Chapter 40

What is love?

Hopefully, this will answer some questions. :)


“Taeyeon, honey, someone’s at the door asking for you.” Mrs. Kim says as she pokes head through Taeyeon’s door. The said girl stopped working on her homework and wondered who it could be at this hour. Tiffany said that she was going to have a movie night with her dad so that basically rules out everyone and anyone that would come to her house asking for her. 

Taeyeon’s steps are loud as she walks down the stairs to the main entrance. As she opens the door more, she’s a little surprised to see who it is. “Hey, Can I come in?” It’s Jessica, standing in a black hoodie, dark faded jeans, and all black converse.

“Uh, yeah, sure.” Taeyeon dumbly says as she opens the door wider for Jessica to step in. “My room?” Taeyeon questions as she closes the door and Jessica nods. They both walk up the stairs to Taeyeon’s room in silence. Millions of questions swarm through Taeyeon’s head as they enter the bedroom.

Jessica looks around and isn’t surprised to see different shades of blue and black. Taeyeon seems the type to have blue and black as her color scheme. She thinks of how blue reminds her of the ocean, a nice calm ocean, and a clear blue sky. “I like your room.” She comments as her eyes keep wandering from corner to corner, shelf to shelf until they settle on the girl who’s sitting at her desk. 

Taeyeon nervously scratches the mysterious itch on the back of her neck as she tries her best to fight an oncoming blush. “Uh.. thanks.” She awkwardly clears , “So….”

Jessica smiles knowing what the awkward turtle is trying to ask her. “Sorry, I need an alibi, and I couldn’t go to anyone else or else it wouldn’t be believable.”

Taeyeon’s confused. Why would Jessica need an alibi? Unless…. “What did you do?”

Jessica doesn’t reply. She takes out her phone, opens something on it, and then hands it over to Taeyeon to see. Taeyeon’s eyes bulge out for the second time that day and a smile appears on her face. “Uh oh…. That’s cruel.” She says as she sees a house tagged with and the word in red spray paint. 

“Want to make another bet?” Jessica says suggestively. Taeyeon knows the girl’s just messing with her as she hands the phone back. “You should delete that.”

“I know.” The cold girl makes sure every picture she took of the house is deleted.

“So, what’s your alibi?” Taeyeon questions the girl who is now seated on one of the sides of her bed. “Help with homework and for a test coming up in Calculus.” Taeyeon can’t help but smile all too knowingly.

“What about Tiffany?” Taeyeon asks.

“What about Tiffany?”

“She’s going to ask me about it.”

Jessica shrugs, “Like I said, help with homework and test.”

“So–––You want me to lie to her?”

“Wouldn’t be your first time, would it?” Jessica arches a perfectly sculpted brow.

Taeyeon frowns and lets out a frustrated sigh. “Fine. Take out your stuff.” In response, Jessica smugly smiles knowing that she ended up getting her way. The two girls ended up doing homework together, with Jessica asking questions to Taeyeon every so and so about an equation. Taeyeon still felt a little uncomfortable with having the girl in her room. Jessica did show up uninvited, and she’s also the second person who’s stepped into her room, Tiffany being the first. It took Tiffany several visits for her to finally see the inside of Taeyeon’s room.

Again, uncomfortable.

Jessica noticed Taeyeon fidget every once in awhile, but she didn’t voice anything over it. She was used to it. Boys would always fidget around her presence, and girls were just the same. She knew it had to do with her cold aura, and also because of the fact that she’s drop-dead gorgeous. It wasn’t anything new to her. 

As Jessica worked, she couldn’t help but steal a few glances at Taeyeon, noticing that there was something different about Taeyeon. The awkward girl still had the same angular yet sharp jaw, thin rosy lips, perfectly sculpted brows, small button nose, short blond hair that was always tucked under her right ear as she worked, and the very same dull brown eyes that annoyed the hell out of her. What was it about Taeyeon that seemed so different to her? Was it the fact that she wore a bit of eyeliner and mascara? No, that couldn’t be it. Taeyeon’s worn eyeliner and mascara before… And then Jessica thought it was weird that this awkward, anti-social girl at least had the decency of putting on some type of make-up. Most girls that were like Taeyeon didn’t. Jessica’s noticed the geeky girls before, she doesn’t really talk to them like she would with Riley, Kimmie, or Tiffany, but she’s noticed them. Taeyeon, in general, stuck Jessica as being odd. 

“Uh…” Taeyeon notices that Jessica’s been staring at her for a moment too long, “You have a question?” She starts to feel a little self-conscious as she fights a blush from forming. She doesn’t like when people make her feel a little too self-conscious. 

Jessica clears awkwardly and curses herself for letting herself get carried away in Lala Land for a moment too long. “Yeah,” She makes up an excuse about a question to divert Taeyeon’s attention from her once she starts feeling a blush forming from the center of her chest and slowly make its way up to her face. Just as Taeyeon’s about to explain, Jessica’s phone starts to ring, and the girl picks up the call.

It’s her younger sister Soojung asking where she is because some cops showed up at their house asking for her. Jessica tells her that she’s at her friend's house studying for a test that’s coming up and if the cops are still there. An officer ends up on the phone with Jessica, and Jessica puts her phone on speaker so that Taeyeon can confirm that she’s with Jessica studying at her house. The officer then asks for the address to confirm that they’re actually at the house, and he also asks at what time they started to study. Jessica answers, and the cop ends the call. 

“Do you have a hoodie that’ll fit me? Preferably not black or any dark color?” Jessica asks when she ends the call, getting up and quickly taking off the sweater she has on. As Taeyeon goes to her closet to get her a hoodie, Jessica quickly walks over to the sink and wets the front of her hoodie, leaving it hung up on a towel rack.

“Here,” Taeyeon says once Jessica has turned around. The quiet girl can feel her heart pumping a bit faster than the usual rate. 

“Thanks,” She slides on the hoodie over her white t-shirt, “Remember the alibi and don’t worry about them talking too much to you. They’ll ask some basic stuff, but they’ll most likely want to talk to me.” Jessica smoothes out some crinkles on the sweater as she speaks.

“Have you done this before?” Taeyeon asks.

“My dad’s the sheriff.” She says nonchalantly.

Taeyeon’s jaw drops at this. “Geeze, thanks for the heads up.”

Jessica smirks at this. “What? Scared I might have you in cuffs?” 

Taeyeon picks up the innuendo in Jessica’s smug voice and she knows she blushing, hard. “We should probably go downstairs and tell my mom about the cops. I don’t want her getting the wrong idea.” She quickly walks away awkwardly with a laughing Jessica following after her.

Mrs. Kim is in the living room watching television when both girls walk down. Taeyeon explains the situation at hand, and Sarah becomes a little worried. “Do you know why they want to talk to you, Jessica?”

Jessica shrugs. “Apparently someone tagged something on some girls house and they just want to verify that I’ve been here studying with Taeyeon.”

“Alright.” Mrs. Kim shows signs of being concerned about her daughter’s well-being. Taeyeon assures her that everything's fine. When the cops knock on the door, all three women go to the door. Jessica’s the one to answer since she knows that they’ll be asking for her. The cop asks a few question to all three women and then bids them all a good night. Once the cop walks away, Jessica gets a call from her dad and she walks into the kitchen to have a little more privacy. 

“Is that the same Jessica that threatened you?” Mrs. Kim asks once Jessica completely gone out of sight. 

“Hmm?” Taeyeon looks at her mom a little puzzled, “Oh, we’re cool now mom, just a little misunderstanding.”

Sarah lets out a tired sigh, “Okay...” She knows girl drama. Been there, done that.

Jessica ends the call, and she and Taeyeon go back up to the awkward girl's room. “Was that your dad?” Taeyeon asks as she sits back down on the floor where they were seated before the phone call. “Yeah, he just wanted to check up on me and made sure the stories added up. They’re going to keep an eye on me for a few days until they find out who it was, but I doubt they will.”

“That confident?”

Jessica shakes her head with a smile, “My dad’s the county sheriff, or did you forget?”

“What, did he send you to boot camp or something.?” Taeyeon joked.

“Or something.” The cold girl muttered, “They’re going to come up with the conclusion that it was some snot nose punk messing with her.”

Taeyeon stayed quiet, “Damn, remind me not to mess with you again.” Jessica laughs at this, “Take notes next time.” She winks at her, earning a shy smile from the other girl. It gets quiet for a moment too long as Taeyeon keeps her eyes on her homework, “How are you?” She manages to gather up the courage to finally ask the question that’s been on her mind all day. 

Brown eyes meet for a second before Jessica sighed and ran a hand through her silky locks, “Not as empty as I thought I would be. I guess…” She trails off as she starts to think about the past few weeks, “I guess I kind of expected it.” Taeyeon stays quiet as she listens to the pondering girl, “It kinda hasn’t been the same after thanksgiving break. He was… a little off after that, and I asked but he said everything was alright, and I… well, I thought that everything was….”

“You think he was cheating on you since then?” Taeyeon’s wary as asks.

Jessica nods. “Mark had a party, and you already know Britney was there… I think I know when it happened,” Memories flood Jessica’s mind, “Tiffany was talking to me and he went to go play beer pong, and then I couldn’t find him.”

Taeyeon sadly smiles, knowing all too well that from the moment that Jessica couldn’t find him, was the moment that her boyfriend was getting a little too friendly with Bitney. “What a ing .” It scares her in knowing that someone’s who’s been together with someone else for more than a year is able to cheat on him or her. She wonders if Tiffany and she ever get together, is it possible that either will cheat? She knows she wouldn’t be able to.

“ing is what she is.” Jessica hisses, angered by the events that went on earlier that day. “Do you know that her last name practically means when you have a for someone else.”

Taeyeon blinks several times before laughs, “What? Seriously?”

The once angered girl smiles and then smirks as she leans in closely to Taeyeon, mere inches away and whispers throaty and hoarse, “Why? Do you have a cohner for me Taeyeon?” Taeyeon freezes, her brain a scattered mess, throat gone dry as a deep shade of red forms across her face, “What?! NO!!!” She squeaks as she backs away from the other girl.

Jessica laughs so hard her face starts to turn red.  

“That’s not funny!” Taeyeon wails once she realizes Jessica was just messing with her.

Jessica keeps on laughing as the other girl pouts at her. As she tries to calm down, she wipes away the tears that escaped. “Oh, god.” She moans, “I needed that.” Taeyeon grumbles in response as she gets back to her homework. Jessica’s still smiling as she stares at the girl that she used to dislike so much, not believing that it’s the same girl she just couldn’t stand being around for not even a second.


Taeyeon hums, not taking her eyes off her book.

“Thank you.” Jessica genuinely says as she gets back to her own work.

Taeyeon pauses, eyes travel away from her book and to the light brunette that’s now doing her homework. Jessica has never thanked her. She nods her head, thinking it’s a little weird but dismisses it as she gets back to work. 


So, yes, Jessica's boyfriend did cheat on her with Britney. Yes, Jessica was the one who tagged on Britney's house with red spray paint. And Yes, this is a Taeny story and not a Taengsic. Jessica just got a moment in this chapter, it shows that the girls are getting along just how Tiffany wanted them to (not really)

Also, yes, Jessica is starting to notice Taeyeon, but remember this is a Taeny. Taeyeon has no feelings. Jessica on the other hand? *cough* sequel *cough* This will end Taeny, no Taengsic. I know I said I wouldn't talk about the sequel until the end, but there are already many signs that are showing, and some more will show on Jessica's part, but she won't act on them. 

Now, that that's finally out of the way. Next few chapter we'll be seeing Taeny interactions. I just wanted Taeyeon's character to develop more, along with Tiffany and Jessica. 

Other than that, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask. Comments are very much appreciated. 

Something to look forward to in the next few chapters:

Tiffany and Taeyeon finally getting together.

Tiffany still has to come out to her dad (I decided to wait on this)

Tiffany finding out about the scar

And Jessica confessing some things to Tiffany that makes Tiffany upset.


Alright, so I've already said too much about this story, but I wanted to give you guys a better picture of where this story is heading towards to.

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Chapter 40: I daresay ask for YulSic. I want Jessica to have her other half.
Chapter 31: Wow, grandfather and granddaughter bonding over their fascination with women, I have never heard of that before haha
justme09 #3
Chapter 47: gosh, TAENGSIC gave me the feels, srsly? I've read this for the umpteenth time, but damn! still gives me the feels. Author-nim could you please write an TaenSic story that flows like this feels?
1120 streak #4
Chapter 48: I think fany should know the truth earlier that later because it will hurt Taeny more and Taeng should be the one who reveal it to her first that she'll hear others tell her the truth... then authourssi please add someone for Jessie so that she'll not suffer anymore
Chapter 48: Author-nim can we have a pdf after you completed this fic? i wanna read it over again bcoz its just awesome! :D sooo can we? can we? pretty pleaseee~ *puppy eyes*
tipco09 #6
Chapter 48: I'm glad that Mr. Hwang is at least tolerant of TaeNy. For a while there, I was worried. Haha! I'm going to miss this story when it ends.
I wish the bathroom thing wouldnt come out until jessica has her bf or gf bec i dont want drama between taeny in here. I am usually drama lover but at some circumstances it should be avoided i think. Btw thanks for update...
taeny2403 #8
Chapter 48: I hope fany will find out about taengsic bathroom and taes house escapades lol..drama pls xD *peaceee
Chapter 48: poor jessica. give her some love
emma41sn #10
Chapter 48: Wow
So here i was
Thinking or moreof wishing that ther'll be more taengsic to come !!