
She's Mine!

The next day I still had school I woke up the same time. I got dressed and ate my breakfast as usual then headed to the bus. The bus took us to school and I had to go to the lunch room again because I didnt have a final for that period. I went in the lunch room and I didnt find anyone that I knew so I just sat at a random table. I took out my Ipod and listened to some music. I was just minding my own business then I notice I wasnt alone. I looked up it was the guy that sat next to me in the empty seat. *He's so dreamy!!!!!*


Taecyeon's POV:

I saw her sitting in the lunch room alone so I decided to go up to her. "Hey, sorry I never got your name." ^Excuse me?^ She took out the headphones out  of her ears. "Oh I said sorry I never got your name yesterday. What is it?" She chuckles a little ^Its Min^ "Oh. Well I'm Taecyeon. What year are you born?" ^1992. You?^ "Oh! I'm older than you. Call me Oppa from now no. Okay?" ^Okay! Oppa!^ She smiled happliy at me. We kept talk and getting to know each other then some guy interupted us. He just came up and interupted my great conversation with Min.

Yoseob's POV: 

I just came because were aloud to go to school late at these times. I went into the lunch room to look for Min I found her but she wasn't alone. It was that guy from yesterday that sat next to her. I could feel a pain in my heart knowing that she totally doesn't notice every clue I'm giving her. I walked over to them and totally interupted them. "Hey! Min!" ^Oh! Hey Oppa! When did you get here?^ "Just right now. Who are you talking to?" ^Oh. Oppa This is Taecyeon. We're friends now.^ "Oh. I see." *She's so cute when she's happy and smiling I wish I could see her like this everyday.*


Min's POV:

It got a little awkward after Yoseob Oppa came it seem like he didn't likeTaecyeon Oppa. Then bell rang that means it was time for my final I'm so not ready for any of it. I went to class and I notice that 2 guys of Taecyeon's friends are in my class one didn't even look Korean. The other one he looked cute and shy, like he wouldn't even be friends with those guys. We took our final and everyone was talkinkg after they finished then both of them came up to me. "Hey I'm Nichkhun and this is Wooyoung. And you name is?"

I couldn't talk for a second because I was stunned by their features. They have muscles, handsome faces, and nice smiles. I cleared me throat and spoke. ^M-mmy name is Min.^ I smile at them. "Oh. Your cute. How come this is the like the first time I've seen you in this class?" Nichkhun asked. ^Oh, because I kinda of moved classes recently.^ Nichkhun was about to say something but the bell rang. ^Oh. Well its was nice meeting the both of you but I got to go.^ "Bye!" They said at the same time.

I walked slow to me locker because I didn't want to take the bus. I was planning on walking home I was almost at my locker and I saw Taecyeon Oppa. I could feel myself smiling and feeling excited. ^Omo! Hi Oppa! What are you doing here? Are you waiting for me?^ "Hey Min. If I wasn't here I would have already been home. What took you so long?" ^Oh. I didn't want to take the bus so I walked slowly.^ "Ahh. Do you want to go out to eat? With me? I'm kind of hungry." He smiled brightly. 

^Umm. Sure but I'm not that hungry.^ "Oh. Do you want to do something before we eat?" ^Like what?^ "We could go to the arcade, or unless you don't want to?" ^The arcade I love the arcade. I dont even remember when was the last time I went!^ "Really? Your the first girl I know that like these kinds of places. Usually they dont like it because its stuffy and sweaty." ^Well I'm not like that I love going to the arcade.^

We were walking out of the building and out towards the gate but Taecyeon Oppa pulled me back. "Where are you going? My car is in the parking lot" ^Huh? I thought we were going to take the bus.^ "No way." He pulled me closer and put his arm around my shoulders. I could feel myself blushing. I heard him chuckle. We got in to his car and drove off the the arcade.

We got there it wasn't really full i could see the no one was standing at my favorite game so I pulled Taecyeon Oppa towards it. "You sure you wanna play this?" ^Yeah its my favorite game. My dad and I play it all the time when we go to the arcade.^ He looked kind of surprised becuase it was shooting game. "Okay! Let's Play!

I grabbed the gun and started shooting at the zombies I even got the one that Taecyeon Oppa didn't shoot at. Everytime me and my dad would play this I would memorize where the zombies were at. I could tell the taecyeon was shocked but he was as good as I was. ^You play this game too?^ "Yeah. Its one of my favorites. Your good at this game." ^You'll be surprised at what I can do.^ "Ooooo I'm sooo scarred." ^Yah! You should be!^ We were shooting at one of the bigg monsters and that's when Taecyeon Oppa's guy died. 

"Wow! Yours is still alive? You must love this game?" ^Yeah I do.^ I wasn't paying attentio because Taecyeon Oppa distracted me and I died. ^Aww I died.^ "Its okay you played well." I turn around and their was a bunch of guy loooking at me. It was like the never seen a girl in an arcade before. "Yah! How do you do that you played so good." one guy said ^Oh that? Me and my dad always played this game and it's my favorite.^ "Can you go out with me?!" a different guy yell. ^Ahhhh. My dad said I'm not allowed to date until I finish school^ I lied They kept asking question, question after question.

Then I guess Taecyeon Oppa got tired of it so he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the arcade. When we were far enough we stopped walking. "Are you hungry now?" ^Yeah let's go eat.^ We went to eat at a fast food place and ate our food. After we ate we decide that we should go home. Taecyeon Oppa started to drive home towards my house. I took out my keys so I wouldn't have to later. i knew it would be awhile till we got there so I fell asleep.


Taecyeon's POV:

I was driving and I noticed Min was really quite the light turned red. I look over at her and found out she was sleeping. I didnt brothe her she was probably tired. I finally got to her house so I got out of the car and walked over to the other side. I open the door and tired to wake her up but I guess she was really tired. I took her keys in my hand and carefully carried her in my arms to her door. She wasn't heavy it was easy for me, I sucessfully opened the door. Then I placed her softly on her bed upstairs and tucked her in her blacket. She looked so cute and peacefull almost like an angel. I gave her a light peck on her forehead and I found myself staring at her again. 

It sounded like she was having a nightmare so I woke her up. ^Oh. Oppa What are you doing here? How did you get inside?^ "You fell sleep and you had your keys out. I tried to wake you up but you didn't. So I just carried you here." ^Ohhh. Hehe I must be heavy. Thanks for waking me upp. You can go home now.^ "Oh well. Can I have your number, just in case if you need anything just call." ^Sure Oppa!^ We exchanged numbers and I left to go home. 

*Today was a good day, I got to spend time with her. She's so cute, I wish she could be mine. but we just barely met so I should just wait.*



















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RisikaBlack #1
cute story ^^ can't wait to read more
2100gv #2
wow! what a lucky min!<br />
two guys who seems like her!<br />
aigoo..okay, jealous again!
2100gv #3
aww! cuteee!!<br />
update!<br />
keep it up
2100gv #4
waiting!!! :D