Chapter 5

The Next Generation

It took a couple days of travelling to get to the southern borders, Jaehyun and Jeonghan switching towing the cart every couple hours so that Jeonghan could get some rest and have the weight off his back for a couple hours.

They made it to the outpost, Jaehyun towing the cart the last part of the way there. JR met them at the entrance. "You came at a good time," he said. "Go get changed Jaehyun, Baekho can get the cart," he said. Jaehyun nodded and Mark went to take off the harness from Jaehyun who disappeared around the corner to change back and put some clothes on. Baekho went to bring the cart inside the outpost, patting Jeonghan on the head as he walked past him.

"I hope you guys don't mind sharing rooms, the guards that are usually here were gone when we got here," said JR as they walked into the outpost. "We're used to it," said Taeil as he shrugs his shoulders. "We did stay in the dorms for a good while," he said. JR chuckled some. "Well, there you have some foot room," he said. "There's barely any here, and everyone's sleeping in bunks," he said. "That's fine," said Taeil. The others nod. "I'll show you to the rooms then," said JR before he led them to the barracks.

Everyone got comfortable in their bunks, at least as comfortable as the situation could call for, before JR called out Mark to do some patrols along the wall. Jeonghan went with him, not wanting to leave Mark's side.

"You seem lost Mark," said JR as they walked along the walls of the outpost. Mark shrugs. "I want to feel like I'm doing something right for the group," he said. "Sometimes it doesn't seem that I am doing stuff for the group," he said. "Ren felt that way when he became a trainee," said JR as he looked off into the distance. "It was because of Yixing that he felt useless, because Yixing still blamed him for Jongin's death," he said. Mark nodded. "He eventually earned Yixing's respect, but not before Yixing killed himself," said JR as he sighed. "I remember when we found him, both Luhan and Ren blamed themselves for it," he said. "But they pushed on," he said. "Even after entering the guard, Ren felt lost, insecure about things," he said. "I never got to see him go rescue the queen, but the proud look he had when they all came back let me know that his place was proudly earned in the guard," he said.

"What I'm trying to get at is, you'll find your way one way or another," said JR as he turned to Mark. "You're still the youngest," he said. "Everyone still thinks of you as the kid, so it's normal," he said. "Ya know, I passed the leadership role to Ren, because he earned it," he said. "It wasn't official, but the look on his face when I told him was one I could never forget," he said, smiling slightly. "You'll get there, eventually," he said, tousling Mark's hair. Mark laughs, moving away. "Thanks JR," he said turning to look at the horizon passed the borders.

"So, it's been quiet?" Asked Mark as he looked around. JR nodded. "We've been under a lot of pressure from the other side, but the only action that happened was Ren's death a couple days ago," he said. "I'm sorry we couldn't come for the funeral, we had to burn Ren's body," he said. "So they couldn't get anything from it," he said. "We know," said Mark. "I was here remember?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. "Oh, right," said JR.

"I think we have a visitor," Mark said suddenly as he spotted someone coming towards the outpost. "State your name and reason for coming here!" JR said loudly as he spotted the person coming towards the outpost. "My name is Daehyun," said Daehyun as he came to a stop where they could see him. "I've come with a message from our king," he said. "Get the others," said JR as he nodded to Mark. Jeonghan went to get the others, barking and growling to get the others to wake up. Minhyun, Baekho, Taeyong, Suho, Taeil, and Jaehyun ran out of the outpost, seeing Daehyun. Jeonghan ran out after them after Doyoung joined Mark and JR on the wall. "What is your message?" Asked JR as he grabbed the bow from his back and drew it back. Doyoung's orb floated beside him and Mark grabbed his bow.

"Tao, our king, is holding off on any invading right now," said Daehyun. "The war in the kingdom of Bangtan has him wanting to send troops over to help fight in the cause, but we need your permission to cross over your kingdom to the north," he said. "And how do we know this isn't just a ploy to invade our kingdom?" Asked Jaehyun as his hand reached for his knife holster. "I think your orb user can answer that, if he has access to the spirit realm to talk to Chanyeol, or anyone from the past," said Daehyun. Mark turned to Doyoung, who shrugs. "I'm not like Ren," said Doyoung. "I'd have to see later tonight, but you better head back and come back in a couple days," he said.

"If you truly were to attack us, you would've done so by now," said Taeil as he relaxed his stance, only slightly. "Then again, we could be flanked right now," he said. "As if, we're running low on troops here," said Daehyun. "If I was here to attack, then you would've seen more than just me coming," he said. "He has a point," said Doyoung. "Plus, I think I would've known ahead of time if something was coming," he said. JR seemed to contemplate that. "Alright, come back in a couple days, we'll send a messenger to the capitol with your message, then they are coming straight back," he said. Daehyun nodded and ran back. Everyone waited until Doyoung's orb disappeared before fully relaxing.

"Alright, who's heading back?" Asked JR. "I can," said Mark. Jeonghan barked in agreement. "I'm the quickest member of the guard," said Mark. "Plus Jeonghan has my back if I get into some trouble," he said. "I agree," said Taeil. "But Jaehyun should go with you," he said. "That way if something were to happen then someone could run back and someone could keep going to the capitol," he said. "Alright," said Mark and Jaehyun. "Pack lightly and travel quick, may the queen watch over you two," said JR as Mark went to pack. Jaehyun went after him with Jeonghan and they soon headed off, running quickly back to the capitol.

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YAY FINISHED. I really enjoyed writing this trilogy. until next time, bye o/


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BlackBlueFive #1
Chapter 24: How could you kill Hobi... T.T
Chapter 9: I wish the chapters were a little longer ;;