This Is It!

She's Mine!
Taecyeon's POV: I dropped everyone home except for Min I dropped her off last. Were in the car and it's silent then she asks ^Oppa can I turn on the radio?^ "Sure." Then she the radio and plugged in her iPod to the tape that was connected to the tape player. The song that was playing was a song that I would dedicate to Min. True by Ryan Cabrara the lyrics just says it all if me and Min were together this would be our song. I would want it to be our song I was just drivin then she talked again. ^Oppa^ she said "Wea?" ^I was just wondering why did you kiss me earlier?^ she said looking down. I stopped in front of her house. "Is it not obvious?" ^What is Oppa?^ she looked like she has no idea. "I like you a lot. Can't you see it Min?" She blushed and looked down I placed my hands on her cheeks and pulled her face up. "It's ok if you don't feel the same way I can wait." She looked at me and smiled. ^Oppa^ she said sweetly "What is it?" ^I have been meaning to tell you this but I wanted to wait a little long but since you said it first I guess I can say something too. I thought you were handsome that day we met in the lunchroom and ever since I liked you. That day you asked for my name.^ she smile "Chincha?!" ^Neh^ "So it wouldn't be to much if I asked you to be mine?" ^No.^ she gave me her cute smile. I kissed her forehead "Now I can finally call you mine. This was a great plan" I smiled ^What plan Oppa?^ she raised her eye brow. "The only reason my I went to you house was to see you and make you mine." She slapped my arm. "Come on let's go inside your ankle must be hurting. Just stay there I'll carry you inside." I went to her side and I carried her in my arms. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and she rested her head on my shoulder. ^Thanks Oppa^ "For what baby?" ^For going back for me and carrying me.^ she kissed my cheek ^Jankan man^ "Wea?" ^Did you just call me baby?^ "Yeah. Why you don't like it?" ^Ani I love it!^ "Your so silly baby" ^Yah! you like this silly baby^ she her tongue out.  I set her down on her couch and went to go get some ice. "Does it still hurt?" ^Yeah a lot^ she pouted so cutely "Yah don't pout." ^Weayo?^ she continued "I'm going to die of a cuteness attack" I joked "Do you think your going to be able to walk tomorrow?" ^I can't say^ "Okay. I'll stay here and take care of you. Don't worry okay baby? I'll be here" I smiled and kiss her forehead. ^Oppa^ "Wea? Is something wrong?" ^I'm hungry^ she chuckled "Let's just order pizza because I can't cook" I said rubbing the back of my neck we ordered pizza and it took a while for the guy to get here. When he finally came I recognized the face. "Hey don't I know you?" I asked him. "A-ani" he said "Yeah I do. You Yoseob! Min's bestfriend!" I pulled him into the house. "Baby look who's our pizza guy." She looked and her face just brightened up. ^Oppa! Where have you been? I missed you! Can you come over here and give me a hug because I can't walk.^ he smiled and walked slowly over to her. "I missed you to Min. Jankan man why can't you walk?! Are you okay is it serious?!" ^ Oppa I'm okay I just hurt my ankle really bad and I can't walk on it.^ she smile cutely ^Oppa why don't you stay here and eat with us?^ "I have to get back to work and plus I'm not even hungry" ^I'll just call your boss. Your boss loves me. Oppa I know you never turn down food. And plus it looks like you're getting skinnier. Jebal? Neh? For me?^ "Ahhaso" ^Yessss!^ She raised her arms in victory. The rest of the night was perfect even though our alone time got interrupted because of me but I'm glad Min is happy. She probably hasn't seen Yoseob since the day in the lunch when she introduced me. Anyway I can believe it me and Min now! Wish us luck! 
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RisikaBlack #1
cute story ^^ can't wait to read more
2100gv #2
wow! what a lucky min!<br />
two guys who seems like her!<br />
aigoo..okay, jealous again!
2100gv #3
aww! cuteee!!<br />
update!<br />
keep it up
2100gv #4
waiting!!! :D