Chapter 8

Give Me Your Love

Gui was beginning to be alive again. Calvin saw her change as each day passes by. He as grateful for Aaron. Gui still misses Wang Zi a lot, but she had continued to live for herself and for Aaron. She was always smiling. Everyone at school was envious of her relationship with Aaron.

School has come and gone. Aaron along with his friends were graduating from Taipei University. Gui was so happy for him. She attended his graduation. After the ceremony, Gui walked down from the bleachers and walked up to Aaron. He gave her a kissed and she handed him flowers.

"Congratulations," she told him. Calvin and his friends walked up to them.

"What about me?" asked Calvin, pretending to cry.

"Congratulations Calvin Ge," she said, hugging him.

"Thank you," he said. They walked out of the school and went out for dinner. Gui was having so much fun with the boys and her friends. Aaron was glad to see her smiling. He knew that Wang Zi was still somewhere in her heart, but he was glad that he was able to fill up the missing chunk. He couldn't stop but stare at her. He was happy being with her. But, he knew that Hebe was coming back as well.

Gui saw that Aaron was not smiling. She stared at him for awhile, before saying anything to him.

"Aaron, what's wrong?" she asked him. He smiled.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking," he said. She gave him a peck on his cheeks, before joining back into the conversation they were having. Aaron smiled and also joined them in the conversation.

In Shanghai, Hebe was meeting with her manager. She was dancing and fulfilling her dreams, but an accident caused her to lose everything. She sighed and walked into her manager's office. She knew that walking into the office, means that her dreams was over.

She feigned a smile and walked in. Her manager was sitting behind her desk and looking at Hebe's medical report. She looked up and Hebe saw sadness in her eyes. Her heart sank. She knew that her medical report would show that she can not continue her dreams. She walked up to her manager and sat down.

"So?" she asked.

"I'm sorry Hebe, but you can not continue dancing. Your report showed your ankle will not be able to recover fully and you can not continue dancing if your ankle is going to bring you down. Today, we will terminate your contract and you will leave for Taiwan, tomorrow morning. Hebs, I know that this is your dream, but it ends here. I'm truly sorry," she said.

" there any other way for me? I mean, can I get surgery done or something?" she asked, desperate for a solution.

"Hebs, I'm sorry but your report showed that the injury can not be fix. There is no way you can fix an injury like that. Even getting a surgery would be helpless," she said.

"This is my dream. I left everything behind for this and now you're saying that because of a fracture, I can not continue!" she shouted with anger and fear. Her manager shook her head. Hebe started crying. Her manager just watch her in pain. She knew that dancing was everything for Hebe, but she also know that being a dancer, you can not have a fracture. After a few hours of crying, Hebe pulled herself together and left with her manager to the company, so that they can terminate her contract.

She left the company in tears. She knew that everything she had worked hard for is gone. There is no one in Taiwan waiting for her. She hadn't hard any news from Aaron. She walked around Shanghai for the last time. Thinking about her career and Aaron. She had missed him so much, but she knew that him breaking up with her was her fault. At around half past twelve, Hebe returned to her hotel and packed up to leave for her flight that morning. She only got four hours of sleep, before getting up and leaving for Taiwan.

She had left Aaron a voice mail, telling him that she was coming back to him. She arrived at Taipei Airport and saw a familiar face. Her sister had picked her up. She was smiling at the sight of her sister.

"Helen!" she shouted, running towards her sister. Helen turned around and saw her older sister running towards her.

"Hey! I thought that you hurt your ankle, how can you still run?" she asked, jokingly.

"I did, but the sight of seeing you, my ankle healed," she said, happily. The two sisters left the airport. Hebe wanted to see Aaron right away, so she had asked Helen to drop her off at Aaron's place. Helen was hesitant, but she knew that she couldn't possibly break her sister's heart, after hearing the bad news. So, she dropped Hebe off at Aaron's.

Hebe walked up to his door and rang the doorbell, but no one answered the door. She rang the bell again, still no answer.

'Where could he be?' she thought to herself. She sighed and decided to wait for him.

Aaron and Gui were at the amusement park, having fun. Aaron wanted to enjoy the summer with Gui, before he starts to work for his father. He was the heir to Yan Incorporated. They spent the whole day, enjoying themselves. Gui was smiling and having fun, while Aaron was fill with worry.

He had received Hebe's voice mail, saying that she was coming back. He knew that if she found out about Gui, she would be heartbroken. He wanted to tell Gui about Hebe, but seeing her smile, broke his heart. At eight, Aaron dropped a tired ghost off at her house. He drove home, thinking about Hebe's arrival. He didn't know when she was returning, all he knew was that she was returning.

When he got up, he saw a figure on his doorstep. When he got closer, he recognized the figure. It was Hebe and she was sleeping outside of his doorstep. He walked over to the door and opened it, before going back for Hebe. He picked her up, bridal style and brought her inside his house. He left her on the couch and went upstairs to fix a room for her. He walked to her old room, which was now a guest room and changed the bed sheets and blankets for Hebe. He went back downstairs and carried her to the guest room.

The next morning, Hebe woke up to find herself in her old room, but it was different now. She noticed that the things she use to have in there was now gone. She opened her closet to find that her clothes were no longer there. She crept to Aaron's room and opened his door, but he wasn't there. She closed the door behind her and walked downstairs, to find a note on the kitchen table.

She picked up the note and read it to herself.

'Hebs, I have a meeting to attend, so I will talk to you when I returned. There is some pancakes in the fridge for you. Also, everything that you owned, is at your sister's place. Once you finish eating breakfast, you can go over to her house and get changed. I will be back around eight, so we can talk then.

-Aaron Yan Ya Lun-'

She put the note down and walked over to the fridge. She opened it and found some pancakes. She took it out and reheat it in the microwave. After breakfast, she called her sister to pick her up.

Aaron was at a family meeting all day. Gui went to visit Xiao Mei for the weekend. She had not seen Xiao Mei, since forever and her brothers' were busy running their family business in West Side. Aaron knew that Gui was out of town, so it will give him some time to talk to Hebe.

At eight, Hebe met up at Aaron's. Aaron was in his living room waiting for her. When she rang the doorbell, he got up and answered the door. He invited her in and left her in the living room. He soon returned with coffee. It was going to be a long talk and night.

He handed her a cup and sat opposite of her. She was smiling brightly, but he didn't smile. He took a deep breath and started talking.

"Hebs, what brings you back?" he asked her.

"Ah Bu, I just missed you dearly."

"Hebe, listen, I know that dancing was your dream, but why are you really back?" Hebe could sense that he knew something was wrong. She didn't want to tell him the truth, but she knows that he will pressure her to tell him.

"Okay, Ah Bu, I injured myself during a dance practice, and my medical report showed that I can't continue dancing anymore. That's why I'm back. I'm back to be the girlfriend that you had always wanted."

"Hebs, I'm sorry. When you left, I already found her."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm dating someone else. I don't know if you remembered her, but she goes to the same school as us."


"Wu Ying Jie."

"Wu Ying Jie? You mean the daughter of the Black Triad Society?"


"Ah Bu, what does she have that I don't have?"

"Everything." When Aaron said that, Hebe got up and ran out of his house. He watched as she slammed the door shut. He sat there for a few minutes, before getting up and running after her. He knew that he was supposed to comfort her, but he didn't want to lead her on. Hebe didn't know where she was running to, she just kept on running, until she came upon a park.

Gui came home earlier than she had planned, partly because her brothers wanted her home for a meeting. She was going over to Aaron's so that she can surprised him, but when she was on her way, she saw a girl running out of his house and then him running after her. Gui was shock. She didn't know who the girl was or why he was chasing her, but she trusted him, didn't she? She watched as he disappeared in the night sky. Curiosity got the best of her and she followed him. He came to a stop at a nearby park.

Gui hid behind a tree that was far from them but close enough to hear what they were talking about. She watched as Aaron approached the girl, who was sitting on a swing with her head down. Gui knew that she was crying. Aaron stood over Hebe and watched her cry, before kneeling down and pulling her into a hug. Hebe did not push him away. She let him hug her. Gui watched as her heart ache in pain.

"Hebe, I'm sorry." Gui heard Aaron say to the girl. She was confused.

'Why was he saying sorry to her?' she asked herself, as she continued watching them.

"Ah Bu, I still love you dearly," said Hebe, pulling Aaron in for a kiss. They were making out in front of Gui. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She wasn't expecting this from Aaron. She had trusted him so much. She came out of her hiding place and dropped her duffel bag. Aaron heard a thud and pull away from Hebe. when he turned around, he saw a crying Gui running away from them. He sighed.

'I can't believe she saw this,' he said to himself. Hebe kept her gaze on the running figure. A smile crept on her face. Aaron got up and ran after Gui.

"Wu Ying Jie!" he shouted, when he came upon a dead end. He knew that Gui was hiding somewhere. "I'm sorry that you have to see this. Don't you trust me? Please, please let me explain." Tears rolled down her cheeks, as she sneak away from her hiding place and from Aaron.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
yessss gimme pleaaase
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #5
LoveYou12345678 #6
I am more than desperate for Chapter 15! Please save Gui's heart and continue on with this amazing plot!
SharShar #8
welcome ahyaya, i guess this is a bebu story and so far the forward sounds interesting so update soon