Chapter 44

What is love?

And the moment of truth––


“Can I go back home now?” Taeyeon asked Tiffany as the girl walked into her room.
“People are just getting here Tae.” Tiffany reasoned. She’s been able to keep Taeyeon at her house so far, and she seriously hopes that the girl will stay for the rest of the night. Too many things have been planned for today and Tiffany wants everything to go smoothly, with Taeyeon being the main part of the equation.
“It’s about to be 9.” Taeyeon countered, weakly, knowing all too well that she won’t win this battle, not against Tiffany, never against Tiffany.
“It’s just starting and it won’t end until later tonight… uh morning, depending on your definition of 2 or 3 am.” Tiffany’s pretty positive it’s usually around that time when everyone kind of walks off to their own home.
“3 in the morning?!” Taeyeon’s eyes almost bulge out, “What the hell are people doing up until then?” She looks at the taller girl from Tiffany’s vanity, having past the last hour getting ready.
“Dancing, playing, drinking,” Tiffany walks over to Taeyeon who’s eyeing her every movement as Tiffany walks up behind her, “Kissing.” Eyes meet, and Tiffany can feel the warmth of Taeyeon’s body radiating to her. If she just leans a bit closer… “Of course, every party is different.”
Taeyeon feels as goosebumps form slowly on her skin. Tiffany’s standing so close to her that she can’t think straight.
“Let’s get this party started es!!” The door slams open and Tiffany curses her cousin’s horrible timing. The moment that Tiffany had built was now gone out the door as Summer walked in. “, did I just walk in on something? 
“No!” Taeyeon’s the first to reply and clears once she realizes that she had said that a little too loudly.
“No, nothing. Taeyeon over here is just a little nervous to go downstairs.” Tiffany tries not to let Taeyeon’s sudden outburst bother her, but she still feels that small tug in her chest as she turns to her cousin who’s now walking towards them.
“Good!” With a beer in one hand, Summer side hugs Taeyeon, “And what you need, is some of my special stress relieving juice. Here.” She hands the beer to Taeyeon and the shorter girl awkwardly grabs it, “Uh, I don’t think I–”
“Shhhhushhhh. Drink.” Summer shuts Taeyeon up by placing her index finger on her lips.
“Don’t tell me you're drunk already.” Tiffany can’t help but shake her head in disappointment. 
“Buzzed. There’s a difference.” The said buzzed girl motions with one pointed finger up in the air. “Now, Taeyeon, drink.”
Taeyeon hesitates as her eyes meet Tiffany’s, not being sure if she should listen to the already ‘buzzed’ Summer or not. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” Tiffany reassures the hesitant girl and smiles broadly, showing that all loving eye smile. And with that, Taeyeon doesn’t think twice to take in a large gulp and instantly regrets it. The beer itself has a horrid taste. Her first instinct is to spit it right back out, but she then remembers she’s in Tiffany’s room and forces down the liquor.
“That’s disgusting.” Taeyeon’s face is contorted as she hands back the beer to a laughing Summer. “Don’t worry Taeyeon, you’ll get used to the taste.” The laughing girl pats her back as she walks out the room. “Oh, and hurry up will ya? Everyone is just starting to get here. And I don’t like playing host when it’s not my house Tiff!!”
A still giggling Tiffany walks to Taeyeon and rubs her back. “Don’t worry, there’s beer that tastes better than that, and if you’re still not a beer person then I can get Adrian to mix you something up.”
“How do you people drink that?” Taeyeon still feels like throwing up, and Tiffany shrugs in response, “I don’t know. I’ve never been much of a beer person. I like hard liquor better. Now come on, let's go downstairs!” The excited girl takes Taeyeon’s hands and pulls her to the exit of her room.
“How are you feeling?!” Summer screams into Taeyeon’s right ear, and the smaller girl holds a thumb up to let the girl know she’s doing more than just okay. Tiffany was right, hard liquor is so much better. Adrian, the bartender, sure does know how to mix up a good drink or two. 
Tiffany’s house was flooded with people, some Taeyeon recognized as students from her school and others she had no idea who the hell they were. As far as the party goes, everyone is both inside and outside the house, some playing beer pong outside and other types of liquor games. Those inside are dancing to what the Dj is playing, a few seated on some of the couches Summer brought in from who knows where. Summer had some guys move Tiffany’s living room stuff into the garage because “ was about to get crazy.” And now that Taeyeon sees it with her own eyes, is crazy. Music’s blasting, people are turning up, the mini bar is crowded, and let's not get started on how many people Taeyeon has seen either making out or grinding against one another. 
“Where’s Tiffany?” Sooyoung screamed into her ear once more.
“Restroom!” Taeyeon mouthed showing a motion of flushing the toilet as she sipped on her tequila sunrise. 
Summer leaned in to say something but Taeyeon ce she felt someone tap her shoulder. The short girl was taken aback when her eyes met a pair of cold brown eyes. Jessica stood there with a pair of short too short, a tank top that barely covers anything, and soft brown locks that ran on forever. Jessica didn’t say anything but tilt her head over to the stairs leading up to the second floor of the house. Taeyeon nodded and then looked at Summer who nodded, understanding that she was going to walk off with the cold girl.
Taeyeon followed Jessica upstairs, with the occasional shoulder bump here and there as she weaved through the crowd of people. The cold girl stepped into Tiffany’s room, turning the lights on while doing so. Taeyeon set her drink on one of the nightstands as she turned to Jessica. “You wanted to talk?”
Jessica didn’t respond. She just walked over to the bag she left in Tiffany’s room earlier and grabbed a small wrapped box before shoving it into Taeyeon. “You have the tiest luck. Happy Birthday.”
Taeyeon was surprised by the small box shoved into her hands. “I uh... You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“Yeah, well, tell that to your girlfriend.” Rolling her eyes, Jessica crossed her arms as she watched a blush form on Taeyeon. “Your welcome.” It amused the cold girl that Taeyeon was speechless.
The shorter girl of the two cleared to hopefully stop her voice from cracking. “Thanks.” She really didn’t know what to say. As far as Taeyeon knows, Jessica doesn’t like her, so why even get her a present in the first place? The cold girl was odd to Taeyeon.
“Well? Open it. I don’t have all day. There is a party down there.” Jessica’s patience is running thin with the shorter girl.
“Right.” Being an awkward turtle, Taeyeon quickly opens the gift to reveal a leather white box with small engravings on the side of it. The short girl doesn’t think twice to flip open the tiny box, revealing a small golden four leaf clover necklace.
“Once Tiffany told me about your birthday, I went to the mall and I saw this. I figured since you’ve been having some ty luck, it might actually help out. God only knows how much you really need it.”
Taeyeon dryly laughs, “Thanks..” She holds the necklace between her thumb and index finger before looking up to the cold girl who is standing very close to her for some odd reason. “Could you uh..”
Jessica motions with her hand for Taeyeon to turn around before she takes the necklace from the small girl. Taeyeon sweeps her hair to the side as she feels Jessica arms loop around her and shivers intentionally when the cool gold makes contact with the back of her neck, not to mention Jessica’s colder hands. 
“There, now if you need me, I’ll be downstairs. Happy birthday awkward turtle.” Before Taeyeon could even say anything, Jessica’s already out the door.
“There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Taeyeon feels a familiar arm link with her own and she smiles at the slightly buzzed Tiffany. 
“Sorry, I was with Jessica,” Taeyeon explains herself, but the taller girl dismisses it. She motions Taeyeon to chug the rest of her drink before pulling the short girl into the dancing crowd. By then, almost everyone has joined, bodies moving against bodies. Taeyeon feels nervous, she’s not one to dance, but the moment Tiffany’s hands grip her waist and pull her in close to her body, Taeyeon immediately forgets how to be nervous.
“There you go, just go with the music.” Tiffany’s breath is cool against her ear as they sway side to side, the taller girl’s thigh rubbing against the side of her inner thigh causing Taeyeon to bite her lower lip from the sensation she feels. Arms wrap around Taeyeon’s shoulders as Tiffany leans into Taeyeon, and Taeyeon loses herself into the sensation of Tiffany. To Taeyeon, it’s just her and Tiffany.
“Alright. Alright! Listen up! Listen up!” The DJ stops the music and everyone boo’s at him, “Easy! Tonight is someone’s birthday and she just turned 18. Give it up for my homegirl Taeyeon!!” The DJ pleases the crowd and everyone give a hoot or a holler.
Taeyeon shrinks herself into Tiffany’s embrace as she shakes her head into the girl’s shoulder. “Seriously?!”
“Shh! Just listen.” Tiffany waves her off as the continue to hear what the Dj has to say.
“Now, as per request from my homegirl Tiff, I want everyone to sing Happy Birthday to her, and I don’t want some half-assed bull of a song from you guys. Got it?” The crowd agrees to the terms of the DJ willingly, with all of the alcohol in their systems, who cares about singing Happy Birthday to a girl they all barely know? “Alright, here we go, 1,2,3, Happy Birthday to you!” Everyone’s singing along, drunk voices surprisingly harmonizing with one another as some people sway to the song.
Tiffany, being one of those people, sways her and Taeyeon to the song as she sings the words into Taeyeon’s ears. She’s without a care in the world. For Tiffany, right now, the only person who really matters in the room is the girl in front of her who’s in her arms. This girl who has intoxicated her with her sweet scent and warm body, it’s like Taeyeon has Tiffany wrapped in her fingers, and she sure as hell doesn’t give a damn about it. “Happy birthday to you~”
People holler and whoop once the song ends, and as Taeyeon’s eyes look up to meet Tiffany’s, instead of their eyes meeting, Taeyeon’s met with a pair of soft warm lips gently pressing against her own.
Tiffany sighs into the kiss. How much she’s wanted this for so long, and it all felt so perfect. Her arms wrapped around Taeyeon, pulling her in closer. The scent of coconuts and vanilla wrapping her in the most soothing and gentle way. Tiffany loves every second of it. It was only after she lightly on a plump bottom lip then brushed her lips over Taeyeon’s again that Tiffany noticed that the kiss was not being returned. As a matter of fact, Taeyeon stood there frozen in front of her. 
“I’ll be back. I need to go to the restroom.” The words came out so quick, and before Tiffany could say anything, Taeyeon was already out of sight.


Got inspired, this one was an easy chapter to write.

So.... FINALLY!!!!! After, what? 43 chapters Taeny finally kiss!!! You guys do not know for how long I've wanted this moment to finally happen. Glad it's finally done.

But yeah, Taeyeon walks away, leaving a confused Tiffany in the middle of a freaking dancing crowd... uhh? What's going on?

Next Chapter: Continuation of this chapter

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Chapter 40: I daresay ask for YulSic. I want Jessica to have her other half.
Chapter 31: Wow, grandfather and granddaughter bonding over their fascination with women, I have never heard of that before haha
justme09 #3
Chapter 47: gosh, TAENGSIC gave me the feels, srsly? I've read this for the umpteenth time, but damn! still gives me the feels. Author-nim could you please write an TaenSic story that flows like this feels?
1120 streak #4
Chapter 48: I think fany should know the truth earlier that later because it will hurt Taeny more and Taeng should be the one who reveal it to her first that she'll hear others tell her the truth... then authourssi please add someone for Jessie so that she'll not suffer anymore
Chapter 48: Author-nim can we have a pdf after you completed this fic? i wanna read it over again bcoz its just awesome! :D sooo can we? can we? pretty pleaseee~ *puppy eyes*
tipco09 #6
Chapter 48: I'm glad that Mr. Hwang is at least tolerant of TaeNy. For a while there, I was worried. Haha! I'm going to miss this story when it ends.
I wish the bathroom thing wouldnt come out until jessica has her bf or gf bec i dont want drama between taeny in here. I am usually drama lover but at some circumstances it should be avoided i think. Btw thanks for update...
taeny2403 #8
Chapter 48: I hope fany will find out about taengsic bathroom and taes house escapades lol..drama pls xD *peaceee
Chapter 48: poor jessica. give her some love
emma41sn #10
Chapter 48: Wow
So here i was
Thinking or moreof wishing that ther'll be more taengsic to come !!