Chapter 18

What is love?

What you've been waiting for. :)





Taeyeon keeps her eyes shut as she listens to the heart monitor detect her heartbeat. She could hear the voices of the nurses passing by ever so often, along with the squeaking of their tennis shoes. She couldn’t go back to sleep, not after her mother had told her that Tiffany visited her while she was asleep. It got her thinking.


Why would the other girl visit her? Did she do it out of pity? Or was it because she actually cared about her? But why didn’t she wake her up? Why come when she could have called or texted?


Questions kept swarming Taeyeon’s mind throughout the rest of the night, and before she knew it, it was morning. The nurses had checked up on her every so often, and the doctor told her parents that she was ready for her release. Her mom grabbed the prescriptions she has to take for the pain and also so that the wound won't get infected. They gave her a returning date for the stitches to be removed because some of the cuts were deep.


A nurse pulls a wheelchair out for her even though she didn’t want to be in one. She wants to walk, but the doctor didn’t recommend it. He said that it would be best for her to not do much physical activity for a week and, to top it all off, she couldn’t bathe for the next 48 hours. Taeyeon’s face scrunched at the idea of not bathing for the next two days, but to her relief, her mother told her that she’d help her wash her hair when they’d get home.


As they pull into the driveway, Taeyeon notices her car isn't there. She asks her mom and she says that the detectives took blood samples and that she took it to some place to get it cleaned. Her car would be back later that evening.


It .


Taeyeon’s dad carries her into the living room and set her on the couch, while her mom prepared her food and medication. For the next week, Taeyeon was going to live like a one-year-old. She hated it. It was annoying.


Fortunately for Taeyeon, her mom picked up the packets of homework she was supposed to do for the next week. She asked her mom what was the excuse she told her school for the week and her mom told her that they were in Boston for the week to visit her grandparents. She knew that would only cover so much. Taeyeon knew there would be rumors going around the school. If Tiffany was smart enough to connect the dots, she doubted that the rest weren't stupid enough not to connect them either.


Friday rolled around too slowly for Taeyeon. She was bored beyond belief as she sat on the couch watching T.V. Luckily for her, she could walk about the house now, just not up and down the stairs. She had to wait for either her mom or dad to get home if she wanted to go to her room. All her homework was finished and she also finished the book she started yesterday night.


She was so bored.


So, so bored.


A sudden knock on the door catches her attention. Taeyeon looks at the door for a second wondering who it could be. Her parents both had the key to the house. She checks the time and figures it might be the mailman dropping off a package. Her dad always ordered parts from the internet, so it was no surprise to her that there would almost always be a package on the front door waiting for her when she got home from school.


With a small grunt, Taeyeon stands from the couch and walks to the front door. There's another knock, making Taeyeon stop in her steps.


‘The mailman never knocks twice.’


Taeyeon’s thoughts then automatically go to a certain tall Spanish boy. “W-Who is it?” Her voice cracks, but she manages to voice out her thoughts. “It’s me.” The voice sounds familiar to her, “Tiffany.” Taeyeon remains frozen in her steps, debating on whether she should open the door or not.


Was she ready to confront Tiffany?




When was the last time she heard that sweet voice say her name?


“Please, open the door.”


Tiffany, who was on the other side of the door, pleaded. With a little push from Mrs. Kim, she finally managed to muster up the courage to see Taeyeon. She knows that the other girl might reject her offer for a chance to regain her trust and friendship, but she’s willing to try and forgive if Taeyeon’s willing to do the same. Tiffany’s come to an agreement with herself that if Taeyeon doesn’t feel the same way, then she’s willing to just be friends with her.


A sudden click on the door causes Tiffany’s heart beat pick up. She feels as her heart races against her chest when the doorknob twists. She’s nervous, as nervous as when she first stepped foot inside the hospital when she first visited Taeyeon.


Brown eyes meet one another as the door finally opens. Tiffany takes in the Taeyeon before her. Taeyeon looks healthier with no signs of lack of sleep. She could hear her heartbeat in ears and feels as if her heart’s about to burst out of her chest as she finally sees the other girl looking well and standing on her own two feet. opens. She wants to say something, anything, but her mind's as blank as a paper.


Taeyeon’s always had this effect on her.


Just when Tiffany’s about to say something coherent, she notices the way Taeyeon trembles, shaking almost as if she were to be scared. Tiffany looks at Taeyeon dead in the eye and notices the cloud of emotions behind those eyes. Taeyeon is scared.




Taeyeon break’s eye contact with Tiffany, trying her best to recompose herself. Tiffany’s always been able to do this to her. She’s always been able to make Taeyeon feel certain emotions she usually likes to shut out. It’s like the bright girl has this sort of hold on her. “What are you doing here?” She manages to say as she keeps her eyes away from Tiffany’s. She knows that if she makes eye contact with the taller girl, then she's bound to break. She’s bound to forget everything and bring the other girl into her arms.


Tiffany’s taken aback at the sudden cold tone of voice Taeyeon uses on her. It hurts, but she didn’t expect the other girl to receive her with open arms. After all, the last time they spoke she told the small girl to go herself, out of rage.


Tiffany regrets it.


“May I come in?” She notices the way Taeyeon stiffens at her question and quickly adds, “I just want to talk, please.”


Taeyeon really wants to say no. She wants to shut the door. She doesn’t want to let Tiffany in, not again, but for some damn reason, she finds herself letting out a defeated sigh and opening the door a bit more to let the taller girl in.


“Thank you.” Tiffany manages to say once she steps foot inside and watches the other girl wobble down the hall.


“Do you want something to drink?” Even though Taeyeon doesn’t want Tiffany there, she at least has to be hospitable.


“I–I’m- I’m fine. Thank you.” Tiffany stutters and curses herself for doing so as she follows Taeyeon inside the living room. She remembers the first time she stepped foot in here and wondered why the girl was so weird, and she almost laughs at the thought.


“You can sit down,” Taeyeon says after she watches the girl zone out for a moment, almost as if Tiffany were to be recalling something. She didn’t blame her. Even she, herself, has had those moments.


Tiffany feels as if the room suddenly got hot. She knows she’s blushing and is embarrassed by the fact that Taeyeon caught her zoning out and that she’s blushing. Her bottom makes contact with the softness of the couch and looks at the now sitting Taeyeon, who has herself covered in a blanket.


They sit in an awkward silence until Tiffany blurts out, “You’re looking better.”


Taeyeon snickers and Tiffany lets out a tired sigh. “I’m sorry.”


“For what?” Taeyeon’s voice holds malice.


“I was angry, okay? You didn’t talk to me for the longest time, and you were still avoiding me even after my mom died. How did you want me to react?! Tae!”


Taeyeon wants to take it all back. She wants to go back and tell Jessica to go herself. None of this would have happened if she’d just grow a pair and tell Tiffany how she feels, but she’s scared.


“I missed you,” Tiffany says through a sigh once she noticed that the other girl didn’t plan to say anything.


Taeyeon can feel her emotions start to swell up again. “I– I missed you too.” Their eyes meet, and Tiffany could tell that Taeyeon’s trying and that’s all that matters to her.


“Why?” Tiffany starts, “Why did avoid me Tae?”



Maybe…. “I–” Taeyeon finds that her words die down in , “I.. Nevermind. Forget it. It’s stupid.” What was she thinking? Tiffany would walk out that door the moment she tells her. Tiffany’s at least trying to mend this friendship. Why should she ruin that?


Something about the way Taeyeon says it makes Tiffany angry. “Well, it isn’t stupid if you were ignoring me for so long.”


“Forget it, Tiffany.” Taeyeon snaps back.


“No!” Tiffany shouts, “How do you expect me to forget everything?!”


“Just drop it, Tiffany!” Taeyeon sits up too quickly that she hurts herself in the process.


Tiffany is on her feet the moment she sees Taeyeon hold her wound with a clenched jaw, looking as if she's in a lot of pain.


“Don’t get near me!” Taeyeon lashes out at Tiffany the moment she opens her eyes and sees that Tiffany’s about to lay her hand on her shoulder and automatically regrets it once she sees the hurtful look on Tiffany’s face. “I’m sorry. I-” The words die in and a groan leaves instead. A sudden agonizing pain pulses through her wounds and she tries her best to fight it, to ignore it.


“Tae.” Tiffany holds her shoulder, “Where’s your medicine? Did you take it?”


Taeyeon shakes her head and points at the kitchen table.


Tiffany doesn’t think twice as she rushes to the pills and pops open the small container, not forgetting to grab the bottled water as she walks back to the living room.


Taeyeon takes long deep breaths to calm herself. It doesn’t help the pain if she keeps herself in a stiff position. “Here.” Tiffany’s hand holds out her medication and Taeyeon doesn’t think twice to take it from her.


Tiffany watches as Taeyeon gulps down the water and then suddenly lets out a soft sigh. “You feeling better?”


Taeyeon doesn’t reply back right away. “It doesn’t go away instantly. They’re just pain meds.”


Tiffany blushes at her stupid question and then hears Taeyeon’s chuckle. “Stop being mean. I was worried.”

Taeyeon stops and smiles. “I know.”



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Chapter 40: I daresay ask for YulSic. I want Jessica to have her other half.
Chapter 31: Wow, grandfather and granddaughter bonding over their fascination with women, I have never heard of that before haha
justme09 #3
Chapter 47: gosh, TAENGSIC gave me the feels, srsly? I've read this for the umpteenth time, but damn! still gives me the feels. Author-nim could you please write an TaenSic story that flows like this feels?
1136 streak #4
Chapter 48: I think fany should know the truth earlier that later because it will hurt Taeny more and Taeng should be the one who reveal it to her first that she'll hear others tell her the truth... then authourssi please add someone for Jessie so that she'll not suffer anymore
Chapter 48: Author-nim can we have a pdf after you completed this fic? i wanna read it over again bcoz its just awesome! :D sooo can we? can we? pretty pleaseee~ *puppy eyes*
tipco09 #6
Chapter 48: I'm glad that Mr. Hwang is at least tolerant of TaeNy. For a while there, I was worried. Haha! I'm going to miss this story when it ends.
I wish the bathroom thing wouldnt come out until jessica has her bf or gf bec i dont want drama between taeny in here. I am usually drama lover but at some circumstances it should be avoided i think. Btw thanks for update...
taeny2403 #8
Chapter 48: I hope fany will find out about taengsic bathroom and taes house escapades lol..drama pls xD *peaceee
Chapter 48: poor jessica. give her some love
emma41sn #10
Chapter 48: Wow
So here i was
Thinking or moreof wishing that ther'll be more taengsic to come !!