Chapter 3 : First Meeting

The Coffee Love

The alarm rang at 8a.m. Yoona wake up and checks her phone. she saw, that she had a missed call from Tiffany. she put her phone at the dress up table and tied her hair. she look at the mirror " haih, why was my face like this?" she saw a big eyebag. she wants to find her concealer so she open the drawer. " yes, finally" she took out the concealer and she tried to apply it. when she wanted to open the concealer, she saw something " expiry date is on 10/10/2016 DD/MM/YYYY" she throw the concealer " aarrgh why, why you be expired now? haisshhh".then she go to the bathroom. while she shower, she find something is wrong. she wear her Brand Outlets shirt and her favourite jeans from h&m. she take her cap from the back door and she wear it " um this is better is guess". she closed her door and go to the dining room. she look around the house " where is she?. she is still sleeping or already go out?" she guess. she go the door and she saw krystal's shoes. she is curious and go to krystal's room. when she opened krystal's door she saw krystal is lying down without energy. she quickly go to krystal and asking what happenned " krystal, why are you like this?" yoona shaking krystal's body. "No, nothing. im just having a fever" krystal grabbed her blanket. yoona is greatful atfer she saw krystal. " dont go to work, just rest at home. i will tell the boss. no worries" Yoona is giving an offer to Krystal. " okay then. sorry i couldnt cook for you today" said krystal and she cough. " no im fine. i can eat outside and i will buy a panadol." said yoona before her leave krystal's room. yoona locked the house and she started to walk. she knows that all of the worker can go late so she go to 7-eleven to buy krystal's panadol then she eat at McDonalds. while she was eating, she listen to BTS's Blood Sweat & Tears. 


8:20 a.m.

she arrived at the cafe. she helped the other staff to set up. the fussy boss came and she introduce someone to Yoona " here is the new barista, she will work under you. please give her a help". the fussy boss leave them alone and the girl introduce herself  "hi, my name is Sooyeon. nice to meet you. please take care of me!" say the girl cutely. yoona smile " hhii my name is Yoona. make yourself comfortable. please excuse me for a second" yoona go to the boss " sorry miss, krystal cant come to the cafe today. she is sick." the fussy boss looked at yoona spaciously " she is very sick or what? asked her to come after recover. and why are you wearing a cap and mask?" the boss asked yoona because she look absolutely odd today." nothing. im scared if  i have infected by krystal hehe"say yoona to cover the reason why is she wearing like that.  the boss left yoona and she goes up stairs. Yoona smile because she taught the boss will scold her. on 8:30 a.m. she waited for other barista, she looked at the clock and the fussy boss came down " yoona! sooyeon!" she say loudly. they both quickly find her and they saw the boss is at the stairs " today, the other staff doesnt come. so both of you must do all the work. i think today there are not many customers since is going to rain soon. i will give both of you a raise" she went back home and there is only both of them at the cafe. yoona give order to sooyeon " sooyeon, if the customer is here, please take thier orders.". sooyeon shake her head. 


8:35 a.m. 

one woman went inside the cafe quickly because of the heavy rain. she put her umbrella at the entrance and dry her dress. the woman go to the counter to order " hi miss, give me one red tea and a piece of brownies" sooyeon quickly take her order while yoona is watching her and she say in her mind " its looked like me, when i first come here. heheh". after sooyeon takes the order, she gave yoona the receipt " unnie!" .  yoona take the receipt and do the drinks for the woman. she passed the drink to sooyeon after its done. " thank you miss, enjoy your meal!" says sooyeon excitedly. yoona watch her "sooyeon, good!" she shows thumbs up for sooyeon. not long after the woman entered the cafe, there is one guy who entered the cafe and go straight to the counter. sooyeon is so dumbfounded when she saw the guy and she said " omg that is L-oppa". yoona like usual, she doesnt realise. L came to the counter. he is wearing a black cap and a sweat shirt. " give me grande caramel macchiato with whipped cream". sooyeon who is very dumbfounded and she doesnt realise that L have been ordering a drink. L who is a very high temperature person, he shout at sooyeon. and yoona including the woman customer look at him. " what are you thinking about huh? dont you see im ordering here!? what staff are you?" he looked very angry. yoona who is very shock come near to sooyeon who started to crying. "shussh sooyeon. go back", sooyeon go to the pantry  while yoona is talking to L "why are you shouting at her like that?". this time, L is shock because he doesnt think that yoona will scold him back " why would you think i shouted at her huh? im ordering something and she is not hearing me. im a idol you know? im very busy. so now get my drink done!" L is very angry this time. Yoona quickly do his drink so that L will get lost from the cafe. L pay for his drink and yoona gives his change with angry. " here is your drink and your change." yoona give his change. L wanted to take that money and yoona still hold it " you say you are an idol right? so act like one!" she left the counter and get sooyeon. L who is very angry, he get out from the cafe. 

In this chapter -:

Krystal is sick, she couldnt go to work. yoona went to work and she have been introduced by the boss to one new girl worker. when the day rain, one guys who is L come to the cafe and get angry because the new worker is not being serious. yoona who is sunbae for sooyeon, cant stand to see L is scolding her. she ridicule L as an idol who is rude to people. 



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