
Love is Love

Chanyeol's POV


Oh my God, now I remember that name! Sehun! The gay kid that dated Luhan at one point! How did it take me this long to recognize him?! It's my fault that Sehun tried to kill himself! Me and the rest of the boys bullied him. I remember the things we did to him: shoving him in his locker, beating him up, calling him names, and laughing at him when we made him cry! How could I've been such an to him?! It's all my fault! It's my fault he became this way! What will Baekhyun say when he finds out the truth?! Wait, he can't know! He'll hate me and want nothing to do with me. Lay and Kai know. My parents know, and Sehun's parents know. How long until the truth gets to Baekhyun?? Tears quickly spill past my eyes as I collapse onto my bed and sob. I don't want to lose Baekhyun. I can't lose him. I...I...I think I'm in love with Baekhyun. 




SURPRISE! We found out that Chanyeol was the one that bullied Sehun. What will happen next? Will Chanyeol tell Baekhyun the truth or will the truth eventually get to him? Will Baekhyun forgive Chanyeol if he finds out the truth or will he hate and leave him? Continue reading to find out! Also should I do more POV'S? If so, lemme know and I'll be happy to!


I hope y'all are enjoying the story so far and I hope it's making sense. I'm really liking this story and I'm trying to make it one of the best! Please continue to read, vote, and comment! I love y'all so much.

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I know it but I don't care!


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