The Truth Pt 1

Love Is Punishment

“Where am I?” Jimin wakes up in an unfamiliar room, wall paints with white and smells like medicine He blinks to get a clear view as to finally know that he was in a hospital room. Namjoon is sleeping on the couch, using his coat to cover his body.

Jimin opens his phone to see that Jungkook had called him 20 times in the past hours and had left him like tons of message, something like where are you? Are you okay? Why are you  not answering my phone? are along the way. Quickly he replied back with I’m okay, something important had happened, will talk to you later.

Jungkook will probably reply back tomorrow since it’s already 3 in the morning. He was sitting on the couch back at home, thinking about everything, the bet, Jungkook and what is about to happen if Jungkook knows the truth, when suddenly Jin popped out in his mind.

Without any delay, Jimin ran to meet Jin and the only place he knew is the Hospital. Luckily he found him and everything came crashing down to him. The burden of not being able to move on from the past was too heavy for Jimin to carry anymore, so he let it out, all to Jin, blaming him for what had happened until he mind went blank and black.

“I need to apologize.”

Jimin covers Namjoon with the blanket first before going out of the room. Namjoon stirs a bit, grabbing the blanket tightly while saying incoherent word. Carefully, he closes the door, making his way to the counter.

“Miss, where is Dr. Jin? Is he on duty tonight?”

“Yes, Dr. Jin is in his room.”

With that information, Jimin thanks the nurse before walked to Jin’s room direction. The hallway is empty and creepy at the same time that makes him to shudder in fear. But, he forced himself to be brave, walking straight without looking to his right or his left.

Right in front of Jin’s room, Jimin hesitate and was contemplating his boldness to just knock the door. After 5 minutes of standing with hand freezes on the knob, Jimin knocked on the door, hearing a small come in from inside.

“Jin-Hyung, I-I come to apologize for what has happened.” Jin was writing something on a piece of paper when Jimin entered the room.

Actually, Jin was scrolling over his social network when he heard a knock. Quickly, he closed his computer before grabbing the nearest paper and pretending to write something on it.

“It’s okay. How are you feeling?”

“I’m okay.” He gives Jin an assuring smile. Jimin may look okay on the outside but internally, he is in a mess.

“Why did you look so distressed? Is Namjoon betraying you too?” It does sound so concern and worry, but being in this situation, Jin said it with full of sarcasm, far from being caring.

“Do you want to know what was actually had happened back then?”

“No, I already moved on. Recalling about the past will change nothing.” Jimin can sense the hatred in Jin’s eyes whenever he looks at him. The cold gaze and reaction he gets from Jin cowered Jimin.

His lip is so dry that Jimin has to it several times. “Hyung, please, let-let me fix this mess. I can—“

“Why now?” Just a simple question is enough to cut his word completely that had left Jimin to fall in his world of guilt again.

You have 5 years, Jimin, to explain, to fix this. Right after that night, when I had witnessed you two kissing in Namjoon’s house, I had given you enough time to explain. So, why you never met me, not even once.”

“Be-because I was selfish. I was afraid of being alone again.” Jimin begin to fidget in his chair, forcing himself to let out his fear that he hid it before, keep it deep down, not wanting anyone to see it.

Jin can sense that Jimin’s panic will attack soon if he doesn’t stop now. “Jimin, don’t worry. I have already forgiven you. So, please, move on and stop living in the past.”

“I’m sorry.”


The next morning, Namjoon drives Jimin back home. It takes only 15 minutes from the hospital to their house by car, but Namjoon feels like he had driven for more than one hour, when Jimin keeps on staying in silent beside him. Only the sound from radio can be heard.

Jimin is leaning against the window, shutting his eyes but Namjoon knows he isn’t sleeping. Sometimes, he will hear a sigh sound coming from Jimin, that only leave Namjoon in more awkward position. His hand is holding the car steering with eyes glued to the road but his heart wants to comfort Jimin.

Namjoon taps his chin merely for a second before breaking the silence. “Jimin-ah, why do you want to tell Jin everything so badly?” he succeeds in snatching Jimin’s attention from looking outside to look at his lap.

“Because you’ve found someone that you can love? Someone, who can love you truly.”

After a great amount of silence, Jimin nods while hanging his head low but his eyes had shed his first tear that Jimin had tried to hold it before.

“Then, you just have to break up with me.” Namjoon voice is soft and proud since his Jimin has found a love that he had been searching for a long time.

“But-but I want you to be happy too. How can I love someone when you are still here, alone.”

“Jimin, I can manage myself alone very well. I’ll be alright. Stop worrying about me, okay?”


Right at the moment, Jimin’s phone has rung. It’s from Jungkook that Jimin is hesitating to answer it. He glances at Namjoon, who is looking straight now, pretending to be invisible. After several seconds of thinking, Jimin answered it. It’s just a short call, duration for about 3 minutes with Jimin hummed while nodding several times. And he ended the call with don’t worry, I’m okay. See you tomorrow.

“Is that your boyfriend?” Here comes the strict father role again. “Or girlfriend?” Just a minute ago, Namjoon had assured Jimin that he was okay with Jimin being in love. But now, he is acting like a father, who was about to let his daughter go on a date with her boyfriend. It’s fatherly jealousy kind of thing.

A soft chuckle leaves from Jimin mouth. “Hyung, stop acting like a jealous father.” And finally Namjoon can see a smile coming from Jimin that leave him in no worry anymore.

“What? You have lived with me since you’re a kid, and now you are an adult. I practically had raised you with my own hand. So, boy, you better respect me like a father. Bring that guy home first before he can date you properly.”

“Okay, Appa. I will---“

“Wait! You two didn’t kiss yet, right?”

A very red face from Jimin has answered Namjoon’s question. Even the tip of his ear is blushing, remembering back his kissing moment with Jungkook, in front of the lift, few days back. Fortunately, there was no one passing by at that time.

The kiss felt both sweet and salty. Of course it’s sweet, Jungkook had kissed him, devouring his lip like there will be no tomorrow. Trusting Jungkook to lead everything because Jimin didn’t have much experience in kissing. He only kissed twice in his 22 years of living. Jimin doesn’t realize that he had smiled lovingly until Namjoon slightly raised his voice to call Jimin.

“What about ? Oh no, no, don’t tell that you have done it.”

“No! No! We just kiss, I swear.” Jimin shakes his head, eagerly wanted Namjoon to believe him.

“Don’t you try to sleep with him. Not until I put some sense about a safe to that boy. By the way, what is his name?”

“Jung—“ Then Jimin stops, realizing that Namjoon had met with Jungkook once, so telling his name will fuel everything up. Jimin has to tell Jungkook the truth first before Namjoon can know the whole story.

Jimin needs to meet Jungkook sooner, telling him the truth, receiving every single thing that is about to happen after that with an open heart.


Jimin and Jungkook has been officially dating for a week and Jimin had tried tons of attempting to tell Jungkook everything. The next day after Jimin had discharged from the Hospital, he met Jungkook during lunch with a goal, confessing to him that he was the Little Monster.

He had gathered enough confidence when Jimin told Jungkook that he had something to tell. Jimin was about to tell him that when Jungkook’s phone had rung in sudden. Taehyung had called, asking Jungkook to buy his favorite comic on the way back home. Jimin’s confidence deflated instantly.

Another chance came by again but then Jimin had missed it too. It’s either someone had interrupted his confession time or just Jimin chickened-out at the last minute.

So, now here he is, sitting in a restaurant with Jungkook beside him waiting to meet with Jungkook’s brother. Jungkook had begged Jimin like every day to meet with his brother because Jin wants to thank whoever has made his brother to stop being a playboy.

“Jungkook, before I meet your brother. I want to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“Ac-actually I-I am the Lit-Little---“

Ring Ring

Once again, Jimin’s confession time had been cut off by someone is calling Jungkook. The call is from Jungkook’s brother. They talk for several minutes before Jungkook ended it with a sad face.

“My brother can’t make it today. He has an emergency.”

“Hey, it’s okay. We still have plenty of time.”

“But I really want you to meet with Jin-Hyung.” His heart stops beating upon hearing that name. It’s like someone had shot him an arrow that had pierced right through Jimin’s heart.


“Ah, wait. Let me show you his picture.”

And there it is, Jin’s smiling picture on Jungkook’s phone. It’s the same Jin that Jimin had known 5 years ago, that he had begged for his forgiveness before and here in front of him, sitting with Jimin is his brother. It isn’t just a coincidence anymore but a painful fate that God has chosen for him. What is left for Jimin to grab at? There is no happy ending for Jimin anymore.

In just a blink of an eye, Jimin has gone from his seat, running out of the restaurant, leaving Jungkook behind. Jimin runs until he found his place again, Namjoon’s house. A place that has Jimin’s feeling keep safe, all of it, sadly, hatred, happiness, fear and love. He blocks everything from Jungkook, his call, his text.


“Jungkook, can we meet?”

After two days of shutting himself, hiding from outside world, Jimin calls Jungkook again. He had asked Jungkook to meet him at a park, a different park that they used to go. The park, the starting point of this misery fate.

Jimin is leaning his back over the swinging pole, waiting for Jungkook to come any minute from now. After some minutes, Jungkook arrived, looking handsome as usual, with his simple cloth and a cap, wearing it backward, high off the forehead in the front, dipped down low on the back. Has spotted Jimin, Jungkook walks faster, catching two steps with one step before hugging him right there.

“Hyung, did I do something wrong? Why are you avoiding me again?”

His hand goes limp beside his body, not having any strength to lift it to hug Jungkook back. Then, Jungkook pushes his body backward a bit while tilting his head to see Jimin. And confused is clearly portrayed on Jungkook’s face because Jimin has no glasses on his face.

“You-you look cute like this. Jimin, you should stop wearing that big glasses anymore.”

“Jungkook, are you acting dump or you really didn’t realize it yet?”

“What are you saying, Hyung? Realize what?”

Jimin takes one breath, the starter for his story time. “Hear me out first.” Jungkook nods with that said, keeping his mouth shut, giving Jimin all the space that he needs.

“5 years ago, I was 17 when I met a couple. I was crying at that time, here when someone patted my back. He looked at me with that concern look on his eyes. Asking me why but I just cried hard, giving him no answer back. Then he—“

He stops to swallow the sob that threatening to come out of his throat. Jimin bites his lip while closing his eyes, trying to hold his eyes from shedding any tear when he feels something on top of his head.

“Someone gave this cap to me. It’s so precious to me, So, I’m giving it to you now, to heal every sad memory of yours.”

Finally, Jimin lifts his head with that cap stayed on his head, revealing his true self to Jungkook. It’s Little Monster now, who is standing in Jungkook’s arm, the one that Yoongi had introduced as Namjoon’s boyfriend back then.

“No! No! No! It can’t be. You-You are—“ Jungkook back away one step with every word.

“I’m sorry.” That is the only thing that Jimin can think of right now. Jungkook is looking so broken and fragile, that he will break into pieces any time soon.

“Why-why? You know-and-this---“

PARK JIMIN. Don’t you think that name ring something in your ear, huh?”

“I-I don’t know. Why are you doing this—“

“One year ago, Jungkook-ah. You really didn’t remember a thing?”

Jimin and Jungkook had crossed path one year ago. To celebrate his legal age, Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi had brought Jungkook to the club for the first time, officially without having to sneak him illegally. Jungkook had proudly showed his ID card before entering.

Like usual, they danced, following the beat played in the background. Feeling a bit of exhausted, Hoseok, Taehyung and Jungkook stopped for a moment, catching their breath, checking every girl there. Yoongi had excused himself to meet with the club owner, asking about his request to be the Dj at the club.

“Hyung, I’m bored. There is nothing excited here.” Jungkook whined while looking at his surroundings, searching for a source of fun.

“Go a boy. It’s fun. I’ve done it before, once.” Taehyung said it jokingly, but it was true that he had a with a boy once before.

“Hmm, good idea.”

 They were totally drunk at that time, had consumed alcohol enough to make everything spun around them. Hoseok and Taehyung thought that Jungkook had joked about wanting to try it but when a boy sat beside Jungkook at the bar, they knew whatever left from Jungkook’s mouth was not just an empty word.

“Hey, are you alone? Mind if I offer you a drink?”



“Look, you’re drunk. So, leave me alone.”

“Please, just one glass. By the way, I’m Jungkook.”

“Fine. Jimin, Park Jimin.”

It’s only taken about 10 minutes for Jimin to go limp and passed out right there, leaving Jungkook in dumbfounded. The bartender who had given the drink to Jungkook before came while smirking telling him that he had put a good stuff in Jimin’s drink. Asking for his tip before walking away to serve another customer.

Both Hoseok and Taehyung were too stunned to think properly that had made them to suggest something that is completely dehumanizing.

“Jungkook, it’s your chance to do it.”

Without any further ado, Jungkook took the unconscious Jimin in his arm, supporting Jimin’s body with his hand, walking towards the exit. Yoongi came back to them but Taehyung had told him that Jungkook was already out with someone to have fun, just by themselves. Well, Yoongi knew what they had meant by that smugly face on Taehyung and Hoseok faces.

“Then, the next morning, I-I waked up alone, . It’s hurt everywhere but my heart hurts the most. After one week, I met you again, at the same club and know what? You don’t even remember me. It’s my own stupidity to take the drink even though I’d already known that you’re the top playboy in our college.”

Jimin lived his life after that moment thinking about a way to take his revenge back but then when Yoongi told him about his bet with Jungkook, something clicked in his brain. That fate had allowed him to take his revenge, to hurt Jungkook the same way he had hurt Jimin.

The clear fact that Jungkook and his friends didn’t even remember him left Jimin in a very deep pain. But what had broken his heart, to shut his heart completely is that seeing Jungkook leaving the club every time with a guy, a sober one. Sometime they were walking out, drunk and all but the guy who had followed Jungkook was totally aware, had known what they were about to do.

“So, tell me, Jungkook. Do you really love me? Or it’s just out of lust? Alluring me before you can have my body again?”

Jimin is crying but the rain that had poured right after he had started his story has covered it. Crying will only make him look pathetic and pitiful.

Jungkook, the one who can’t listen to that the bitter truth anymore, turned away from Jimin before running as far as he can from Jimin. He runs because Jungkook remembered clearly how he had waked up that morning, wearing his clothes back in hurry before leaving without turning to look at Jimin’s face thoroughly.



“Oh, Hyung. What are you doing here?”

“I need to see Jimin.”

“Sure, come in.”

Namjoon is standing in front of his house, trying to open the door with one hand because his other hand was holding a bag of grocery. They make a way inside, going straight to the kitchen. Namjoon places the paper bag on the table before offering Yoongi a drink but he declines it. Yoongi is looking so desperate and dejected.

Waiting for Namjoon to finish his drink is torturing Yoongi in the inside. He almost bumped into Namjoon’s back when they stopped in front of Jimin’s room. Namjoon knocks the door before opening it to see Jimin sitting on the floor near his bed.

There is no reply from Jimin when Namjoon called him. Never unfold himself from his sitting position. Jimin sat with the spine straight and the knees firmly held into the chest by the arms.

“Jimin……oh my god, he’s burning up.”

“Let’s get him to the hospital.”

“Hyung, get my car ready. I’ll bring him down.”



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Chapter 12: im crying author-nim, all of them have bad pasts~ help jimin
Chapter 11: i know it from first chapter Jimin got ed from Jungkook, i wonder why jimin has to be live like that
Chapter 14: A good one. Great job.
Chapter 14: God,I'm in tears once again ㅠㅠ (I'm crying so much because of this story) But god,I'm so so glad that it's a happy ending for everyone,VHope,NamJin & JiKook ~^^
Amazing & lovely story author-nim!!
Chapter 13: Omg,after crying for the past few chapters finally I can calm my hearteu down a little but my JiKook is still in a mess even though NamJin is back *sobs with a hurting heart*
Chapter 12: *chokes on tears*
Chapter 11: *continues to cry*
Chapter 10: *cries a river*
Chapter 9: God,I'm not sure how should I be feeling when I'm reading this chapter.. ><
Chapter 8: So wait..Jimin had planned this all out?*speechless* Oh my god..I'm- *shook* What is going on?