
She's Mine!

Taecyeon's POV: 

I want to know more about Min we dont have school for 2 weeks so I should just ask her to hang out. I took out my phone and called her.

"Hey Min, you want to hang out today? Maybe go to the park?"

^Sure! Oppa!. You want to meet up now at the park by my house?^

"Sure. I'll be there in 5 minutes."

^Okay Oppa I'll wait.^

After I got off the phone with her I sprayed some colone on and got changed. Then I went to my car so I could drive to Min's house. I got there she wasn't there so I called her. "YAH! Min. Where are you? I'm here at the park." ^Oh. Sorry Oppa I'll be there soon. I looked around the park to see if I could find a place to hide so I could scarr Min. I hid behind the slide once I saw her coming.

^Yah! Oppa. Are you here?^ I came up from behind her and grabbed her waist. ^AHHHHHHHHH! Let Go Of Me!!!^ She screamed. "Its okay is only me." ^Oh. Oppa you scarred me.^ She started to cry. "Aww. Sorry if I knew you were going to be that scarred i should have not done it" I brought her into my chest and hugged her tightly. "Sorry Min I should have not done that" I kissed her forehead to see if she would feel better. I could see that she was blushing she was trying to hide it from me.

"What are you trying to hide?" ^M-mme? W-wwhhat would I hide?^ She blushed even more and hid her face into my chest. "Are you okay now?" She sniffled and nodded ^Lets go on the swings Oppa!^ She ran to the swings "Yah! be careful! You might fall!" I yelled. ^Oppa can you push me?^ "Sure."

She got on the swing she looked so happy. ^Oppa! Hurry up and push me!^ She said cutely "Arraso" I got behind her and pushed her. ^Weeeee! This is so fun! i havent been on a swing in along time.^ "How long?" ^I don't know. Ever since my parents are awlays working they never took me. The last time I went to the park was the first time I went. One of the happiest days of my life.

"Oh. So This is you second time going to the park? Ever?" ^Nehh. My parents didn't have time and I wasn't really aloud out. My parents didn't want me to got out they think that someone will kiddnapp me or something. "Oh. Well today we could stay here as long as you want!" ^Yay! Thanks Oppa.^

She got off the swing and we started to walk around the park. Then a really cold wind came I could see she was cold she didn't have a jacket or sweater. "You're cold aren't  you?" She nodded. I smiled then I put her back to my chest and hugged her. 

^Yah! Oppa! What are you doing?^ "I'm just keeping you warm. I dont want you to get sick." ^Oh.^ She was blushing then she turned around and hugged me back. She started to giggle ^Oppa This makes me warm. Thank you!^ "No problem. Hey why dont we go get some hot chocolate?" ^Sounds good.^ "Okay my treat."

We wobbled to car car so she could stay warm. We got in and drove to the nearest cafe. We walk through the door and I see Wooyoung and Nichkhun. "Hey Min let's go say hi to them." She nodded. "Hey! Nichkhun, hey Wooyoung!" "Hey" they said at the same time. "What are you guy doing here?" Nichkhun asked.


Min's POV:

"What are you guys doing here?" Nichkhun asked. ^We're getting hot chocolate^ I smiled. "Oh. Really? You guys should sit with us." ^Okay. I sat next to Wooyoung and Taecyeon Oppa sat in front of me nexxt to Nichkhun. "I'll get the drinks. Do you want anything else?" ^Annni^ Taecyeon Oppa left to get the drinks.

"You can call us Oppa too." Wooyoung said. ^Okay Oppas^ I smiled at them. "Yah Min are you dating Taecyeon?" ^Nehhh?! Anni! We're just friends. We just barely met. You guy never saw me before and that day I went up to your table was the first time I've ever seen Taecyeon Oppa.^ "Ahh. Really?" Wooyoung Oppa asked. ^Nehh.^

Taecyeon Oppa came back with the drinks. "Here you go Min." ^Thank you!^ "You are really cute. Can you be my little sister?" Nichkhun Oppa asked. I blushed ^Thanks. Sure Oppa.^ "She even more cuter when she blushes!" Wooyoung Oppa ^Stop talking about me^

"They're just teasing Taecyeon oppa said." ^whatever^ I puffed my cheeks. "Omo! That was too cute!" Wooyoung Oppa said. "Okay. Okay. Stop it we all knoe she's cute." Nichkhun Oppa said ^Thank you^ I said a little annoyed. "So. Min. Have you had any boyfrineds before?" Wooyoung Oppa asked

I almost choked on my hot chocolate. ^Umm. Yeah. But I dont count them as my boyfriends.^ I said looking down. "Why not?" ^Well Because I didn't want to be in the relationship so I was forced^ "Really? How do you force someone tobe your girlfriend even though you say no?" ^Well I like the guy buy he didnt like me and when I got over him. Thats when he asked me out. His friend and some of my friend were peer pressuring me to go out with him. So I couldn't say no I had no say in it at all.^

"Oh I see." Wooyoung Oppa said. ^What about you guys? Have you ever or have a girlfriend?^ "I'm going to marry her when we're finished with school." Nichkhun Oppa said proud of his answer. "Yeah, but I don't like to talk about it." Taecyeon Oppa said. "No" Wooyoung Oppa said plainly

^Okay. Nichkhun Oppa who is the girl your going to marry? Wooyoung Oppa Really? no wonder why your so inoccent.^ "Her name is Victoria." Nichkhun Oppa said. "Yeah. Its sad but true." Wooyoung Oppa said. "Well we should get you home." ^Oh. Yeah. Are you guys hungry? Do want to eat at my house?^

"Wouldn't your parent be mad?" Taecyeon Oppa asked. ^Hmm No. My parents are never really around so its okay^ "That's good enough for me. Leggo!" Wooyoung Oppa said

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RisikaBlack #1
cute story ^^ can't wait to read more
2100gv #2
wow! what a lucky min!<br />
two guys who seems like her!<br />
aigoo..okay, jealous again!
2100gv #3
aww! cuteee!!<br />
update!<br />
keep it up
2100gv #4
waiting!!! :D