Chapter 22

What is love?

It's longer :)




It was Friday evening and Tiffany was spending it with Taeyeon in Taeyeon’s living room, watching Mr. Kim’s collection of Harry Potter.


“I still can’t believe your dad is so into this,” Tiffany says as she pops a piece of popcorn into , causing Taeyeon to let out a sarcastic laugh. “What’s so unbelievable? He’s into some of the geekiest things there is out there.”


“Yeah, but, I mean, have you seen your dad?” Tiffany looks to the shorter girl who is sitting next to her. “He should be on one of those people magazines for the hottest man alive.”


Taeyeon’s face contorts with disgust, “You mean iest man alive. Ew. That’s my dad you’re talking about. What’s wrong with you?”


“Nothing’s wrong with me.” Tiffany counters, “Even Jessie agreed with me.”


The shorter girl looks at Tiffany as is she grew two heads. “How does Jessica know how my dad looks?”


“I showed her a family picture of you guys. I know I wasn’t weird for thinking your dad’s hot.”


Taeyeon turns away from the girl in awe. “You’re right. You’re not weird, you’re just mentally unstable.” And as soon as the words leave Taeyeon’s mouth, she’s attacked by popcorn. “Hey! That’s mean.” Tiffany pouts, “Anyone with perfectly working eyes can see that you’re dad’s handsome for his age.”


Taeyeon picks up one of the pieces of popcorn that landed on her blanket and pops it into . “Mmhmm.” And a second later her face is hit by pieces of popcorn once more, “Could you not?!” She faces the other girl only to be met by an upset Tiffany and she then lets out a sigh, “I am not having this conversation with you Tiffany. It’s weird. What if we started to talk about your dad like this? Hmm?” An eyebrow is arched as she waits for a response from the latter.


Tiffany lets out a sigh as she turns back to the movie, feeling a bit of guilt. “I’m sorry. It’s just– Nevermind.”


Taeyeon knows the bright girl’s upset; so, instead of apologizing, she does the next best thing. She softly bops Tiffany’s nose, causing the other girl to smile. It’s Taeyeon’s own little weird way of saying sorry to Tiffany and putting a smile on Tiffany’s face. Taeyeon hasn’t stopped doing it ever since she found out that Tiffany’s mom would do it to her whenever she was upset about something.


As they continue watching, Tiffany decides that she’s had enough of Harry Potter even though Taeyeon tells her she just got into it. Tiffany accuses her of being just as geeky as her father and Taeyeon just shrugs her shoulders. She doesn’t deny it. After searching through Netflix, Tiffany decides to watch a family drama one of her friends recommended to her some time ago, Instructions Not Included. Tiffany’s been meaning to watch the movie, but she didn’t have the time. And as the movie goes on, Taeyeon and Tiffany find themselves laughing. It is, after all, a comedic family drama.


They get to the part where the main character has taken his daughter to the beach, and the mother of the girl has arrived, Tiffany starts to feel anxious as the scene progresses. Images of her mother start to pop up in her head. Happy memories of her and her mother. Tears start to fall, and before she could stop herself she’s sobbing into her hands.


Soft hands pull her own away from her face, but she doesn’t look at Taeyeon as she lets the calm girl wipe away her tears with a tissue. Warm arms then wrap her into a hug and she feels the soft cloth of Taeyeon’s shirt on her face. Her crying doesn’t die down as she feels Taeyeon rub small circles in a comforting manner. Tiffany can’t help but let out all of her bottled up emotions on Taeyeon’s shoulder.


It’s the first time she has broken down like this in front of Taeyeon.


Taeyeon can’t help but feel sad by the mere fact that she can't do anything else for the taller girl but hold her, comfort her. She doesn’t like seeing Tiffany crying, it makes her feel sad. She still doesn’t know what to tell Tiffany. The movie credits start to appear and Taeyeon can’t help but glare at it. If it weren’t for the ending, Tiffany wouldn’t be in this state. As Tiffany’s crying dies down, Taeyeon reaches for another tissue on the coffee table and she gives it to the girl who is now leaning away from her.


“Thanks,” Tiffany says as she takes the tissue. Embarrassed, she doesn’t look at Taeyeon as she cleans herself. She doesn’t want Taeyeon to look at her while she’s a mess.


Taeyeon can see the pink flush on Tiffany’s skin when she receives the tissue and starts to clean herself. She doesn’t like that Tiffany’s embarrassed as she sees her in the most vulnerable state Taeyeon has ever witness Tiffany.  Her brows draw close together as she grabs another tissue and lifts Tiffany’s head with her index finger. Some of Tiffany’s mascara is still smeared and there’s some tears still pooled up on her face. She doesn’t think twice to help the other girl clean herself up that she misses the way Tiffany freezes in her hands.


Tiffany’s touched by how caring Taeyeon is with her. Her body trembles by Taeyeon’s touch. She feels as her body is filled with this warmth. “Tae..” The girl’s name leaves her lips without her noticing, and she receives a smile in return. One that makes Tiffany feel like a puddle of goo.


Taeyeon looks at the time once she’s done. It’s late and her parents are most likely not going to be home soon. They texted her earlier saying that they’d see her either Saturday or Sunday. Her dad would see her Saturday, but her mom would see her Sunday. “Do you want to stay? It’s late, and I’d rather not have you drive at this time.”


Tiffany recomposes herself as she nods. It is late, and now that Taeyeon mentions it, she’s actually quite tired. “Could you get me some blankets?” Tiffany thinks she’ll just crash on the couch.


“Don’t be absurd. We have a guest room.” Taeyeon says as she gets up and switches off the television. “Come on.” Tiffany follows the girl upstairs. Taeyeon can now walk up the stairs, but Tiffany still worries about the latter even though she knows it annoys Taeyeon. Tiffany knows how Taeyeon doesn’t like to receive help from anyone but she doesn’t care.


Once Taeyeon shows Tiffany the room, she goes to her own to grab the bright girl a set of clothes for Tiffany to sleep in. She makes sure to knock before entering, and Tiffany thanks her. “I’ll uh… I’ll be in my room across the hall. Goodnight” She says as she points to the door behind her and receives a nod from Tiffany.


As soon as Taeyeon leaves the room, Tiffany starts to undress and puts on the clothes she was given. She then walks into the bathroom that’s connected to the room. Tiffany looks at herself in the mirror once she switches on the light. She looks like a mess. As she starts to take off her makeup, she can’t help but be embarrassed by the fact that she let Taeyeon look at her like that. She looked ugly with her running mascara and puffy red eyes.


Taeyeon exhales loudly as she stares at her ceiling. She thinks it's been about an hour or so since she last said goodnight to Tiffany. For some reason, she can’t fall asleep.


‘Yeah right. You know why you can’t go to sleep.’


A groan leaves Taeyeon’s lips as she tosses to her side. She closes her eyes and an image of Tiffany with tears running down her face burns through her eyelids.  Taeyeon wills herself to not think about the other girl who’s across the hall, a knock away….


‘No one’s home….. just check up on her.’


Taeyeon then quickly pulls the covers off of her and walks to her door, but, as soon as she’s about to twist the doorknob, she thinks of something else.


‘What if the door’s locked?’


Then she’ll just come back and go to sleep. She would have tried and her conscious would leave her alone. It was a good plan.


Taeyeon twists the doorknob, and, as soon as she opens her door, she’s met by a Tiffany with her fist balled in front of her as if she were about to knock on the door.


“Uh….” Tiffany makes an incoherent sound as her mind goes blank as a slate.


Taeyeon blinks twice before she comprehends that Tiffany’s standing right before her. “Were you going to…” She doesn’t finish her entire sentence.


“Yeah….” Tiffany exhales as she brings her hand down.


“Oh,” Taeyeon says dumbly.


“Yeah..” Tiffany can’t help but repeat herself.


“Did you need something?” Taeyeon says once she’s able to finally put herself together.


“I uh–” Tiffany starts, “Nevermind. I think I’m just going to go back to sleep.” Tiffany quickly says and turns. She’s embarrassed. She doesn’t know what she was thinking?! “Wait.” Taeyeon catches her wrist before she can leave, and Tiffany stops herself when she feels Taeyeon’s soft, warm hand on her, sending a shiver down her back.


“Uh…” Taeyeon starts but doesn’t know what to say. She doesn't know why she suddenly reached out for Tiffany’s wrist. She just got some feeling that she shouldn’t let the girl go, and when the latter turns to see her, she can’t help but notice how pretty Tiffany looks without her makeup on.


“Tae?” Tiffany says once she notices that Taeyeon’s been staring at her for a moment too long.


“Huh?” Tiffany’s voice snaps her back to reality and she then feels the room heat up. Taeyeon quickly lets go of Tiffany’s wrist as she clears into that same hand. “Sorry.”


“It’s okay,” Tiffany whispers. She doesn’t know why she’s whispering. It could be that it’s dark and it’s also quiet. And then Tiffany suddenly gets this jolt of courage that left her when Taeyeon opened the door once she sees Taeyeon’s blush. “You couldn’t sleep either?”


Taeyeon musters up the courage to look Tiffany in the eye. “Uh… no, just tossing and turning.”


Taeyeon’s response makes Tiffany smile because she realizes that Taeyeon’s just as nervous as she is. “I actually had a reason why I came over here.”


“Oh?” Taeyeon gives Tiffany these curious eyes.


“Yeah…. I was uh…” She takes in a deep breath before she releases it, “I just couldn’t sleep, and I felt cold and… and…” Tiffany can’t finish that sentence, “Well I was wondering if I could sleep.. with you.” Tiffany mumbles the last two words as she lowers her head.


“Sleep?” Taeyeon dumbly says before she realizes just what Tiffany said, “Oh.” Oh! Taeyeon then can feel her old blush reappear once she realizes that she’s going to have the girl that she loves in her own bed.


“You don’t have to agree with it I can just-” Tiffany rambles once Taeyeon stares at her for a moment too long.


“Tiffany,” Taeyeon cuts her off, “It’s okay. I’m okay with it. You can sleep with me.”


Tiffany looks at Taeyeon in the eye once more when she registers the latter's words, and she then feels butterflies form when Taeyeon invites her into the room. She thanks Taeyeon before she slips under the covers with her. It's a little awkward. Definitely different from when she’s slept over at her best friends house. She can’t help but feel a bit stiff as her heart keeps beating hard against her chest.


Taeyeon looks at Tiffany, who has her back to her,  from the corner of her eyes as she looks up at her ceiling. She can feel Tiffany’s body heat radiate over to her left side of her body as her eyes stay wide awake. Her index finger softly taps against her stomach as she waits for sleep overcome her.  Minutes turn into more than an hour before Tiffany’s body turns to Taeyeon, and Taeyeon realizes that Tiffany’s finally asleep. She finds herself twisting herself to Tiffany as she studies the girl’s bare face. And then Taeyeon realizes that Tiffany’s not pretty, she’s beautiful. She lets her eyes take in the curves of Tiffany’s face, the color of Tiffany’s lips, the length of Tiffany’s pretty eyelashes. She finds herself smiling as she looks at Tiffany’s eyebrows because it reminds her of the time when Tiffany found out that Taeyeon fills in her eyebrows.


Tiffany lets out a small whimper as she pushes herself further into the pillow, and it makes Taeyeon freeze but she then realizes that Tiffany’s still asleep. Her eyes fall onto Tiffany’s hands which are before her, and she reaches out to them. Tiffany’s hands feel slightly cold against her warm ones. As the minute's pass, Taeyeon finds herself unable to keep her eyes open. Her eyes slowly close as she keeps the image of a sleeping Tiffany engraved in her memory.

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Chapter 40: I daresay ask for YulSic. I want Jessica to have her other half.
Chapter 31: Wow, grandfather and granddaughter bonding over their fascination with women, I have never heard of that before haha
justme09 #3
Chapter 47: gosh, TAENGSIC gave me the feels, srsly? I've read this for the umpteenth time, but damn! still gives me the feels. Author-nim could you please write an TaenSic story that flows like this feels?
1127 streak #4
Chapter 48: I think fany should know the truth earlier that later because it will hurt Taeny more and Taeng should be the one who reveal it to her first that she'll hear others tell her the truth... then authourssi please add someone for Jessie so that she'll not suffer anymore
Chapter 48: Author-nim can we have a pdf after you completed this fic? i wanna read it over again bcoz its just awesome! :D sooo can we? can we? pretty pleaseee~ *puppy eyes*
tipco09 #6
Chapter 48: I'm glad that Mr. Hwang is at least tolerant of TaeNy. For a while there, I was worried. Haha! I'm going to miss this story when it ends.
I wish the bathroom thing wouldnt come out until jessica has her bf or gf bec i dont want drama between taeny in here. I am usually drama lover but at some circumstances it should be avoided i think. Btw thanks for update...
taeny2403 #8
Chapter 48: I hope fany will find out about taengsic bathroom and taes house escapades lol..drama pls xD *peaceee
Chapter 48: poor jessica. give her some love
emma41sn #10
Chapter 48: Wow
So here i was
Thinking or moreof wishing that ther'll be more taengsic to come !!