Chicken Fight!

She's Mine!
Taecyeon's POV Me and Min were partners I couldn't help but smile. So I told her to get on my shoulders she refused at first. Then she remembered that we were playing a game. She climb on to my shoulders she wasn't heavy I could carry her all day. First it was Junsu and Junhyung vs Changsung and Wooyoung. Junsu carried Junhyung on his shoulders and Changsung carried Wooyoung. At first I thought Wooyoung was going to win but he ended up falling in the water. Then it was me and Min vs Nichkhun and Junho. Nichkhun carried Junho and I thought we were going to lose but I held on to Min. I guess Min found Junho's tickle spot and he fell into the water. Then I was us vs Junsu and Junhyung. We were almost winning but for some reason Min fell in the water. "MIN!" I yelled and I helped her out of the pool. "Are you okay?" I asked carrying her ^Yeah Oppa I'm fine I can walk.^ I put her down and Junhyung came by her side. "Yah! Min! Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" He looked worried I held my anger in. ^Yeah Oppa I'm fine. I want to go home now we've been here for two hours already.^ Then she headed to the changing room she was trying to hide the fact the she was limping. I could see that she was hurt I was going to follow her to the changing room but I know she would be creeped out. Everyone was dress and headed out to the car and I didn't see Min. "Hey guys I gotta get something in the changing room stay here." I ran to the girls changing room to check if she was still in there. I knocked first of course and I hear Min calling for help. ^Someone help me!^ Then I walked in the room finding Min on the floor still in her swim suit. "Yah Min! Are you okay? What hurts?" ^I can't walk my ankle hurts. I hit it hard on the wall of the pool when I fell earlier.^ she said in pain. "I knew it! Okay let's just stay calm. What do you want me to do?" ^I need to change. You can't look at me. Okay how about you get my clothes and you turn around while I change I'll use your shoulder to keep me up?^ "Ahhaso." I got her clothes and turned a around. "Do you need any help?" ^ No it's okay Oppa I got it. I'll be done soon.^ 2 minutes passed and she was finally done changing. ^Thanks Oppa I thought you guys had already left me.^ she smiled "I would never leave you Min." I looked into her eyes and brought her closer to me and kissed her. I couldn't take it anymore. After I let go of the kiss I was too embarrassed to look at her. "Sorry!" I could see she was blushing ^I-its o-okay.^ she said looking down "Well let's go out to the car soon. Are you ready?" ^Y-yes Oppa^ "You can't walk get on my back."  ^N-nneehhh^ we walked to the car with her on my back. Junhyung was waiting outside the car. "Yah Min are you okay? Why are you on his back?" ^I'm okay Oppa Taecyeon Oppa is carrying me because in tired.^ she lied "Alright let's go home!" I said 
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RisikaBlack #1
cute story ^^ can't wait to read more
2100gv #2
wow! what a lucky min!<br />
two guys who seems like her!<br />
aigoo..okay, jealous again!
2100gv #3
aww! cuteee!!<br />
update!<br />
keep it up
2100gv #4
waiting!!! :D