Sehun's Tantrum

Love is Love

"Sehun, calm down." Sehun's mother said as she tried to calm down her screaming son.

"I want Bakehyun!" He sobbed.

"Sweetie, he's at school right now." His mother said.

"Baekhyun!" Sehun continued to scream. "Baekhyun!!" His screams got louder and louder. Sehun choked on his sobs as he began to smack himself in the head.

"No, Sehun, no." Sehun's mother said as she took his hands into her own.

He screamed and tried to jerk free. "M-m-mama!!" He cried as he looked at her.

Tears filled and squeezed past his bloodshot eyes and streamed down his tear-stained red face. He then bent forward and bit himself hard.

"Sweetie no." His mother said firmly as he let out an angry groan. "Do you need me to hold you?" His mother asked.

Sehun quickly shook his head. "Then stop." His mother replied.

"But I want B-BAEKHYUN!"

His squirming became violent before his mother finally held him in her arms restraining his own. She began rocking him side to side as he continued to sob and squirm.

"Calm down, baby." His mother said soothingly.

His screams and sobs slowed to hiccups as he laid in his mother's arms and cried.

"B-B-Baekhyun." He said once again. "I w-w-want you!" His mother's heart ached for him.

"Sweetie, he'll be back soon." She reassured him.

Sehun took one long, heavy sniff before responding.

"Really?" He asked.

His mother kissed his head.

"I promise." She told him. "Do you want mama to make you some ice cream?" She asked.

A smile slowly grew on his face as he nodded.

"Okie Dokie, then." His mother said as she lifted his head from her lap and went into the kitchen to make her son some delicious ice cream. 

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