of your son more than them.' I hate her..I hate her!”.

“Your eomma should not talk like that. After all, you’re her children. Appa should talk to her”.

“No need appa..we want to forget about her..and live by our own. But knowing appa still care about us..I felt loved” said Haein a little bit smiling.

“Okay if that what you want. Haein..appa need to go. Don’t forget to tell me if you landed at Korea. Appa will visit you. Take care. Tell your brother to rest well and thank him to..take care of you for me. Love you, my sweetie Im Haein”.

“Appa take care too. Love you too” said Haein before hang up the call. Haein stay in silence for awhile, shedding her tears.

“My face easily swollen even I cried for awhile” said Haein looking at her face when she passed the mirror.

“’re crying?” asked Mrs Kim.


“Are you fighting with Mark?” asked Mrs Kim again.

“No, no. Appa..called me just now..I kinda miss him” said Haein looking down.

“I see. Poor my girl. Sit there and take a rest. The members looking for you just now. But they just went back on the stage for the other performance. We’ll wait for the concert end and we’ll go home. Okay?” said Mrs Kim and Haein nodded. When Haein sit on the couch, she look back at her old photo of her with her whole family and again, Haein cried.

“I hate myself for easily gaining back the memories. I hate it” said Haein shedding her tears but again she cry back.

“Oppa can’t see this” said Haein standing up and walk to the toilet to wash her face. She then put on a little make up to looked normal. After done, she went back to join the other staff monitoring the members on the stage. After a few hours, the concert ended and the members went back to the backstage.

“You see me just now Haein? I made-”. Jaebum’s word cut as Haein suddenly hug him.

“Oppa..” said Haein while hugging Jaebum which made Jaebum confused.

“What’s wrong, Haein my little sister?” asked Jaebum while Haein’s hair.

“Appa called me just now” said Haein while releasing her hug. Jaebum frowned while raising his eyebrow.

“Why did he called you?” asked Jaebum.

“Appa..send some souvenirs for us..and he just leave it at your company” said Haein a little bit scared as Jaebum’s face looked angry.

“Then?” asked Jaebum.

“We talked for awhile..I said..I miss appa..and appa miss us too..and he asked me to call him when we arrived Korea” said Haein tangling her fingers.

“How many times I told you not to answer his call? He’s acting nice and we must not believe him. Who know he have some bad ideas to separate us?” said Jaebum.

“But oppa..appa won’t do that..after all..eomma did all of this to us. Eomma that have affairs with other guys..not appa” said Haein.

“But still appa didn’t fight for it” said Jaebum.

“Because..we can’t force someone to love us. You’re the one that said that to me. Oppa should not say like that to appa-”. Haein’s word got cut as Jaebum slap her cheek which made the members that watching them shocked.

“Jaebum you’re too much” said Mark walking towards Haein and Jaebum.

“I..have a bad eomma..and bad..oppa” said Haein shook her head before burst into tears but Mark quickly hug her.

“Jaebum..I know you’re angry with your dad and mom..but..slapping too rude. You should..listen to what Haein wanna say. She's your sister, you should not hurt her” said Mark while Haein’s hair that is still crying.

“Haein..oppa..oppa didn’t mean it..I..I’m sorry” said Jaebum while walking towards Haein.

“Mark oppa..let’s go home..I wanna sleep” said Haein pushing Mark slowly to went out from the room.

“Don’t worry hyung..siblings never apart. Haein's heart is soft and I believe she will forgive you. You're his brother after all, right” said Youngjae patting Jaebum’s shoulder.


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Chapter 29: Whyyyyyyy????????????
Chapter 26: Hmmm .. it's not that only her that can be put in danger .. but if they aren't careful enough her father have a high chance to be arrested on the spot. And if that happen it's going to ruin her brother image as well .. he might get bad publicity and other undesirable damages.

And believe me everyone going to forgive you if that happen since everyone loves her so much. But still .. if things like that happen .. how about your brother? When things happen to you you have ears to listen and shoulders to cry on .. but what about his feelings? He's someone who will keep everything and every burden himself since he want to be strong for you and doesn't want to bother other. How if he got depressed? He's still young as well .. being your current guardian .. being responsible for his group .. works and everything .. he has a lot in his plate.
Chapter 25: Aww .. I want a brother like Jaebum oppa too ♡
I want a brother who would take me on a date ><
Hahaha .. oppa you can't date your sister so why don't date me instead? LOL #InMyDreams

I can imagine how they will react once they figured out that Youngbin is their mom beloved step-son now .. but they shouldn't bother .. their so-called mother is not worthy of their time .. not even worth calling her mother .. I'm glad Haein have people she could rely too ~ it means a lot.
Chapter 23: YEYYY!!! I'm so happy you finally updated! ^^ Thank you for the chapter author ~ I really can imagine the sibling confusion regarding their situation .. I know Jaebum just want to protect his little sister not to get hurt more .. but sometimes you do or say something out of anger leaving regrets which you didn't actually mean it .. But close siblings always find its way to survive ^^ looking forward for next chapters ~ thank you ♡
Chapter 19: I just read the whole fic from chapter 1 - 19 and I think it's amazing!
Even though the story line was about daily life but the plot is still heart warming.
It is relatable to daily issues and does make sense in all case ..
And not to forgot the family issues, I really can get the feel ...
Haein is so lucky that she still have her brother to rely on, a very loving and caring brother ..
She must feel like everything is alright as long as she have her brother by her side ..
I really wish I had a brother like Jaebum .. I must be really happy ..
Lol it's not that because Jaebum is my bias, but because of his character in this fic make wonder ^^
And about the love triangle I can imagine how terrifying it is ..
Both Mark and Jinyoung is precious on their own ways, it must kinda feels terrible to let one hurt ..
Anyway I enjoyed this fic .. hope you update soon ^^ looking forward ~ Fighting !!!