Chapter 27

The Next Generation

Jungkook and the others reached the capitol gates after a couple days. Mark was stationed on the wall when he saw them. He called for the others who went to take care of them and take them to get recoup. Yoongi and joined Mark on the wall, after getting the go ahead from Taeil.

"How are you Yoongi?" Asked Mark as Yoongi stood beside him. "Fine," said Yoongi. "I want to avenge Namjoon and Suho-hyung's deaths," he said. "We all do," said Mark as he looked into the distance. "They'll be here soon!" Doyoung and Jungkook shouted from opposite ends of the city walls. There was only one gate, so they stayed along the wall surrounding the capitol gates. Jaehyun was in his polar bear form on the ground with Jeonghan, Taeil, Taeyong and Taehyung and Baekho. Jin and Jimin would stay back, in case they were needed for healing. The castle guards were on the ground with Taeyong and the others, ready to attack as soon as commanded. "On my mark!" Shouted Jungkook and Doyoung. Mark and the other archers drew back the string on their bows with the arrows attached to them. They aimed in the direction of the path, ready to fire.

They watched as the enemy appeared. "Now!" Shouted Doyoung and Jungkook as they combined attacks, sending ice spears and lightning bolts towards the enemy. Mark and Yoongi started firing their arrows with the other archers. Jaehyun, Jeonghan, and Baekho rushed forward, attacking as a team. Their combined teamwork helped take down most of the enemy troops as Taeyong and the others rushed forward with the rest of the castle guard with their swords drawn.

The barrage of arrows came raining down on the soldiers on the ground and Jungkook rushed to put up ice walls to block them. "Aim for the archers in the back!" Yelled Doyoung. "I see them!" He called out. Jungkook looked towards the back and nodded. "We need to combine attacks," he shouted. "Ready when you are!" Shouted Doyoung. Mark and Yoongi took careful aim as they distracted the archers in the back. "Now!" Shouted Jungkook as he jumped down, slamming his hands into the ground and shooting ice spikes up under the enemies. Doyoung sent a lightning tornado towards the enemies, getting what Jungkook couldn't reach. Mark and Yoongi provided cover for Jungkook as he scrambled back up onto the wall by a rope.

The first deaths happened with the castle guard as more enemies started coming. Jaehyun and Baekho covered what Jeonghan couldn't and were able to protect him though they were getting riddled with wounds now. Taeyong shouted for them to retreat so Jin and Jimin could get to them. Jaehyun and Baekho exchange glances before moving back, letting Taehyung and Taeyong get to Jeonghan. They quickly ran back to Jin and Jimin who quickly healed their injuries. Jaehyun decided to fight the rest of the battle in human form, using his knives as he zoomed passed the others, and started slashing the enemies throats. Baekho did the same, keeping to Jaehyun's rear to protect him.

Taeyong and Taehyung slashed their way through the enemies, keeping to each others backs. Taeil helped them with the enemies, jumping around the occasional ice spike that popped up thanks to Jungkook.

"Watch out hyung!" Said Jaehyun as an enemy came down on Taeyong. Taeyong brought up his sword to block the blow but another one slashed across the back causing him to fall. Jaehyun snarled, quickly slashing at the enemy who attacked Taeyong. "Mark, Yoongi! cover Jaehyun and Taeyong!" Shouted Doyoung as he pointed. Mark and Yoongi started firing a ton of arrows, directing arrows around Jaehyun and Taeyong. Jaehyun put Taeyong's arm around his shoulder, nodding to Taehyung who quickly covered them as Jaehyun ran to Jin and Jimin with Taeyong.

Jin and Jimin got to work on healing Taeyong as Jaehyun ran back out to the battle field, Mark and Yoongi providing cover again. Jaehyun got over to Baekho before Baekho could be slashed in the back.

Doyoung and Jungkook were getting tired as the magic drained their energy. Mark and Yoongi were running out of arrows, but they did their best to provide cover for their comrades. "We can't lose the capitol," said Mark. "I know," said Yoongi. Jungkook and Doyoung jumped down from the wall preparing to combine another attack. Mark and Yoongi covered them, losing the last bit of their arrows. Doyoung and Jungkook slammed their hands into the ground, an ice and lightning tornado getting sent to the enemies. They both exchange glances as they both felt heat at their fingertips. "Ready?" Asked Jungkook. Doyoung nodded. They both slammed their hands into the ground sending a fire tornado up around the last of the enemy troops. The ones who survived retreated for the time being. Doyoung and Jungkook collapsed to their knees, panting. "We did it," said Doyoung. "I don't know when they'll attack again, but we bought some time," said Jungkook.

Taehyung, Jaehyun, Baekho and Jeonghan walk over to Doyoung and Jungkook. Mark and Yoongi jumped down from the wall, going to check on Taeyong. "How is he hyung?" Asked Mark. "He's okay," said Jin. "Just unconscious for now," he said. "That's good," said Mark. "How deep is the slash?" He asked. "Not too deep, we healed it just fine without stitches but we'll send him to the hospital for x-rays," said Jin.

"Mark-ah, have you ever used a crossbow?" Asked Jimin as he turned to Mark. "I think you would be a great sniper with one of those," he said. "I never was able to," said Mark. "It's expensive to make here," he said. "I can give you my old one," said Yoongi. "Are you sure hyung?" Asked Mark as he turned to Yoongi. Yoongi nodded. "I think you'd be perfect as a crossbow sniper," he said. "It takes some time to reload, but I think you'll adjust to it," he said. "Where is your old crossbow anyway hyung?" Asked Jimin. "In my bag," said Yoongi. Jin went to grab it and handed it to Yoongi who dug through his bag.

"Ah, here it is," said Yoongi as he took out his crossbow. He handed it to Mark, who examined it. "You draw the string back like this," said Yoongi as he showed Mark how to do it. "Then you put the arrow in the chamber," he said, grabbing an arrow and putting it in place. "Then you aim and fire by pulling the trigger here," he said, showing the trigger before aiming and firing at the city wall. He then handed it to Mark, who studied the crossbow in awe. "You can get a strap to attach to the crossbow and put it on your bag with the quiver," said Yoongi. "You can practice later, for now we need to rest and recoup," he said. Mark nodded and had the guards on the wall close the gates. Once the gates were closed everyone headed back home.

"Where's Daehyun and company?" Mark asked suddenly. "They didn't join us in the fight?" Asked Taeyong. Jaehyun shook his head. "I put them down in the dungeon for the battle, I couldn't risk leaving them at home," he said. "I'll let the queen know that we managed to keep away the enemy," said Taeil before he headed to the palace. Mark headed to the market district to see what he could do for dinner. He wanted to find something quick for everyone as he walked down the market district streets with his dog.

Jimin, Jaehyun, and Taehyung were left to their own devices as Taeyong, Jin, and Yoongi headed back to Taeyong's shared apartment. "How was things for the months you were gone?" Asked Jaehyun. "It was fine, we got to travel," said Jimin. "We headed to the southern outpost when Jungkook got word that EXO was going to attack," he said. "Mm," said Jaehyun.

"We stopped the attack for now your highness," said Taeil as he bowed in front of the queen. "I knew you could do it," said the queen as she smiled. "Get some rest, prepare for the next battle," she said. "Yes your highness," said Taeil before he straightened and left, heading home.

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YAY FINISHED. I really enjoyed writing this trilogy. until next time, bye o/


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BlackBlueFive #1
Chapter 24: How could you kill Hobi... T.T
Chapter 9: I wish the chapters were a little longer ;;