Chapter 16

Destiny's Way

Chapter 16

This warmth

@Ninjacow-Haha...i think they might kiss

@Joly- hehe, dw, aaron shall never die ^^
Ella, Genie, Hebe, Chun, Jiro and Calvin all walked in slowly like they did every afternoon after Aaron’s operation. They expected Gui to be there, but when they went to the bed, no one was there, not even Aaron.

“…WHERE THE HELL IS HE?” screamed Ella.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s not dead yet, he’s probably just went to another room,” said Genie, calming Ella down.

“No one said I thought he was dead,” stated Ella.

“You can half see it in your face lady,” said Jiro.
They all walked out of the room, and came along the doctor that took care of Aaron. They stopped him and he smiled at them.

“Mister Yan has woken up and is down at the garden taking a nice stroll with that young lady,” said the doctor.

“Thanks man,” said Chun, and they all smiled at each other and forwarded downstairs and walked out into the nice big garden.

They walked around, searching for Gui and Aaron.


Gui was pushing Aaron around in his wheelchair. She felt like she was the happiest girl alive. Finally, she and Aaron would be together, after 5 years of waiting.

“My fringe is messed up, my mum came and like chopped some off,” said Aaron dimly.

“Not that much, just a few pieces of hair so that she could see your eyes. At least she didn’t chop all of it off, and you’re still as decent-looking as ever,” said Gui happily.

“Gui, remember before the operation, I asked you will you marry me, and you said yes, you will right?” asked Aaron.

“Of course I will. I’ve been waiting for you to ask. But still, I’ve got to finish my studies and get a good job and things like that,” said Gui.

“I’m already half rich you know, but I guess I need to finish my studies as well. Just don’t change your mind suddenly,” said Aaron.

Gui giggled slightly, and she sat down at a bench with Aaron next to her. He stared at her. She stared at him. Gui felt awkward. Were they going to kiss, she had never kissed a guy in her life before, and she was only 20. But Aaron leaned closer, and Gui didn’t do anything to stop him. She was starting to blush even though they were sort of already together.
heir lips were about to touch when they heard a loud voice scream for them. They looked to one side and saw Ella standing with all their friends there. Gui felt herself blushing even more now. It seemed embarrassing but Aaron held her hand.

“So much for telling me to be quiet, you should as well,” said Gui as they approached.

“Hehe, Gui Gui Wu, you have to invite me to your wedding,” said Genie.

Gui blushed even more, and Aaron did the talking for her.

“Of course, every one of you can come. But you guys have to wait another 5 years or so maybe, so have a nice wait,” said Aaron.

“Let’s go back up peoples, I’m like getting cold,” added Aaron, and they all slowly went back up.

Once the others had left, and Gui was sitting by Aaron’s side, they had random conversations oif the past.

“Hey Gui, remember that day when you became Calvin’s girlfriend?” asked Aaron.

“Yeh,” she said slowly.

"Yeh, and remember how I was in the elevator with you that morning. Well, the ting was, I was meant to confess to you that morning,” said Aaron slowly. Gui stared at him like he was crazy.

“You serious man, and you didn’t do anything,” said Gui.

“Well I didn’t really know you were there. I was too captivated in my own world listening to my own music,” stated Aaron.

“Shows music is bad for you. You confessed that day and apologized, all of this crap wouldn’t have had happened,” said Gui.

“Uh huh. Did you know I was listening to Big Bang,” asked Aaron.

“I take that previous comment back. Music is very very good for you and never stop, but still, know you’re surroundings,” said Gui, like she was lecturing him.

“Yes, I get it. You don’t have to lecture me all the time,” said Aaron.

“well since I’m like your girlfriend now, I have to lecture you until you are perfect. And never ever kill that fringe of yours, just saying,” said Gui.

He smiled at her and leaned in and kissed her on the forehead. Gui started blushing dramatically again.

“Why are you blushing lady, nothing to be embarrassed about,” said Aaron.

“It” said Gui slowly. She smiled and she felt warmth and love sweep into her heart. This feeling had been gone for the longest time.
Short chapter sorry =="
The ending chapters are going to be really short

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