Chapter 14

Give Me Your Love

Gui was getting use to her life in New York. She met new friends, but she misses her old ones back in Taiwan. She always talks to them online via web cam. When talking to them, she never mentions Aaron and Hebe. She tries to stay away from that topic as much as possible. Aaron sometimes visit Ya Tou and Xiao Nan when they are talking to Gui, but never once says hi to him. She wants to bury the pain deep down in her heart.

Four months turned into two years. Gui decided not to go back with Calvin. She didn't want the pain the reoccurred, so she decided to finish college in New York. Her cousin, Danson Tang Yu Zhe, was able to convince Calvin to let her stay with him, while she finish school. Gui had graduated from NYU and now is currently working as a Marketing Manager, under Yan Incorporated.

She didn't want to work for Yan Incorporated, but since Zhang Industry was bought by Yan Incorporated, Mr. Yan had changed her status to be their marketing manager, since she did a great job for Zhang Industry. Gui hesitated to accept his offer, but Danson had convinced her to take the job. Now that she's working for Yan Incorporated, she was extra careful not to meet Aaron and Hebe. She was for the New York branch, until she got transferred to work in Taiwan.

When Gui heard the news of her transfer, she went to meet up with Mr. Yan immediately. She couldn't believe. Why was he making her working with Aaron? She knocked on his door before entering.

"Ah, Gui, I knew you would come and see me," he said.

"Mr. Yan, are you sure you want to transfer me to Taiwan?" she asked.

"Gui, you're the best marketing manager we had. If not you, then who?" he asked. Gui thought about it.

"What about Lu Xiao Mi?" asked Gui.

"Xiao Mi is good, but she is not as great as you are. Gui, please just transfer to Taiwan. I know that you and Aaron has a past together, but please try to do your best around him," he said. Gui didn't want to go back to Taiwan, but she knows that she has no choice, but to go.

"Okay, when do I leave?" she asked him.

"Tomorrow," he said. "Here's your ticket." He handed her a ticket and she left the room. She went to her apartment and pack up. She called Danson to let him know that she was leaving for Taiwan.

The next day, Gui called Danson to pick her up and take her to the airport. She gave the keys back to her landlord and thanked her. Her landlord loved Gui as her own daughter and cried when Gui was leaving. She waved goodbye to her landlord and her family. Danson watched as Gui boarded the plane.

She had told her brother the night before, letting the know that she will be in town. When she arrived, her brothers along with her friends were waiting for her. She ran up to them and gave them all a hug. She was glad to see them. Aaron was supposed to pick up someone at the airport, but he didn't even know what she looks like. The only thing he knew about her was her name.

He waited for her, but she never showed up. He sighed and left the airport. He was on his way home, when he got a call from his father.

"Hello?" he asked.

"Aaron, I'm sorry, I gave you the wrong date. Li Zhen Huan is coming in next week, not today. Wu Ying Jie is coming in day," he said.

"Ba, can you send me a picture of Li Zhen Huan? I need to know how she looks like, so when I pick her up, I will know that I got the right person," he said.

"Don't worry. Tomorrow, Wu Ying Jie, the new Marketing Manager will hand you a picture of Li Zhen Huan. Don't forget to get Wu Ying Jie's office ready for her," he said.

"Okay, bye," he said. After he hung up the phone, it hit him.

'Did Ba said that Wu Ying Jie is coming in today and that she is the new Marketing Manager?' he asked himself. Instead of going home, he returned to the company. He asked the receptionist to give him the new employees profile. She nodded and left. Aaron waited for awhile, before she returned with a folder.

"Mr. Yan, here is the folder that you ask for. Every new employee including the new Market Manager's photo and information is in there," she said, handing him the folder. He took it from and thanked her. He went into his office and opened up the folder. It was divided into different parts, for different jobs. He turned the page to the tab labeled 'Managers'. He searched through the pages and found 'Wu Ying Jie'.

He read through her information, before looking at the head shot. He looked at the picture and smiled to himself. He closed the folder and place it on his desk, before going home. He was in a good mood. He couldn't believe it. Gui was working with him.

The next day, Gui got up extra early to get ready for her first day of work. Her brothers had decided to leave West Side and move to Taipei. Calvin had left his father's Black Society and West Side behind for their most trusted friend. Calvin and Xia Yu had decided to move to Taipei after Calvin's return. Calvin is the General Manager for Wu Industry, under his grandfather's name, while Xia Yu is the Planning Manager under Bonjour! an advertisement company, under his uncle's name.

She ate breakfast and drove to work. She parked her car and walked into the company. Everyone was smiling at her. She was greeted by Lu Ma Li and Zhong Ji An. She followed them to her office.

"Ms. Wu Ying Jie, you will be meeting the General Manager soon. He always comes in at 8," said Ma Li.

"Um...Ma Li and Ji An, what am I supposed to do?" she asked.

"Just wait for the General Manager. He's in charge of your assignments. He hadn't handed us anything to pass to you, so I guess you'll just have to wait until he has arrived," said Ji An. Gui nodded and sat in her office. She took out a notebook and wrote in her thoughts. It was her first day of work, and she already met some really nice co workers.

Aaron woke up and drove to work. He parked his car in the car park and walked into the company. Ma Li and Ji An greeted him and told him that the new marketing manager has already arrived. He nodded and walked into the elevator to the second floor.

'She's early,' he said to himself. He knocked on Gui's door before entering. He walked in, to find it empty. He searched around but he didn't see Gui. He sat on an empty chair and waited for her. A few minutes later, Gui walked in, to find Aaron waiting for her. She froze in her steps, but she recovered quickly.

"Good morning, Mr. Yan. What can I do for you?" she asked him.

"Here's your assignments for the rest of the week, after this week, you'll be in charge of the Marketing division," he said. "Follow me and I'll take you to the Marketing division." Gui nodded and followed him into a room across from hers. He introduced her to her new co workers. After the introductions, they both returned to Gui's office. He handed her an employee folder, so that she can get to know her co workers, and everyone working in the company. He also handed her a list of other companies and factories that are under Yan Incorporated.

Gui took a deep breath after Aaron left. She was glad that she'll be working in the same division with Ya Tou and Xiao Nan. She busied herself all day with her week's assignments. She input everything onto her computer and looked over the employees. At lunch time, she went to join her brothers for lunch.

Aaron wanted to have lunch with Gui, but he had plans with Hebe. He promised her that he would have lunch with her, since her husband's out of town. Aaron and Hebe walked into Bistro to have lunch, when they bumped into Gui.

"Gui? Is that you?" asked Hebe.

"Hi, Hebe," she said. Aaron just stared at Gui. She was still as beautiful as before.

"How have you been?" she asked

"I've been fine," she answered Hebe. "And you?"

"I'm great," she said. Gui saw the ring on her finger, and she felt a ping of pain in her heart.

"Well, I'll see you soon. I have to get back to my brothers," said Gui. Hebe nodded and they went their separate ways. Gui was happy for Aaron and Hebe. She sighed and went back to her table. She joined in the conversation with her brothers. When they were done eating, Gui went back to her office and continued to busy herself.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
yessss gimme pleaaase
Visiting old fics!
choi-taek #5
LoveYou12345678 #6
I am more than desperate for Chapter 15! Please save Gui's heart and continue on with this amazing plot!
SharShar #8
welcome ahyaya, i guess this is a bebu story and so far the forward sounds interesting so update soon